Wouldn't it be great if someone had a pregnant modifier in their workout videos who ran off to the bathroom every 20 minutes? 'We'll be doing plyo jacks, and Sally will skip these and go empty her pea-sized bladder!'![]()
Roz, you should definitely post this suggestion in the "Suggestion for Next Videos/DVDs" section of the forum.
I like your suggestions for RK, Udaya, and also Senior Fit Live. I'm already modifying workouts, of course, but it is become more and more apparent that the intensities are going to probably have to decrease even further in several weeks. I've been trying to come up with lists of go-to workouts for that time so any and all suggestions are appreciated! Besides, I've always been an old soul at heart--I'm talking like a preference to watch Murder She Wrote over Sex & the City (or any other trendy, hip show)--so Senior Fit Live would be a perfect match for me.
It's awesome to hear that you are actually enjoying your Meso 2 workouts. It's the best when your workouts don't come with any dread factor at all! Way to listen to your body and prevent back injury, and I totally know what you mean about being wiped after Meso 2 UB workouts. I felt like I could always do a little something-something more after the Upper Body Meso 1 and Meso 3 workouts, but not so much with Meso 2.
Today I couldn't help myself and had to play with Cathe's latest Live workout. I'm seriously loving these minimal equipment endurance leg workouts. Such wonderful variety, providing for a nice leg burn and a cardio factor as well! And this workout is especially unique because it's just Cathe (although the reason WHY this happened is definitely unfortunate). I'm seriously stoked for Cathe One-on-One (I know those are going to be shorter training sessions, but still it is so fun to feel like Cathe's there just for you).
I'm not sure if I rue the day or cherish the day when Speculoos entered my life. I love baking with it, but I think my top choice for consumption is spoon-into-mouth! I have to admit that during my earliest days of this pregnancy there were times when the only thing I could fathom eating were spoonfuls of Cookie Butter so I had a short period of time where I polished off a jar all by myself in a matter of a few days! Not doing that anymore, but I do still adore the stuff!
Have a terrific Friday! I know what you mean about being a SAHM and how all the days blur together! Hugs!