^^ It's Thursday MELTERS! ^^

Hi gang! I'm here. I've been super busy at work trying to get a project all cleaned up before vacation. Gosh, it's hard to keep up with you all.

Shelley, you dawg! But I'm not at all suprised, you sexay thang. So did Chris believe you? Or did he just give you a look.

Leanne, have a good time this weekend. Your projects look wonderful. That is superb news about your BIL. I should think having an end date will make the last few weeks much more comfortable for you.

BG, your hair loss sounds scary. I'd check on the radiation levels STAT. Accidents can happen.

Lainie, did the coffee help?

Shannon, way to go on pushing through the workout. Be careful not hurt yourself though. You know how hard it is to recover from an injury.;)

Tneah, thanks again for the package winging it's way toward me. You are wonderful! I think I missed a post somewhere - you won't be able to paint on the new boat? I think that should be a requirment for any where you live!

Peggie, there was a virus around here last fall that seemed to hold on forever. DH had it and it took him a long time to get rid of the cough. Hope Tayler continues to improve.

Hi to the rest of you melty types. The plan is for 4DS this evening. Whichever segment ISN'T the leg workout.
Tneah - Ahem. If Sean is going to get a kiss that supposed to be from me, I'd like to do it, okay? :rolleyes: Wow. I think you SHOULD write that story! I suspect your autobiography would be veerrrry interesting. So, when are you going to start? Oh - if my hip flexor is really irritated, anything I do bothers it - bending, sitting, stretching, walking... but I did some stretches at lunch, and I just felt it a teensy bit. If yours is like mine, about the only thing we can do is take it easy until it gets better. And then workout hard again. :D

Breckie - yep, I use the elliptical. You know, your job would keep me a nervous wreck, knowing I'd be around all that radiation all the time. Maybe you need a thicker lead apron...

Leanne - oh boy, that is exciting news about your BIL! I'm so glad! No exciting weekend plans for me... my main goal is to stay out of the #&#^$#& heat. It's been in the 100s here, plus humidity, for several days and doesn't look like it'll let up. So... I think I'll do some watercoloring. Finally.

Robin - what are your vacation plans? You and Shelley both!!! No fair! :mad::p Have heaps of fun! (And yes, I'll be careful. I promise.)
Well, I woke up a bit—enough to go the dry cleaners and stop by my favorite accessories shop (which happens to be 2 doors down from the cleaners). I got a gift for my niece’s birthday and a new cute purse for me.

Then I came home and managed to get enough energy to work out. It helped that I changed my mind about doing 4DS BC. Well, I still did the weights from it, but I did a premix of Amy Bento's ASCII for the cardio instead. I needed something really fun to motivate me, and as I’ve said before, I’m not much of a Bootcamper.

Would ya’ll believe I ordered another pair of Rykas from Walkingsue on eBay? Yep. Some white Studio Mid whatever-they’re-called. I decided I’m going to sell both pairs of Instructors (black and white), though, because they are just not as comfy as the Mids. So if anyone would like some 8.5 Rykas, let me know. I’d probably just give them to one of you and not have to hassle with the selling thing.

Oh, and check out my blog when you get a chance. I am doing a giveaway contest. :) No, not the shoes but a Pilates DVD. I also posted about a Fitness Fig T-shirt I designed last night (which is why I didn’t come back here in the late evening). Oh and on my other blog you can see a link to the Catskills pics (http://lainiefig.blogspot.com).

Shelley, hooray—almost your time off! Was the 25-year old good-lookin’? :D

Peggie, I saved that link for Lauren’s DVD so I can order it post-RT (I promised myself not to buy any more DVDs until then). I only have one kettlebell DVD now and I’d like some variety.

Allie, sorry you overslept this morning. I hate those days when you get off to a bad start—hope it goes better than you expect! Oh, and I was thinking last night when I read about you being pessimistic that maybe we should call you Eeyore. ;)

Shannon, I’ve had the iron levels checked before and the only time they were low was after giving birth. I am wondering if the fact that my strep test came out so high last week might be making me tired. That reminds me I meant to call my doc and get an apptmnt. Ok, just called and left a message with the people who make the apptmnts.

Tneah, yep, I need my 8 hours. You can only imagine how out of it was when a newborn baby didn’t allow me much sleep. Yowch. At least I don’t have that issue now.

