I've completed 4 weeks of my 6 month rotation and am loving my results!

Denise R

I just took my measurements and am truly WOWED! Here are the stats:

Weight: down about 3 lbs but I haven't been watching my diet extremely well (I am going to tighten up the diet for the next 4 weeks and remeasure again because I'm sure with an even better diet these numbers will look even better!)

Chest: down 1 inch

Waist: down 2 inches

Hips: down 1 inch

Thighs: down 2 inches total for both (when I first measured, my stronger leg, which is my right, measured bigger but now they are both almost the same measurement!!)

Biceps: same

I wasn't surprised by the bicep measurement since my arms and my entire upper body is tightening up quite well, especially in my back and shoulder area. (wow, can I see definition when I pose!!) My husband is doing the 6 month program with me and he is looking great! His muscles are coming out of hiding! He was truly bummed when he heard about the road trip and how we missed it. He really wanted to meet Cathe.

Well I wanted to share how wonderful I think this program is. It's not boring, even repeating each week twice as hubby and I are doing. It's tough stuff! This next 4 weeks will get us out of the 1st mesocycle and into the 2nd and I'm looking forward to that. :)

I am right there with you.
I just finished week 4 with disk 6 on Saturday and I am really loving repeating the disks twice. This is why I like it...
I like how the first time I get to do the disk I get the excitement of a new workout and all that comes with that. The push that you really want to do everything and get through it and also just that feeling you get when you complete a workout you have never done before. Then with repeating it the second week I can really push myself. If there was an excersize I feel I could have gone harder on I can and if there was one I just didn't make it all the way through I will make note of that and really force myself all the way to the end. Telling myself the whole time that when it burns and is almoost unbearable that is when it counts. :D I just love it.
I am glad to know there is someone at the same point with me so I can check in and see how we are comparing:D
Hi Rachel! Glad to see someone else doing the 6 month rotation as well! :) I feel the same as you---the first week I get to "play" with the routine and then hubby and I write down any exercises where we need to bump it up the following week. Then the next week we really key in on those exercises and I always feel stronger the 2nd week. I love STS!

I could have written every word as Rachel did! I'm only starting week 3(so first week of discs 4-6) but I love the 6 month rotation and I'm so glad I decided to go that route.

I actually found the workouts harder on the second week! I think because, as Rachel said, the first week I was just so excited to do them and, not that I didn't push myself, but maybe I let my excitement cause me to really not *focus* as much as I should have. The second time through I really paid attention and gave each exercise my all. It's funny though, if I hadn't been doing the 6 month rotation I doubt I would have realized that I wasn't focusing as much as I could have the first week. I definitely thought I was working as hard as possible.:D

I'm excited to start discs 4-6 this week, although I feel a little sad about leaving 1-3 behind. I just loved them soo much.

And, Denise, great results!
I'm starting disc 4 tomorrow...also doing the 6 mo rotation. I was wondering about DOMS for everyone. I had it a little after disc 3, but that's been about it. I know I'm using good form, completing all the reps (except the pushups :eek:) and on some I've increased my weight higher than my workout card). I just hope that DOMS isn't a true indicator of whether or not it's working. Maybe this week......
Hi ladies,

I am also doing the 6 month rotation! I just finished week 1 for the second time! I will start week 2 tomorrow! We do have a 6 month rotation check in. It’s called the “6 Monther check in”, at the Check- ins & Challenges.
Hope you ladies will join us and posts here! Great job on your results ladies!

Take care,
I'm starting disc 4 tomorrow...also doing the 6 mo rotation. I was wondering about DOMS for everyone. I had it a little after disc 3, but that's been about it. I know I'm using good form, completing all the reps (except the pushups :eek:) and on some I've increased my weight higher than my workout card). I just hope that DOMS isn't a true indicator of whether or not it's working. Maybe this week......

