January Rotation 1/3/05

Running is what I usually do on my weight days, too! It works out well and I can make the run whatever length I need to, to fit in with my weights and the time limit I will be on for the day.

RE: Sandra!

Yikes-- the postage! I completely forgot in the holiday rush. I'll take care of that later today (gotta go run errands right now).

Re: the tag line, if you're talking about my new 2005 keep-me-honest tag ;-), I just went into my Cathe profile and at the end of my signature I put in a line break (I just hit "ENTER") after the end of my little guys gifs) and then I typed in the "2005..." words. At the beginning of that phrase I put a tag command for green (you do that by putting the words "font color=green" -- no quote marks, I'm just using them to separate for you the exact words I typed -- inside brackets) and then at the end of the phrase I put a tag command to end the color command (you do that by putting the words and character "/font color" inside brackets). Easy as pie!

Gotta run -- look for a PayPal e-mail from me later today!

P.S. I completed my planned workout of Cardio Kicks followed by the CTX Kickbox arm drills and the CTX Kickbox planks and abs work. It ran a little longer than I like -- I try to keep to an hour, roughly -- but felt great!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 3/365[/font color] :)
I will be doing SJP tonight after work. I might try that push pull afterwards, we'll see how I feel?? I got a new treadmill and it will be here on Wednesday. I'm very excited about that because I'm an evening/night runner and it's soooooo cold here right now, especially at night!
bjbowers: what kind of treadmill did you get. Mine is sick right now. It works when it wants to and I hate to go to the gym right now.

let me know, please? anyone else have a Treadmill? what kind do you have? I need to invest in a good one.

take care:)
I have a treadmill. It is a Gold's Gym Advantage. I am pleased with it. It wasn't terribly pricely and it seems to be good enough quality for us. It has automatic incline and preprogrammed programs (that I never use!)It gets used every day by at least one of us, so it is holding up well. We got it at Dick's Sporting Goods last year. I would be lost without my treadmill!

I did Legs and Glutes today. I certainly felt this. I was thinking as I was doing this workout this morning that this one is tougher than Leaner Legs. I guess I'll know for sure later in the January rotation....


I got the ProForm XP 542S from Sears. I tried it out in the store and really liked it. It has Pro Shox to help absorb impact. I was hoping that they had it in stock, but they said they've been selling nothing but treadmills lately!
Ciao tutti!

Today was day one of the January rotation for me too - SJP. It is not one of my favs as I have to really push myself to get psyched for hi/lo, but alas it is done and I felt like I had a good workout.

Til tomorrow,

I did SJP today. Those low end squats really kill me!!! I ran out of time and so I skipped two of the step sections which is too bad as I enjoy them more than the hi low. This will be the first time I try to follow one of Cathe's rotations--wish me luck!
Good evening all- sounds like everyone had a great day today!

Today is Day 1 of the Jan. rotation but I actually was able to go to the gym (hubby was able to watch kids) so I took a Spin class instead of KP&C. I LOVE to spin but boy does it make my legs feel like rubber when I get off the bike !!

Tomorrow I plan on doing KP&C as I don't have SJ&P.

Anyway, have a great night all!

Wow, this thread is getting long.I just finished a 45 min interval run so thats 2 workouts today.Hopefully everyday will go this good!
Today is the first day of the Jan. rotation for me. I did SJP without the hi/lo, just didn't have the stomach for it!! I also did the abs and forgot just how hard this section isx( }( !!
I started cathe's Jan rotation on Jan 1st. I am done with my 3dr day today. So far I have done following:

Mon LL

This is my first time following any rotation. I really like the variety in this rotation too. I am having too much fun. I will be doing PUB tomorrow.

Good luck everyone.....

bj and Linda:
thanks for your replies on the Tm...will check them both out and make my decision.

I'm not surprise about the stores selling Tms right now. I think it's the best cardio equipment on the market right now. I like the ET as well, but I don't think it's as good as a TM..
thanks again!!

take care:)

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