Is it normal to feel the need to ALWAYS buy tons of workout DVDs that you know you won't even do right away? I know that many of you have lots of videos too, but do you actually use them all? I have yet to attempt Cathe's new ones, I previewed them once to make sure the replacements were not skipping. P90X, I ordered this last year, why?, because everyone like it. Have I used it? NO. I am not even on that fitness level. I hope to be someday! I am more intermediate level. So when I ordered Cath'e entire collection at one time early last year, I figured if I spent that amount of money at once, I would do all of them by the end of the year. WRONG!! I have only done about 15 of her workouts, some have never been opened. Maybe workout DVDs are like toys you buy for your kids. I get so excited just knowing that the UPS guy is brining me some new workouts!!! I have purchased tons of workouts. I like knowing that if I want to do a workout, I have lots to choose from! I just sprained my ankle, but I also just ordered Barry's Bootcamp and Swat workout. I won't be doing any cardio for a while until my ankle heals. Just tell me I am normal!!!