Leanne, girlfriend, don’t argue with the scale unless it’s up. :p I get pictures to post by clicking on the picture icon up there next to your fonts and stuff. Then you put the http: address there. Have you tried that?

Breckie, well I just got the call back from the doc’s office and I’ll be going in next Tuesday so I can discuss the fatigue again. Joy. Hopefully they won’t send me for the exact same blood tests that always come out fine. Maybe they’ll get creative and send me for different blood tests. Sometimes I think I need Dr. House to diagnose me.

Robin, the coffee helped a little, but Amy’s ASCII was what really helped. I’m still tired but at least I got through my workout! Good luck finishing that project.

OK, I’m starving (no lunch yet and it’s 2:30. Also need to put Ewan down for his nap ASAP).
OMG, Lainie, my entire family calls me Eeyore! Or Debbie Downer. I can't seem to get past it. Ugh.

So I just had to run out of work and go get some calamine lotion. Apparantly when Jimmy and I went out for ice cream the other night I got completely eaten alive by bugs and my body is reacting so badly! This has never happened before. I remember getting bitten and telling Jim we had to get in the car (we were sitting on a bench outside eating our ice cream) but today it's like the bug bites exploded. They look like HUGE welts and they itch like the dickens. (Wow---"the dickens"???? I sound like my mother....) I'm so uncomfortable I want to itch my skin right off. I couldn't take it anymore. I HAD to leave work and go get something. Luckily I used the excuse that I was going to the bank to deposit checks for the company since it's the last day of the month (which I actually did do--the bank is inside the grocery store) and I grabbed some anti-itch stuff. But it's not working very well. Holy crap I can't even take it. I have bites ALL up and down my legs. I've never seen or felt anything like this. :(

Thanks for letting me vent. I can't wait until this day is over.....
Yikes, Allie--sorry about the bug bites. I am very susceptible to bug bites and have a bad reaction to them, but at least I'm sort of used to it. It sounds like you aren't. I don't have any good advice, though, except to take a cool bath--maybe an oatmeal bath, if you get any free time at all today!

Peggie, cool, want black or white shoes or both? Hey, I could bring them to you at the RT if you like!
OK, ladies. Here are a couple of the things I bought today:


I might like to take this to the RT.


Goth or cute? (They're earrings, by the way.)
Hey ladies,

Allie -- Ouch about those bug bites! Make Jim come over tonight after class and scratch your back for you. He could scratch any other itches you have, too! ;) (Hey, it's not my fault that my mind is in the gutter today; I blame it on Shelley and her post this morning about the stranger!)

Robin -- Hooray for vacation!! Now which beach are you headed to again? When exactly are you leaving? We're going to miss you!

Shannon -- Hope that it cools down a bit for you! Any more news about an interview for that new job? Have a wonderful time doing your watercolors this weekend!

Lainie -- I saw on the RT thread that your Nike outfit arrived and that it all matches and fits well! Hooray! It's super cute!! If Peggie doesn't want both pairs of shoes, let me know how much you'd like and I'll buy one from you. I have the Instructors in an 8, but I really think I need an 8 1/2 since they seem to run really small. (I'm usually a 7 1/2.) The purse and earrings are also so cute! The spiders are a bit gothy, but I like gothy things!;) Did you see on Amy's website that she's going to have ASC3 and Rumble ready to ship by Aug. 15?? Did you order both or just ASC3? I'm so excited! I loooove getting new workouts, and it'll be fun to have them to look forward to after we get back from the RT. Thanks for the info about posting pictures! Didn't think to look at our fancy new formatting menu. Duh! Glad you're going to the Dr. about that tiredness.

Tneah -- Any news about the boat??

So I'm thinking about starting a new rotation when I get back from the RT where I do two days a week of kettlebells and two days of those Dove's circuit-style workouts (high reps, low weights). Do you ladies think that that would be counterproductive? Hmm . . . .
Hey kittens

Getting ready to eat Coach Sean . . . I mean eat dinner with Coach Sean, volume 3 again. I really like that one.

Lainie, I don't care what color. That would be great if you could bring them to the RT. Let me know how much I owe you. Love the purse and the earrings.

Leanne - I hope you have a great weekend at your beading classes. Must be nice to be creative.

Tneah - I didn't know you painted. We have all kinds of Corie's painting stuff in the house. She painted a really cool picture that we put above Tayler's bed, oil painting. She also did this really cool giraffe, but my mom scooped that one up.

