January 08 Rotation Check in

Thanks for the welcomes all! Kathy, that's a good idea to rotate the pushups and tricep dips. I can do about 15 of each, then I'm toast! I rest a bit and do the rest in bunches of 5 or 10. I'm hoping doing this bonus burn as often as possible will finally help with these "bat wings" I have!!

Today I did Step, Jump, and Pump. I enjoyed it much more than Cardio Kicks. I did the bonus lunges, all the push ups and 1/2 the tricep dips. I did all the ab work at the end of SJP, so I figure I'll do the other 200 later tonight with the other 20 tricep dips. I think Imax3 is up for tomorrow - I have to check the rotation. I might be subbing that one with Imax2. I tried 3 once and about died!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
I'm Back!

A little bit about myself... I'm 44, and live in Massachusetts. I have 3 boys, 12, 8 and 6. I'm also an RN, and work weekend nights only (have Monday through Friday off). Very convenient for my workouts!! I love it! (most of the time).

I lost 95 lbs from 2002-2003. This was after having all of my boys, and keeping on most of the baby weight from them (well, continuing to eat like i was pregnant didn't help!!). I followed Weight Watchers Flex , and about 3 months into decided to get out my Step and some old Step tapes. (Kathy Smith, Kathy Koehler (anyone ever do her? God, I loved her workout w/the 3 celebrities) and , believe it or not, CHER's STEP TAPE!! LOL!). From then on , I was hooked. I've advanced my workouts over the next 5 years, presently loving Cathe!! I have a HUGE collection of workout DVDs!!

So, anyhow, I just finished IMAX 3!! I've done this maybe twice before, since purchasing it. So i'm not totally familiar with all the moves. For some reason, I really like it!! I don't think I did it as high intensity as I do the other Imaxes, because I don't know the moves. So my HR didn't get up as high as it does with 2 or 1. I do keep my step on the 6 inch height though. The music is fun, and , I love the jumps!! Especially the one where you're straddling the step and start with 'straddle down, jump up' and advance to 'jumping jacks on & off the step'!! WOO HOO!! Isn't it crazy??

My plan is to do the bonus burn this afternoon. Gosh, I'm not sure if I can crank out 200 crunches though! Maybe I'll split them up on and off the ball.

I also got the Perfect Push Up handles for Christmas! I've done some push ups on the, but not 40! That should be interesting too! I'm excited, but afraid, all at the same time!!

Last night I did Step Jump and Pump. Wow. She does a great ab workout at the end. I am really feeling my abs after doing the Bonus Burn for the last 4 days.
Did Imax 3 this morning. The sweat was flying. I am substituting three 2 minute pushup routines throughout the day using the Perfect Pushup things. I do 20 push ups each time. And man are they tough. I feel so much more in my abs,arms,shoulders, and back when using them.
Today my kids and I are going swimming for 2 hours. I will be doing laps for the whole time. Should be interesting to see if my arms have anything left after all the pushups and dips I have been doing.
Chris, let us know what you think of the Perfect Pushups. I had my husband give them a try. He could really feel the difference too.
God bless,
ps. I weighed myself for the first time since December 30th. I was visiting a family out of town for the last four days and couldn't weigh myself. I was hoping to not have gained. To my surprise I lost 1/2 a pound.
Hi to all you Jan Rotation followers!

Hi Kathy: Not getting in my workouts lately. Just too darn busy driving DH to and from different doctors. Took him this morn to have his knee checked again by a doc covering his reg phys. He directed him to go see the orthopedic doc right away. So I am here just sitting and waiting around.

I am probably going to call it quits for now on the exercise plan for this month. I am just too far behind you all. I will check-in now and then to see how you are doing.

Hello to Veronika...former BFL Challenger! :) How have you been?

Good luck to you all with this Rotation! BBNM or so. Heidi:D
HI everyone!!

Heidi: Please check back with us. We would still love to hear from you and hear how you are doing..

