RE: It's Saturday! and I still want to play!
LOL Nadine! "I'm married not DEAD" ROTFL! Ok keep in mind this was just for a month. And all I did with these men was talk, go out and of course show them off to my friends who thought I was (whatever they thought I was incapable, shy, who knows...). I am extremely shy and the thing I did to meet these men was to forget about all that. I had to focus on the goal and forget about the obstacles that stop me. This is what we do all the time but applied to meeting men. Instead of looking away at that guy that was a friend of a friend, that guy at the restaurant, the coffee shop, the guy that works near your office, etc. I just smiled, made conversation, exchanged phone numbers, etc. I thought I could handle all that but I couldn't. I met great guys that I still keep as friends, but most of them were after you know what and that's just not the way that I am so I don't know about those guys anymore. Sometimes when we get gutsy things like that are possible.