^^ It's Thursday MELTERS! ^^

Morning Deb and all who follow~

You all were hilarious last night! And it's Thursday, it's Thursday, which means that I just have to make it through work today and I'm OFF! Yay!

*ahem* And though you may never have guessed, I have my potty mouth moments too.;)
Good morning Deb and Shelley

Hope you guys have a great day.

I turned the alarm off, so will do CC when I get home from work. Oh well. Tayler kept me awake for a while, but she seems to be getting better.

Leanne - That was a great article by Lauren. Thanks for sharing. Isn't she just the cutest little thing.

Hi to everyone else and I will BBL.
I overslept big time this morning. Overslept as in I woke up approximately 8 minutes before I had to leave for work. NOT a good way to start the day. Plus it's Thursday which means I have school tonight. :( Yuck. It's not going to be one of my better days, I can tell already. No workout today either. :( Oh well.

Shelley--I'm so happy for you that you only have one more day until vay-cay! How exciting! Man, I would kill for 10 days off!! Enjoy yourself!

Peggie--looks like both of us had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. At least you can work out tonight!

Ok, I better get to work. It's the last day of the month so everyone's going crazy. Ugh.
Good morning everyone!

Well, I'll join the crowd of late waker-uppers. :D Somehow the volume on my alarm got turned waaaay down and I didn't hear it when it went off. But I was lucky. I only woke up two minutes late. No problem-o.

Deb - I hope you have a good day today!

Shelley - I hope your day flies by. You? A potty mouth? Oh, come on. :p

Peggie - goodness, poor Tayler must have been really sick for it to hold on this long. I'm glad she's improving.

Allie - It sounds like you could use some downtime about mid-day today. Is there somewhere you can go to hide during your lunch break?

Last night I did CC 8. I started off kind of slow but managed to kick my rear into gear and had a good, hard workout. Maybe too hard - my hip flexor didn't seem to enjoy working at resistance 10. Stupid thing. It had better get used to it, because I happen to like tough hills. So there. :p
Ugh, this is another one of my super-tired days. I’m tempted to take a rest day, but I hate to get off schedule so close to the RT.

I can hardly stop yawning to type.

I haven’t eaten or had coffee yet, so maybe I’ll do that and that will help with the energy. Then I’ll come back to report and do some personals.
Hello again.

Shannon - oh yeah, a potty mouth. I REALLY made a conscious effort not to be when you were visiting, trust me ;) Careful of that hip flexor!

Peggie - how old is Taylor? I hope she gets completely better soon so you can get better rest!

Allie - oh, don't you worry, I plan to enjoy myself!!!

Lainie - WAKE UP! Did that help?

I forgot to tell you guys that when I was driving home last night, sitting in traffic on the highway, a guy in a pick-up next to me told me I was beautiful and asked if he could give me his number so I could call him :eek: He was about 25!
I forgot to tell you guys that when I was driving home last night, sitting in traffic on the highway, a guy in a pick-up next to me told me I was beautiful and asked if he could give me his number so I could call him :eek: He was about 25!

How come Shelley gets hit on by a 25 year old hottie and I got hit on by the 50 year old UPS guy yesterday at work? :confused:
Morning All!

Well I most certainly did not over sleep, in fact I feel like I might have woke up one hour too early..yes I am that sleep sensitive, I have to get my 8 or wow, its not good.

LOL! At you guys already this morning!

Shelley, no that does not surprise me one tiny bit, of course that boy hit on you and noticed your beautiful self! Now please find a way to tell Chris about the incident (in a "nice and nonchalant" way of course). Its good to keep our boys on their toes.;) I am mailing you stuff today, watch for it chica okay? Probably will not get there until next week cause, well, you know Canada and all!

Allison, LOL about your UPS man...I am sorry sweets, that is kinda gross huh? :p Don't feel bad, I attract those types that appear as if they spend half their lives surfing porn..creepy and gross...I blame the boobs.Sigh. ((hugs and kisses)) hope your day flies on by cause after tomorrow its the weekend!

