It's 12:30 eastern time......

Hi Barb! A half marathon? I say GO FO IT! You'll do great! Congratulations on all you have accomplished too. Gaining confidence and stamina is a HUGE. Its the main fuel source for future accomplishments.

Best of Luck!
Thank You Abbe!

Yes, injuries are unfortunate news. I won't be able to answer your question fully until I see the Doc. Thank you for your well wishes.

I am unaware if CCETV ever posted a press release on their site. They mentioned that they were going to back at the time of my announcement but I personally don't know if they ever did or not. Sorry that I can't help you more there.

Happy New Year to you too!
Well all, I am going to read some other posts now. Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with me. It was a lot of fun and hope we can do it again sometime.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to the January 6th announcement. Meantime, hope your calf feels better.

Cathe, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury! I hurt myself recently too--I got a little ambitious doing the deadlifts in PLB and hurt my low back. I've been getting PT for the last three weeks and I've been using your beginner/intermediate workouts with the step at 4" and I am getting stronger. But...

...I am still trying to decide where I went wrong. Too much weight too soon? I matched your weights (which is not a problem for me on the rest of PLB) and worked through a "twinge," which I now realize wasn't the best idea... Bad form? I thought I was matching your form exactly, but I think next time I do weight work it will be with a mirror! What are your tips for low back strengthening? Do you have any favorite exercises for the low back?

Thanks again for all you do--I am anxiously awaiting Low Impact Circuit!
Hello Cathe,

I just wanted to thank you for producing an excellent product!! I found your w/o's about 2 1/2 years ago when I bought the studio step with All Step in it. Later on I added more of your workouts and do yours almost exclusively now.

I didn't attempt the Aug 05 rotation because I didn't feel I could do it, but I started doing your rotations in September and have done so each month. I feel I am ready to tackle this January rotation and today is the first day, looking forward to it.

I also want to tell you that the new DVDs presale is the first presale I have participated in since I only joined the boards at the end of May. I've bought the Hardcores but wish I'd gotten them at the presale price!! Thanks for offering such a savings to your loyal customers. I know the new ones are going to be outstanding. I am particularly looking forward to Drill Max. That one looks like it's going to hurt!!}(

Thanks again and take care!
RE: Beginner/Intermediate Rotations

>Hi Kimberly! We are slowly expanding our beginner/int
>offerings on DVD. I'm not quite sure I have enough of them
>yet to offer monthly beg/int cardio workouts without becoming
>too redundant. But I will keep your comments in mind. Thank
>you for sharing your thoughts.

Thanks for responding, Cathe.

--Kimberly C
RE: Beginner/Intermediate Rotations

Drat, sorry I missed you. I was taking down my Christmas tree! Maybe I'll catch you again sometime. Good to "see" you just the same. :)
It's 3:21 eastern time, so I may have missed you, but I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and another year of even bigger success with your growing business! Hope to see you later this year for a Road Trip, if you have one!
Just Do It! :)
Julie, for some reason PLB deadlifts are ones that really bother my back. I have been under a chiropractor's care for 2 years, and for this video, I back off what Cathe lifts, and only do the up part, because by the time I go back down the low back is fatiguing too much and that is when I tend to injure it.

I have found that the Core Max video has been excellent for strengthing my overall core. I re-injured my back 18 months falling off a swimming starting block, and although it has been a long hard recovery, using Core Max has really made everything strong, and 2005 has been a much better year. I am not a young chick, 44 years young, so you can improve your core.
Cathe, I know you are gone now(it is 2:39 central time), but we all appreciate the time. I imagine yesterday was a rough day, and I am sorry that it was bad.

Thanks for the great work-outs, my husband is fairly confident you are an alien, but he loves your work-outs too!
:-( I missed Chatting with Cathe!!! I am so upset... that would have been a wonderful experience. Happy New Year to EVERYONE!!!!
Awww Man!:( I was doing Day 2 of the Janusry Rotation and I missed you! Well, I hope you heal quickly. You are truly my one great motivator! Thank you for all the hard work you do. Take care, Susan

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