Heather: Congrats on that weight loss. I am going to weigh in next Friday when I am clean eating for a little while. RIght now TOM is upon me and that bloats me a little..That is a great ab routine at the end of SJP. It was killing me today...

Chris: Wow, great weight loss you have accomplished. Welcome to our group. I need some of your inspiration. I have about 10 pounds to loose and it has been tough. Clean eating is the hardest for me. I do well for a while and then I splurge!! UGH..I haven't heard of that one tape you mentioned. I started out with The FIRM and Kathy Smith and I had one Jane Fonda years ago..Imax 3 does have some tricky footwork in the step portions. I have done it several times and there are still parts that get me confused..

Joanne: I am doing the bonus stuff later too. I was pooped out after SJP..It has really helped me to split up the bonus burn stuff. I usually do all the back lunges. Then I do 20 pushups, 20 dips and 100 crunches and repeat.

Veronika: Hi and welcome..Glad you could join our check in. No, I haven't done the BFL challenge. Sounds interesting though.

Hi to anyone I missed..

Checking in today with Step, jump & pump...I will add the bonus burn later. To tired to do it with SJP!!!

Have a great day!!
hello people,
I did get my cardio in today and PLB.I have decided to check in on another thread since I've changed my mind on how I was going to workout. Heidi,I'm glad to hear from you again and I hope you can come back and do this challenge.I'm starting late also at the other thread but I started today. Keep on going y'all.
Hi Heather...

I did end up doing the Bonus Burn this afternoon. It wasn't *too* bad! I started with the 40 push ups on the Perfect Pushups. I did them on my knees! Is that how you do them, or on your toes? Anyhow, I really feel like I'm using my arms and outer chest ALOT, and I'm also able to go all the way down. Pretty cool , and I did get out 40 of them!!

I was going to do 1/2 of the crunches on the floor, and 1/2 on the ball, but I ended up doing all 200 (!!!) on the floor. Probably not the best thing to do, but my mind started wandering, and before I knew it , they were done!

Hi Kathy!

Thanks! I had alot of inspiration to lose those 95 lbs... I was turning 40 that next year, and didn't want to be "old" (not so old now that I'm 44!!) and "fat"! I got so into Weight Watchers and obsessed a bit about counting points. I even counted all of my husband's points and made all his meals! I still count points! But, in the past 2 years, I've gained back about 10 of those 95 lbs. Right now, I really want to lose 7. It's tough. The eating, now, is also the hardest for me!! It's exactly as you said... I eat great for a bit, and then all goes to hell. It was mostly happening on the weekends, when I work. I would use food to replace lost sleep, and to medicated my 'stress'. But I do love chocolate. One thing that has helped me the last few months is, I started on the Pill. I was getting TERRIBLE PMS. It has gotten so much worse as I've gotten older. I was a wicked witch, plus I'd eat the house before my period. My GYN offered the pill for me. It's Loestrin-24. that has helped immensely with my mood swings. And with PMS eating...

So anyhooo... my biggest challenge is eating clean on the weekends. I'm trying to start with Saturdays, and keeping Sunday as is, for now. Once I get Saturdays under control, I'll work on Sundays.

Working out is the easiest part! I absolutely love it and am addicted to it!! LOL! And I LOVE Cathe!!

Hi Kathy,

Thanks, I will check-in periodically. :)

Things just keep getting better with my DH's knee problems.x(
He now has to go in on Mon for surgery to re-due all that has been done. The orthopedic did something wrong and has to check it out. He also went to remove the stitches and broke off the ends so now he can't even remove them the normal way. Geesh what an idiot!

I wish my DH would have his reg doc there to oversee the surgery. I would feel alot better about the whole thing if it were a different surgeon all together.

Have you ever seen the shows on medical mystery or medical mishaps? This should be one of the horror stories added to these!

Anyway...cooking dinner. I might get in a run later.
Take care all...Heidi
Hi All!

Checking in for Saturday's workout!

I did Muscle Max this morning. MM is actually one of my newer DVDs, and this was the first time I did the entire thing (have done premixes before).