Shannon, way to go with CC8...sometimes I do not attempt the hard ones cause I get all tired in my head before I even start! So good for you for hanging tough. Whats up with the hip thing? Me too! I think we both have the same thing going on there. Ouch. Mine is real aggravated today since I spent the last few days doing impact stuff.

Pegsters, you are sleepy too huh?

Lainie, one more sleepyhead this morning!:confused: Oh dear, go back to sleep everyone for a few more minutes, think I might join you.

Okay, I am copying and pasting this for BG. I did research on the subject of hair loss.

BG, I just consulted my "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" book concerning hair loss. It seems we can rule out thyroid, menopause, exposure to radiation(?) However, there are other causes such as lack of certain vitamins, stress, lack of iron, fungal infections and hair dyes...oh, and one more lovely. It seems as we age all of us house "mites" in our scalps!:eek: Makes me want to go shampoo with gasoline quite frankly, but it seems most of us are immune to these minute critters, and they do not cause us any hairy type distress. In others it seems, these mites wreak havoc on our follicles causing hair loss, they cause our inflammatory responses to kick into high gear, killing the mites, plus our precious hair! Eek! So here is a list of vitamins to consider, they will help on the hair front.

1. essential fatty acids
3. raw thymus glandular--I know, WTH???
4.Ultra Hair from Nature's Plus vitamins
5.vitamin C
6.vitamin E
8. biotin-I take this everyday and my nails at least are growing like freakin weeds
9. Rubbing tea tree oil into the scalp helps control the mite population, thus helping and reducing shedding--I know, another eeek!
10. Never take large doses of vitamin A as this will cause hair loss
So that is it in a nutshell.

But I would ask your doctor whats up???

BBL to say hey to everyone!
Good morning, lovely ladies!

I'm joining Tneah in the bad sleep camp this morning. I got up an hour earlier than usual. I think I'm stressing about being out of town the next two weekends.

All that talk of Robin's and Shannon's blueberries made me remember that I wanted to post a blueberry tart recipe that I came across in one of my magazines a few days ago:


I haven't tried the recipe yet, but don't those tarts look yummy?!

I did my weekly weigh-in today, and I've lost two pounds. I felt like I've lost a little bit of weight, but that doesn't seem right, esp. since Aunt Flo is here. Hmm . . . .

So tomorrow I'm heading up to Los Angeles really early, and I'll be gone for the weekend. I'm going to miss you gals! I won't be able to check in since I don't have a laptop and I'm staying at this super cheap motel that doesn't even have internet connection anyway. It supposedly takes 2 1/2 hours to get there, but, with Friday L.A. traffic, I think I'm going to give myself about four hours for the drive, and maybe more. I figure that I can find a coffee shop and read if I get there super early.

This is the class I'm taking on Friday:


And this is the class that is on Saturday and Sunday:


OK, I can't figure out why I can't get the actual pictures to post. Anyone know why the properties trick doesn't work on the new forums??

Deb -- How are the two K's doing?

Shelley -- Hoooooooraaaaay for almost being on vacation! What -- you with a potty mouth, too?!:eek: How cool about that hottie! OMG! You are one sexay, beautiful lady, babe! Did you tell Chris about it? ;)

Allie -- Sorry that today is your loooong school day. What a bummer about oversleeping today!

Shannon -- Glad you showed your hip who's boss, but don't overdo it!

Tneah -- Interesting suggestions about hair loss! Still keeping my fingers crossed about the boat!! ETA: We were posting at the same time! Glad you re-posted the hair loss stuff today, too, so BreckGirl can see it. How are you doing today, babe? Is the houseguest still annoying? When does Mitch get back from SLC?

Lainie -- Yes, go get some coffee, you poor sleepyhead!

