Its Friday! Let's Play a Game!

You all are totally cracking me up.

I hate crunchy snow because the sound of it reminds me of fingernails on a chalkboard.x(

Shari- I just got back from watching me pronounce "Wendy" and "Windy" in front of the mirror to see what I look like-never done that before. My mouth does flare more when I say "Wendy":)

Trish- I say go for it- you hot red-headed mama!! I also picture you in a leopard print V-neck top where you have to constantly readjust yourself to keep your bazoombas from falling out:)You go girl!!

I also forgot I used to alphabetize my mothers cupboards when I was a child. (Beans-Black,Chili,Green, then Carrots, then.....).

Sandra- What about Sandusky?:)

>I love to knit!!! :)

Oooh, Nicollette--me too! I have trouble finding the time to workout AND knit, though, so it takes me forever to get a project done.

Melrose, that is toooo funny:7 !! I've always been like this ever since I can remember, even a SEALED Jar can make me queazy! And egg salad is the absolute worst food ever invented on the face of the earth I'm convincedx(
I have to share one more thing and it's truly sappy. I am the LUCKIEST woman on earth because after dating for 13 years I got to marry my best friend. That was 7 years ago and he is still my best friend. And he doesn't mind that on some days I also would rather work out than have sex - but not many.:)
I would but I think the Smart Balance Light I spread on might get something clogged:D
I swear they are super easy though, and of course you should freeze half of them, or you can hear them calling from anywhere in the house!
I hear you. I can't have peanut butter in the house because I like to eat it out of the jar with a spoon:9 I buy the Goober variety with jelly for grandchildren so I don't want to eat it. Otherwise about me, Hmm, I like to read books for entertainment, and I like all varieties of music. I only watch a small variety of television programs regularly.
Diane Sue
It's Saturday! and I still want to play!

OK so I'm a libra. My favorite color is blue. I love dark chocolate and I also think clowns are creppy.

I've had almost every single hair color there is (except from the gray family) and two years ago I got tired of dyeing my hair and now I've been letting my natural hair color grow back.

Years ago I was in love with a gorgeous man and he broke my heart. My girlfriends said that I would never find another man like him and that the best thing was to forgive him. I didn't forgive him because what he did was very bad and there was no way I could. I didn't get angry either. I just made a bet with my friends (because they said I wasn't capable of getting a super good looking man like that ever again) and I said I was going to meet at least 5 cute men a week. I made good on the bet and soon enough I had to change my phone number cause I couldn't deal with the constant phone calls LOL. (I met more than 30 gorgeous men in about a month);)

My older, well endowed sister used to tease me about my over-the-shoulder-"pebble"-holder (instead of "Boulder") bra, and I always countered with "hey at least I can run without knocking my self out!"

BTW, I think moving to Florida is a MANDITORY part of your MuMu plan! :)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~

I didn't know that a "grocery" store was pronounced Gro-Sir-ry instead of my "gro-shree" until I met my husband! Consequently when ever I say it I always pause in the middle and give it an "extra" syllable. He still laughs at me. I need to learn to call it a Supermarket!

My family also says "haffning to" instead of "Having to".

Isn't it fun being a "hick"? :)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
I think this is sweet not sappy! Congratulations! Being married to your best friend is the "Best" thing in the world!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
RE: It's Saturday! and I still want to play!

Where on earth did you meet ALL these gorgeous guys? Is there an "Adonis club" where they all go that I don't know about. I would LOVE to go there and just window shop! I always say "I'm married not DEAD!!"


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
I HATE HATE HATE snowmen!!! Not made out of snow ones just all the decoration ones.

It never used to be that way until a couple years ago when they became so popular at Christmas that they were EVERYWHERE! Go into a store and BOOM-they're on the sheets! BOOM-they're on the Towels! BOOM-they're on the plates! They are even on the Freakin underwear! I could go one but suffice it to say---I HATE THEM!!

ok I feel much better now! :)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
RE: It's Saturday! and I still want to play!

I agree. "I'm married, not dead."

I'm with you about the Detroit Red Wings. Yummmmmy!

I vote for Brad Pitt; but then again Matt Damon isn't hard on the eyes at all. :7

Golden Girls is hilarious!!! My 16 yo daughter can't understand why I like that show. I used to watch it as a teen. I also like The Nanny.

Hmmm....something about myself, eh? My favorite color is green and I love to bowl!

RE: It's Saturday! and I still want to play!

Ya know what? If I could do it over, I think I would date so so looking men; maybe even ugly...that way, you can be sure they won't have women flirting with them all of the time. ha ha

My husband is very good looking and sometimes I hate it. (uh..does that make sense?)

:p Shirley
<< Marion or Amber. I have to ask. How do you eat this? Don't say like raw cookie dough>> Jordan

Yeap!! Fraid so girlfriend (for me ayway)
It started as a craving when I was pregnant and I NEVER got over it. You have to try it, it seriously yum

And Im glad Im not the only one who thinks clowns are CREEPY. I thaught Id got over my fear until I saw the horror movie "IT" with the murdering clown, and that was it............back to therapy



Thanks for the reply. Maybe and thats a big maybe I will. With my luck those raw eggs would probably do a number on me :eek: .

Oh those cravings really get you though,
These are great! i have been ROFL the whole way through!! ya'll are hysterical!

Marion: i haven't done the pregnancy thing, but i love to eat raw dough and i have never gotten sick b/c of it. I'm with you on buggering the whole cake!!!

My 17-year old niece, 12-year old niece and I (48) have the same favorite TV show: Friends. Kind of embarrassing, but true nonetheless.
Marla, that's funny! maybe you were a ballarina in a past life??!!

i curl my toes when washing the dishes or any other time i am sitting or standing in one place.

I too eat it raw! And I buy a roll of Pillsbury cookie dough each week and my 2 kids just eat it a spoonful at a time during the week.

I hate clowns too!

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