I'm at the same place as you(starting disc 4 on Tuesday) and I haven't had any *serious* DOMS either. A few after discs 2 and 3(but only during the second week). I'm using my 60% 1RM, good form, all reps(except on the pushups as well!) I'm trying to get out of the mindset that DOMS equals success. I took my measurements before I started and I haven't re-measured yet. I'm planning on using that to determine whether anything's *working.* I've got my fingers crossed.:)
I haven't had the can't move soreness that I was at first anticipating either. I have occasionally though had an area get sore (tri's right now) that I must have gotten just the right way or something. Prob. the side leaning pushups, because I felt them this week more than any other week:eek:
Again prob. because I was doing them with better form.
I am sorry for the double but I meant to post on the doms equalling success thing. I do not remember what issueit was but I was reading an article in oxygen about plyo workouts and how they help build up a tolerance to lactate in the muscles and that in turn makes it less likely that you will get as sore.
I am putting one of the plyo leg workouts in each week as a cardio and I am wondering if that is why I am not really sore in the legs.
Still stiff a little though:)
I am right there with you.
I just finished week 4 with disk 6 on Saturday and I am really loving repeating the disks twice. This is why I like it...
I like how the first time I get to do the disk I get the excitement of a new workout and all that comes with that. The push that you really want to do everything and get through it and also just that feeling you get when you complete a workout you have never done before. Then with repeating it the second week I can really push myself. If there was an excersize I feel I could have gone harder on I can and if there was one I just didn't make it all the way through I will make note of that and really force myself all the way to the end. Telling myself the whole time that when it burns and is almoost unbearable that is when it counts. :D I just love it.
I am glad to know there is someone at the same point with me so I can check in and see how we are comparing:D

I'm there with the rest of you! I finished week 4 on Thursday and am getting ready to go do Disc 7 for the first time in a little bit! I totally agree with you Rachel on being able to really push myself on the 2nd week of doing the workouts.

I am also really enjoying this series! This was just what I needed to get inspired!

I just took my measurements and am truly WOWED! Here are the stats:

Weight: down about 3 lbs but I haven't been watching my diet extremely well (I am going to tighten up the diet for the next 4 weeks and remeasure again because I'm sure with an even better diet these numbers will look even better!)

Chest: down 1 inch

Waist: down 2 inches

Hips: down 1 inch

Thighs: down 2 inches total for both (when I first measured, my stronger leg, which is my right, measured bigger but now they are both almost the same measurement!!)

Biceps: same

I wasn't surprised by the bicep measurement since my arms and my entire upper body is tightening up quite well, especially in my back and shoulder area. (wow, can I see definition when I pose!!) My husband is doing the 6 month program with me and he is looking great! His muscles are coming out of hiding! He was truly bummed when he heard about the road trip and how we missed it. He really wanted to meet Cathe.

Well I wanted to share how wonderful I think this program is. It's not boring, even repeating each week twice as hubby and I are doing. It's tough stuff! This next 4 weeks will get us out of the 1st mesocycle and into the 2nd and I'm looking forward to that. :)


Great results! I also measured at the beginning but decided to wait until the end of the full 8 weeks of Meso 1 before measuring again. My hope is for some butt reduction!

It's fun to share everyone's excitement over this series!

Hi ladies,

I am also doing the 6 month rotation! I just finished week 1 for the second time! I will start week 2 tomorrow! We do have a 6 month rotation check in. It’s called the “6 Monther check in”, at the Check- ins & Challenges.
Hope you ladies will join us and posts here! Great job on your results ladies!

Take care,

Belinda, thank you for this check-in info. I never have particpated in a check-in...I may go check this out!

Great results! I also measured at the beginning but decided to wait until the end of the full 8 weeks of Meso 1 before measuring again. My hope is for some butt reduction!

It's fun to share everyone's excitement over this series!


Hi Jo!

I decided to measure every 4 weeks instead of 8 since the original STS program was broken up into 4 weeks anyway, plus I was "curious" since I was looking and feeling better!! Thanks for the kudos, as I'm extremely happy with the results thus far and can't wait to keep going......


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