It was good! I really liked how she went quickly from one muscle group to another. The squats in the beginning were the hardest! And the plie squats with the dumbbell. Other than those, I like this workout ALOT and didn't moan too much!

I still have to work in the Bonus Burn this afternoon.... It's harder for me to motivate myself after noontime. But it is only about 10 minutes, so I can do it!!!

I have to work overnight tonight...that always stresses me out, for many different reasons, and today is usually my bad day for eating. I have to really pull it out of my 'hat' to eat well today!!!

Hope everyone is having a good day!

HI Chris,
Wow. 40 pushups on the perfect pushups. I am impressed. I have been tryig to do the routine that came with them. But I thought I would skip the off days. Well, I have now reconsidered because I am losing good form. My arms and chest need more recovery time. Saturday is my day off. So I am resting today and will do Muscle Max tomorrow. I will begin again with day 1 of the Perfect Pushups routine doing 8,6,4,2 within 2 minutes (one set regular, one set, wide, and one set narrow spaced throughout the day). And I will make sure I take every other day off from push ups.
Because of working out with Cathe I am able to do them on my toes. But 4 months ago they were all on my knees.
Hope everyone has fun with Muscle Max.
God bless,
HI ladies:

Checking in today with Imax 3 and I did the bonus burn too.

Chris: MM is a tough workout. It is pretty new to me too. I have only done it maybe 3 times. I remember being sore from that one..Have a good night at work. Hope you can keep your eating in check. Drinks lots of water!! I will sometimes chew gum to keep from eating bad..

Heather: Good job with the pushups. I still have a hard time. I can do a few only my toes and then I go to the knees...I am still working on it though!!

Have a great day ladies!!
Hi to all,

How are you all doing today? Just checking in to see how things are going.

I got in my workout this morning! Yeah!!! Something at least. :)

I did the Muscle Max DVD. After not really exercising for 2 weeks I felt really weak doing the leg portion. But I pushed through it and made it doing the whole workout to the end. Even the ab workout was tough for me.

Kathy: To keep you up to date on DH...he is suppose to have his knee operated on again tomorrow. My guess is that the ortho doc thinks he left something in there.:( He's just not saying it outloud. After my DH told him he would consult with his primary doc...his nurse called to move up his appointment. Does this signal that he doesn't want my DH to have a chance to see his reg doc? I wonder.....
He is going to see the reg doc anyway and tell the ortho doc that he is holding off on the surgery until after seeing his doc first.
I think my DH should ask for another ortho specialist.

How is everyone doing today? Do you have a workout in mind or is it a rest day for you?

Hope you have a great day. BBL Heidi :)
Hi Everyone,

Did Muscle Max this morning before church. Wow. That was tough. I can still feel it. I was too fried to do the bonus burn after MM. So right after I get done posting this it is off the the Bonus Burn.

I ordered the Step Kickboxing Video by Kelly Coffey-Meyer. It was alright. But I kept running into my walls and couch. It takes up too much space to be done right. So I am returning it to collage video tomorrow.

Instead I am buying Cathe's High Step Training Advanced. I have High Step Challenge and it is quite a workout. I did it twice during last month's rotation because I didn't have HSTA. I see it is coming up again this month during week three. I ordered it yesterday so I hope it gets here by the time it comes up in the rotation. I also ordered the slanted risers. I wasn't going to pay $10 to ship a $25 DVD. With both, the shipping was only $13.52. I always try to save money if I can. And I really wanted the risers.

Yesterday was my rest day. But I just got Amy Bento's Advanced Step Challenge 2. So I worked on that for over an hour yesterday. Finally got the hang of the first 3 routines. It is tough. I have to keep stopping and repeating. But I am getting it and once I get a section it is a blast.

So for a treat I am going to work on the next few parts after the Bonus Burn. I said "treat", so I guess that means I am a bit addicted to my workouts. Oh well, could be worse. I am feeling bored and feel like munching. I know my "period" is just around the corner. And I have decided that it is not going to get the best of me this month.