Allie - I hate bugs. There is nothing worse than itching like crazy. The latest thing to work to keep mosquitos away is vanilla. Either the spray from Bath & Body or vanilla extract. Dab a little extract on and they supposedly stay away.

Hey Shannon - I'll tell Coach Sean you want a kiss.

Breckie - I'm with Shannon - you need a thicker apron.

Hey Deb and Kara and Kristi and Shelley.

Good evening melters. I'm all done with 4DS Boot Camp. Not my favorite, but boy, did I sweat. I'm taking a couple DVD's with me. I have a cheap step stashed at my SIL's, but the only dumbells she has are a lame-o pair of 3's! I'm not sure if I'll make an effort to work out or not. The first week we are home is Bible school and I made arrangements to go into work an hour late so I can workout in the morning. I'll be up with the rest of you alarm clock setters.

Leanne, we are going to Cheasapeake, VA, which is about 30 minutes from Virginia Beach. Then we will spend the second half of vacation with friends in North Carolina, about 30 minutes from Nag's Head. We'll spend most of the NC time kayaking. I can't wait to see our friends again. He was DH's roomie in college and we've been good friends since then. They are the kind of friends that you can see only once a year, but you pick up right where you left off.

Tneah and Peggie, I have a painting in my house by Sophie! How cool is that.

Kristi, I hope you got all your computer work today and you're not too sick of the computer to visit tomorrow.

Shelley, enjoy your time off, but don't forget to visit with your melty friends.

I'm going to finish up some packing then go relax with a book. See you lovely folks tomorrosw
Hey all!

I'M ON VACATION!! Yeehaw! And not a moment too soon. The boss is being a peach lately.

You guys have been chatty!

Robin - I'll check in! Enjoy your trip!

Peggie - how was Coach Sean? I haven't done vol. 3. Is it a shorter one? I'm lol at your DH putting 33 on the calendar. Chris doesn't even remember when his birthday is, much less how old he is (he's 10 years younger than me ;))

Leanne - have a blast at your beading classes! I can't wait to see the finished products! That's fantastic news about your BIL!!! I'm crossing my fingers that he gets the place.

Lainie - love love love the bag. The earrings, not so much. I hate spiders. HATE! Oh yeah. The guy was totally cute.

Allie - what the heck kind of bugs were they? Mosquitos hardly ever bite me. When they do, they never leave a mark or an itch or anything. Sophie likes to tell people I have no blood, which draws some interesting looks.

Tneah - you DEFINITELY need to write your autobiography! I bet it would be brilliant. And you also need to carve yourself out a studio space on the boat! Surely you could find a spot that would work? Or maybe you could rent a loft space nearby that you could use? You're too talented to stop painting!

BG - I sure hope you find an answer for the hair loss. If not, you can have some of mine. I have WAY too much and it drives me crazy.

Shannon - yeah, you can get in line behind me for Coach Sean, if there's anything left of him after I'm done :cool:

Well, my Sophie is home! They went to the water park today with camp and she's just worn out, so she's already in bed! Tomorrow we're off to Niagara Falls, NY to back-to-school shop and have lunch and visit Lainie's fave store! I'll check in before we leave.

Oh yeah, and I ate pizza tonight and didn't work out and feel like a big, fat slob.
Hey melties. Well, today has been a super-special craptabulous day. Yea. Anyhoo...I need to say a couple of things while Emma is getting ready for bed.

Shelley--Enjoy your vacation you hot thing!

Robin--Enjoy your vacation o' beautifabulous one!

Leanne--Have a fun and bead-filled weekend lil' *lost 2 pounds* and now *look even more hot in the new hairdo* woman!

OK, I must tend to Emma or DH may threaten me with his mortar and trowel and I can't find that &*%&^( whip...
WE GOT THE BOAT!!! Yes! The deal just went through, I am soo excited you guys, DH is excited we are all excited, wow,, cool!

May I post a link to the boat if you guys want to see it? I feel kinda funny doing that, but would love to share it with you all.

Shelley, yippee! Sophie is home, vacation is here, and you have a present in the mail from me, hopefully arriving on Saturday, its kinda heavy,I am so happy you are happy!:D

Lainie bug, I love the earrings (I love spiders actually) and your purse is too cute! I also loved your Nike outfit, I just forgot to tell you!

A big hello to Kristi, BG and anyone else I might have forgotten in my blissed out state!

Leanne, you lost two pounds this week and are going have a fabulous weekend!! Yeah! I am happy for you too! Plus pain in your cute little arse BIL might be making his move very soon!