Peggie -- Yes, that article on Lauren was really good, and her comments about losing so much body fat pushed me over the edge to order it -- along with Mike knowing how much I've been wanting it. Mike's always so sweet about encouraging me to buy stuff I want. Whenever I'm hemming and hawing over something, he tells me to just get it. Sorry that poor Tayler is still not feeling well! :(

Where's our early bird Robin at this morning? I'll BBL to say "hi" to everyone else!
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Tneah - actually, I told Chris. I wasn't very subtle. I told him I was late last night because I pulled over to have sex with the guy on the side of the road:cool:
*is jumping up and down "whopping" loudly*:D:D

Way to go Shellers, atta girl! I hope after you "broke the news" to Chris, you turned on your heel , looked back and him and winked, then shook your arse for good measure.:p

Leanne dahling...whatever shall we do with you dear chica?? You are upset by weight gain and upset by weight loss, you silly girl you. Why not do what I did, toss that nasty scale, take a pair of pants that fit you now at your new weight and use them as a gauge? So much better than the scale, I know, I know, I sound like a broken record huh? But I am happy for your two pound loss if you are happy! Your classes sound like so much fun! I need to engage in something creative once I settle in San Diego, there will not be room for an art studio on the boat. Oh, no word yet on whats up with the deal, but will know later on today for sure! DH returns tonight, houseguest wasn't around last night, I told you, he only hangs out when Mitch is here...boy crush, I'm tellin' ya!heehee.
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SHELLEY!!!!! LMAO! What did Chris say? I'm not surprised in the least that the guy thought you were a hottie. You are! So there.

Lanie - check your iron levels. You poor thing. I've never seen anyone stay this tired without something being medically wrong. :(

Tneah - what sort of creative thing do you think you'll take up on the boat? You need to keep painting, woman! You're too good to let that slide. The hip flexor is just a recurring annoyance, sometimes worse than others. I have no idea why it started, originally.

Leanne - have fun with your classes. They look great! And don't worry - things will be fine when you get back. Just enjoy the getaway. You deserve it.
Morning, Deb! Hope to see you around here later, tater tot. (mmmmm, tater tots)

LMAO Shelley! That’s freakin hysterical! What did Chris do??? Good for you, honey! *standing ovation*

Lainie – yep, I’m a little concerned about the tiredness too. I mean, you’re definitely one busy woman – but you should have SOME energy somewhere, sometime. All that lethargy can contribute to your not-so-stellar mood about yourself, too I betcha. ((((HUGS)))) to you, sweet thing! *passes Lainie a strong cuppa joe and a caffeine IV drip* You know, I’ve started taking prenatal vitamins (NO – not for that reason – for the extra iron and such) and then a sublingual mega dose of vitamin B. Seems to help. Maybe you should look into something along those lines? Have you had your iron checked? They poked my finger when I went for my annual, but they said I was ok. P’shaw. OK. Ugh.

Tneah – can you be any sweeter? GEEZ. Thanks so much for researching that… I have that book too! I need to go grab it and peek. I’m busy sitting on my arse though, and that would involve GETTING UP. Hmmm… radiation exposure????????????????????? Well, hello there idea… I wonder “how much” they mean? I wear 2 dosimeters (one on my wrist and one hooked on the thyroid collar) that I turn in monthly for reading. I’m well below the limits. I take Biotin and liquid Biosil every day (oooh that liquid junk tastes icky poo poo nasty gross… ) I also take the prenatal vitamin and fish oil… (wonders where she’s gonna round up some raw thymus gland for lunch) I’ll peek at the health food store today. You are a doll. Honestly!

Peggie – What’s up with Tayler? I hate she’s still feeling puny. Which CC is on tap for today?

Hi Allie – sorry you hate Thursdays. You probably needed the rest from that killer arse workout yesterday! How much longer do you have before you’re done with school? Keep your eye on the prize!!!!!

Shannon – you do your CC on the elliptical or what? Yeah, you show that hip flexor who’s boss. Then you can ice it (or heat it) later. J

Leanne – we’ll miss you this weekend, but I know you’re going to have a BLAST!!!! Good for you for exploring that talent of yours. I can’t wait to hear the details! Drive safely. *sending light traffic and kind driver vibes*

BBL. MmmmmWAH to all the rest of the Melties to follow!
Just a quick hi, because I am at work.

