Is working 2x's per day too much?


I was just curious, I read in Oprah's magazine that she lost 33lbs by doing cardio 45minutes 5 or 6 x's per week and 5 x's per week at night before dinner doing 20 minutes of strength training but also she does 5x's per week longer strength training workouts in addition to what I just posted. Is this too much? I know you can overdue it and I do have 2 kids so my question is this....Is working out 6x's per week to little? I usually do 3 cardio and 3 weight days per week with one entire day off. Any suggestions would help. I am 5'9 and weight about 193. I still have to lose about 50lbs. Thank you and have a great New Year!!!
It seems like one couldn't keep this up long without overuse injuries, especially if you are heavy. Also, it could be psychologically tiring to have to work out twice a day. I think with a vegan diet and regular exercise like you usually do (3 cardio, 3 weights) you should see steady weight loss, assuming you don't eat only nuts, oil and coconuts! :)

On the other hand, elite athletes work out a lot more than typical fitness buffs. They are of course rather lean and genetically gifted, and still they sometimes injure themselves.

My two cents is that you probably should just work out less, eat carefully and lose the weight safely.
Thank You Mogambo!! I think your right. Once per day should be sufficinet for me to see a slow steady rate of weight loss. I think about a pound per week is good so I dont kil myself and dont starve myself either. And I know weight training makes you look smaller so the one pound per week may look lile more over time. Thanks again for answering so quickly.
I often work out 2 times a day and don't fight overuse. The key I use is different type of workouts. I may swim in the morning and then do a cardio weights workouts in the afternoon.
Or I may do a weight tape in the morning and run on the treadmill in the evening.

One thing I do is listen to my body carefully. Yesterday I swam in the morning and was going to do power circuit in the afternoon. I just was too tired, so I did not do that and will do power circuit today. I always take at least one day of full rest, and about every 6 weeks I take 3-4 days completely off.

As far as Oprah goes, I think the woman has tremendous energy and she has the advantage of having a personal trainer to push her, she has no kids to take care of(dogs are much easier). I think she has done a tremendous job with her body, but it probably is not realistic for the rest of us to follow her plan with our lives. We need to do what works for us, and one a day workouts should suffice. I just find swimming does not burn the fat like other workouts do, so I double up. Swimming is excellent for the cardiovascular system, and just plain makes me feel good!

I also workout 2x's/day. cardio in the mrnng and strength in the afternoon. I do yoga at night too, but I keep it gentle so I don't count that.
I also think listening to your body is key. I feel like I'm going to burst if I don't go at it twice a day. However, if I'm tired I won't. Overuse injuries can be avoided (not completely) if you vary what you do. I run, step, and kickbox for cardio and so far, knock wood, no problems:).

I always work out 2 times a day.In the morning I do abs and either lower body (lying inner or outer thighs)just 5-10 min.
and upper body I split up my upper only doing one part a day so usually 10min.That is what works for me I can give 100% to that body part.and then I stretch and off to work.And in the evening I do cardio 20-30 min. and lower body on shorter 20min day and finish up with 10 min (daily ) of power yoga.So I average 1 hour 10 min. give or take a few min.I do this 5 days a week and on the weekend it is whatever I feel like lately it has been power hour on sunday.and just abs on sat.So actually I really do no more than antone else I just don't have that much time to do it all at once.
I think it's also important to remember we don't know what workouts Oprah does!

Almost anyone could do weights like that if they're using light-moderate weight, but heavy weight work is a different story! You wouldn't be allowing nearly enough time for muscle recovery unless you're pretty much just working 1 body part/day each during the week. Plus, we don't know what cardio she does or how intensely she does it! There is a huge difference between Imax and "Walk Away The Pounds," yet they're both cardio!

So I'd do what feels comfortable for you. I've done the cardio 2x/day thing and I find it gets to be a habit and your body WILL adjust to that level at some point, so I personally would do it in short cycles so you can get benefits in cycles, rather than doing it full time and 8 weeks from now your body is so adjusted to it you don't get anymore benefit from it.
You could mix it up like a previous poster suggested, aerobics some days, maybe swimming another, power walking another, etc., this way your body is experiencing a variety of cardio forms and burn out is less likely.

Just my opinion :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Stacy......

It's hard finding the time. I get up at 4 a.m and I'm out the door at 4:30 or so. I get back from my run or doing my video at 5:30. I'm at work at 6:30. Bcause I work for the school system as a cook, I'm home by 1- 1:30. I take a quick nap and at 2:30 I'm working out again. My kids are all home at 3:30 which is when I end. Then I'll do my yoga about 7:00-7:30. At 9:30 in in the sack:).

I work part-time and usually swim when I get off at noon. Both kids swim on swim team, so I take them to practice, and since it is in another town, I stay in town and work out at the Y. Sometimes I get up and work out before anyone gets up at 5:30, and then do the second in the afternoon or evening. I usually take it one day at a time, and can always find an hour here or there. For awhile my out of shape husband was working out in the evenings with me, so that was extra incentive to do the second workout. We usually did Cathe weight work. He says Cathe is not human!!

My 9 year old daughter really enjoys the medicine ball work out that Mindy Mylerea(sp?) has, so she usually does that with me, and we usually end up giggling on the floor because neither of us can do upward dogs!

Anyway, I just fit it in where I can. Not everyday has two workouts, because everyday is different. I go by how I feel, and how much time I may have. This weekend will be no workouts, because the kids have a 3-day meet. I will just count that as a rest weekend.


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