Robin, you are headed out to meet good friends and enjoy the great outdoors, have fun! And put that bikini on and rock it!

Allison, crapola about those nasty bugs, funny, our houseguest was just complaining about getting bit today too. Have you tried calamine lotion, its this pink lotion my ma used to put on our chickenpox, it works! Or let me look up bug bites in my manual and see if I can come up with a brilliant solution, although I loved Leanne's suggestion about letting Jim "scratch your itches";)

Kara, so do you have poopypants kitty under control yet? :) Sorry, its not funny I know!

Pegster, yummy Coach Sean for dinner? I'll take him with a side of whipped cream please. :) I have to use those smileys since my quota is up!

My hair is highlighted so pretty! They did a smashing job this time, and the stylist scolded me for cutting my own bangs, but hey, whatta ya gonna do?
I was gonna do P90X legs tonight, but already did a kick butt Spinervals this morning and frankly do not want to work out again, saving it for tomorrow. Love you guys, be back to post the boat link if I can find it!
Tneah - How exciting. Good for you!!! Very nice.

Shelley - Yay on the vacation.

I ended up not having Coach Sean for dinner. I just decided not to do anything except eat. At least I had chicken and some cucumbers from our garden and then yogurt with fresh blueberries and raspberries. So I think I deserve a rest day.

Volume 3 is about 40 minutes. Just about right. I really like it. A good mixture of hills and sprints.

Leanne - I hope you have a great trip.

Well hello everybody else. See you kittens tomorrow.
OK, so could I be any ruder??? I didn't even wave hi to the rest of youse! I got interrupted by someone at the door and apparently my manners and mind left with them. Boo.

Tneah--YEA!!! Gorgeous boat! I am so happy for you and DH. Still working on poo problem. It involves a lot of reorganization and sanitizing...

Peggie--CC3 is my absolute favorite. I often add it on the others because it is just so darn much fun! Good job on the dinner choices. Sounds yummy!

Breckie--Colin is going to be a junior this year. Emma will be in 5th grade. (You did ask, right? Did I imagine that???) Hey, how come Coach Sean WANTS you, but only wants to kill me??? I swear as I was doing CC8 this morning I heard a subliminal message about a squirrel keeling over...I am so sorry about your hair. I will often lose gobs, but usually in the fall. It seems to occur every year. I hope everything is OK.

Allison--Hey, smile! Craptastic Thursday is almost officially over! I hope school went well!

Lainie--Sorry about the fatigue. That Nike outfit is smashing and I love the purse. The spider earrings are kinda cute in an offbeat sorta way. ;-)

Shannon--Any news on the job yet? I really hope it works out for you! I did CC8 this morning and thought of you!

Deb--How are the kidlets treating you?

OK, ladies, I have discovered the BEST diet EVER! Allow your kidlets (animal or human or in Leanne's case BIL) to watch shark week during meals. One minute of bloody chumsicles will quell ANY appetite! I am serious! I even had to choke down my super yummy peach!

I must get my bootay into bed now, but will surely construct a phenomenally witty post in your honor as I drift off...
Hey ladies!

Just popping in for a moment in case I don't get chance to in the morning.

Tneah -- Hooray, hooray! OMG, that boat is AMAZING!!! Wow! Now surely you need to set up some painting space on it. So will YOU arrive in SD next Friday, too? I can't wait to see you again! Glad your hair came out well!

Kara -- I always think of things to say while drifting off, too, but then totally forget them! UG about shark week! Of course, the other really good diet I found tonight while eating pizza is to watch an X-Files episode where the killer is skinning humans alive. I could barely eat the sauce on my slices!

Peggie -- Your dinner sounds way too healthy, lady! Maybe you can have Coach Sean tomorrow . . . . That is so cool that Corie paints! I honestly have no creativity in me whatsoever; I just follow someone else's directions!

Robin -- Your trip sounds like so much fun! I love kayaking! How great, too, that you'll be with wonderful friends like that.

Shelley -- Hope you have a wonderful first-day-of-vacation tomorrow doing lots of fun things with Sophie! I love buying school supplies at Target, but they're for me. :eek: I told my students last fall about how I saw these neat little mats for napping, and I really wanted to get one for my office. (Yes, they were designed for preschoolers, but still . . . .)

"Hi" to everyone else! Hope you all have fabulous weekends! Love and hugs!

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