Shelley, I just about feel off my chair!!! LMAO. Tayler will be 9 on 8/21. Monday is DH's birthday. He is 9 years older than I am and will turn 53. I had to laugh because when I was looking at August calendar he wrote that he was going to be 33. I think men have more of a hard time with that stuff than we women do. Just my opinion.

Leanne - I really hope you like Laren's KB workout. She doesn't have turkish get-ups or those types of things in it, but I still think you will like it.

Back to work kittens. BBL
Hey Shannon, actually I was thinking about writing my autobiography...I think everyone has interesting lives and should put it on paper! In fact, autobiographies are my favorite books to read, I find others fascinating.:cool:About 8 years ago, I gave away everything I had and traveled from Seattle to New Hampshire in a broken down van with three kids, two dogs, two other adults and 300 dollars between us. Yep interesting stuff, well at least to me.;) It could be written "loosely based" on my life so I wouldn't have to use peoples real names of course. Hum, I might just do that....I love my painting I do, I guess I could take up oil pastels or charcoal, since its less messy...I have worked with both and had trouble with the oil pastels, there must be a real technique to working with them. If I lived closer, I would have you teach me watercolors.
Does your hip flexor hurt if you stretch it? Mine does, wondering if this isn't the best approach when its aggravated.
Oh, I think I am gonna mosy on over to Coach Sean's today and order more workouts...I will give him a big ole kiss from you!

Well as you can see I am stalling, I have a Spinervals workout on tap this am and then want to do P90X legs and back, thanks again Shelley! But am lacking the oomph to get it going for heaven'ssake! I am getting my hair done today, thank goodness, I have cut my own bangs and colored my roots so my stylist will have his hands full today!:eek:

Back real quick to say hey to BG! Cool, you have that book too? Its my bible I swear it. Sounds like you are taking everything you are supposed to...maybe you are just shedding your winter coat?heehee. Sorry, its not funny I know, I would be totally freaked out--again, I have no hair anyway and cannot afford to lose even one precious strand. OH! I use a product for thinning hair by Phyto? Let me see if I can find the link on Sephora for you, I think its really helped with overall thickening and has helped me with my own hair.
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Good morning again, gorgeous gals!

Just got done printing up directions, maps, etc. for my little road trip this weekend, and I'm getting excited. Now I need to pack up all my beading supplies and clothes so I'm all set, and then I'll start my workout -- Strike Zone! I keep laughing at those photos of Tracey teaching you gals how to do the spider webs! How fun!

So here's some good news: BIL turned in a rental application last night for an apartment. If he can get the place, he won't be able to move in for a few more weeks, but it's still exciting news! It's already been five weeks, and my patience is wearing thin.

Tneah -- Oh, that makes me sooo sad that you won't have the space to paint on the new boat. Could you set up a small corner somewhere for your easel and supplies? I really do need to listen to your advice and stop fretting about the scale. I'm really trying not to. In fact, I actually loosened up with my eating this week -- and lost weight! Glad that the house guest hasn't been a nuisance with Mitch gone. Yes, you NEED to write your autobiography!! You've had such a interesting life, and you are such a great storyteller! It would be a bestseller, and you'd have so much fun doing it!

Peggie -- LOL about your DH putting down his age as 33! How cute is that?! My Lauren DVD already shipped this morning, so I'm hoping it gets here over the weekend since she only lives about 10-15 minutes south of me. She sent an email this morning saying it had shipped, and I emailed her back to say how excited I was to get it, and asking about her KB classes. She responded right away, and let me know that she teaches the KB workshops and also private classes. I'm thinking it would be really, really fun to do a three-week class with her!

Shannon -- Thanks for the kind words! Do you have any plans for this weekend?

Breckie -- I'm seriously worried about that hair loss. It makes me feel better to know that they monitor your radiation levels so closely, but that is a lot of hair to be losing. Promise me you'll call your Dr. if it doesn't get better, OK?

I'll be around all day today, so I'll BBL to check in!

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