Amy Bento's ASC2 is the only workout DVD that I own that is not Cathes. I was a bit leary of getting one from another instuctor. I like ASC2 but I am going to save my money for the new STS DVDs. I never feel worried when I pre-order Cathe's DVDs. And I am never disappointed.

Well, guess this is long because I am putting off the Bonus Burn. But when that is over I get to have some fun. So bye for now. Thanks for listening to this long post.

God bless,
Hi ladies:

Checking in today with Muscle Max...That ab section always gets me. It is so tough..

Heidi: I hope your hubby's knee is better soon. It does sound like the ortho did something wrong or something and doesn't want another dr to call him on it. Hope it works out ok!

Heather: I am stalling on that bonus too. I also was wiped out after MM and had to get ready for church..Trying to get it in soon...I want to get those slanted risers too. Let me know if you like them. I know you will like HSTA, it is a great workout!! DOn't have the others you mentioned...

Have a great evening!
Hi Heather and Kathy,

Great job the two of you for getting in MM today!

I guess this must have really wiped me out for I layed down around 5pm to take a short rest and just now woke up at 8pm! (Either that it was due to all the stress)

Thanks for the well wishes. I will be back tomorrow.

Have a great night. Heidi :)
Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with a day of rest..I am taking the kids for a hike on a trail with friends. It is really nice here today and I want to enjoy the weather...

I ended up not getting to the bonus burn yesterday. I had so much to do in the afternoon. My day was gone before I knew it..

Have a great day!!

Today was supposed to be a 50 minute run. Well it is windy and cold outside here so I had to improvise. I did All Step and Step And Intervals. But only the cardio portions. Hadn't done those workouts in years. They were great. Worked up a good sweat.

Did the bonus burn before I started the step workouts. I did not do the pushups though. I am using the Perfect Pushups and only doing them every other day like the instruction manual says. If I do them every day I start to lose good form.

I worked out for over an hour yesterday trying to get the hang of Amy Bento's ASC2. Still only got through the first 4 rountines and still not getting everything. I have had enough. I don't even want to try it again. My mind is getting more of a workout than my body. Once I do get a section and then go through it without any stops I don't feel I get that great of a workout. I noticed the tempo of the music is not that fast and I don't really get that good of a workout. So I am shipping back both of the non-Cathe DVDs I ordered from Collage Video.

After doing some of Cathe's older workouts this morning, I realize you don't have to put in so many different moves into a routine to get a good solid workout. I enjoy all of Cathe's workouts and look forward to doing them. So I am sticking with Cathe and waiting for the new STS DVDs.

Hope the rest of you have a great workout today. Wish it was warm enough here for a hike. Love getting outdoors.

God bless,
Hi Rotation Followers!

I did take my "Rest Day" yesterday. And I did get in the "Bonus" on Saturday afternoon!

I was happy for the rest day, my chest was pretty sore from MM.

Today I really should have done the 50 Minute run, it was unseasonably warm here. But there is still snow on the ground, and I'd have to run on all pavement (I like to run on grass & trails in the park and pavement combined). Plus I was kind of limited with time. So instead I did Turbo Jam, first the 20 minute cardio, followed by Fat Blaster, which is 4 intervals. I repeated 3 intervals for a total of 7.

And then I cranked out the Bonus Burn. The Push Ups were SUPER hard for me this go round. The last 10 were broken up, because I just couldn't do them. I think from the residual chest soreness from MM. (And are they harder on the Push UP handles?)I really felt those 200 crunches too! The dips and lunges are kind of 'easy' for me though.

I've always been curious about Amy Bento, but now you've definitely steered me away from her workouts! I hate choreography that is difficult and your mind is all jumbled from the confusion! I'll stick with cathe and looking forward to her new STS workouts!

Hi ladies!!

Today's workout for me is the 50 minute run....But, I will probably get on my elliptical and I am going to take the kids outside to a local track for some walking....

I will be doing the bonus burn later as well!!

Have a great day!! Can't wait to enjoy the beautifully warm weather today..

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