It is christmas in Illinois

I grew up in Des Plaines. I now live in the St. Paul, Minnesota area but I do get down to Illinois quite often because I still have family down there. I still miss the Chicago area.

I was almost afraid to read this email based on the title. I thought you perhaps were refering to a freak late summer snow storm (with how crazy the weather has been this wouldn't have surprised me too much) and since you are located just west of me and storm systems travel from west to east.. I thought perhaps we were next. Relieved that I read the post and my worst fears weren't confirmed.:D
It actually felt like x-mas in illinois today..haha..ok maybe October..too cold for this time of year..had to drag out pants and long sleeves today..harsh!! This better mean that it is gonna be 80 degrees on Halloween:D
I am also in Illinois.

But I think that it is COLDER right now than it was last Christmas!!

I can't believe how cold it was too. I dug out sweats for the kids and long sleeve shirts. I had to put on pants and a long sleeve shirt too.

I can't believe how many of us are from Illinois.

Firmnurse where in Illinois are you?
Wow, so many people from IL! Haven't lived there for 5 years now, but it's my home and it's where I grew up (Oswego, outer west suburb of Chicago). I graduated from NIU in '96.

I too thought for sure by the title of this thread that some freak snowstorm had dumped a bunch of snow. After talking with my father and hearing how cool it's been, wouldn't be too much of a stretch would it?! ;-)
Wow, Sabrina, congrats on getting all the DVD's! Wish I'd done that at the very beginning since I just keep buying them all slowly anyway! lol Can't believe, either, how many Illinoisians there are! I'm not too far...i'm in O'Fallon, Missouri (20 minutes from St. Louis) so if there's any sort of get-together let me know and I'll be there! :)
First! Congratulations on your presents to yourself!! I'm thrilled for you and a bit jealous, too. :7 Good going, though. You're going to have such fun and going to look great!

Next: Count me in the Illinois club!! Whoohoo!! I actually live 2 miles from the Indiana/Illinois border in Hammond, Indiana. But I work in Harvey, Illinois. I'm about 35 minutes from Downtown. It's nice to know you all are around and so close!

That's so funny! I just went to lunch in Wheaton. I went to the Chipotle on Butterfield and Leask. Small world.

>That's so funny! I just went to lunch in Wheaton. I went to
>the Chipotle on Butterfield and Leask. Small world.


I know that Chipolte's! My son gets his glasses and eye exams from the Pearle Vision right next door to that Chipolte!!! The yummy Oberweis ice cream is right there too!!!

So funny!!!


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