Is there a food that everyone else likes.....


Is there a food that everyone else likes, but you just don't get? I like almost every food there is. There are some foods that I don't eat because they're not good for me, but that doesn't mean I don't like them, or at least that I couldn't understand why someone else would like them.

But I just don't get eggplant. On the cooking shows, someone always seems to be making something with eggplant. I don't like the gray color of eggplant, I don't like the texture of eggplant, it has very little taste. I don't even like the word eggplant. Why do people like eggplant?

Do you have a food that other people like but you just don't get?

LOL Nancy I LOVE eggplant and HATE eggs. Almost EVERYONE eats eggs but I do NOT so I know what you mean.:p
I dont like plums. They are so sour or something that they make my jaw cringe.
Susan C.M.
I second the eggplant thing. Gag! Also I don't like Oreo or cookie dough ice cream, or tomatoes in a salad.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
That's a good one, Wendy. I know a few people who won't eat eggs, including my DH. (I love eggs).
Me too! I'll eat tomatoes in sandwiches and other dishes, but always pick them out of salad. Interesting.
Oh boy....lima beans, yams, jelly filled doughnuts!!!...[/img]
I can't stand eggplant or zucchini. I've never understood the whole eggplant lasagna thing either--ick!

LOVE tomatoes in salad because I like the flavor the juice adds to the dressing. In the summer we make a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, and vidalia onions dressed with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, and dried oregano. It's probably my favorite salad of all time and I love to sop up the juice with a thick slice of crusty Italian bread--YUM!
Great thread Nancy!

For me it's Bananas! I can't stand the texture,yuk!!

Now, banana cake is just fine, especially with cream cheese frosting!}(

Speaking of cake, I love most cake, but can't stand Angel Food cake and Casada Cake ( and I am half Italian!!):+
I love eggplant! Has to be cooked well, though.

For me, it's seafood of any kind or meat with bones in it. Just the thought has me gagging (and I'm not even vegetarian!).

>I can't stand eggplant or zucchini. I've never understood the
>whole eggplant lasagna thing either--ick!
>LOVE tomatoes in salad because I like the flavor the juice
>adds to the dressing. In the summer we make a salad of
>tomatoes, cucumbers, and vidalia onions dressed with olive
>oil, sea salt, pepper, and dried oregano. It's probably my
>favorite salad of all time and I love to sop up the juice with
>a thick slice of crusty Italian bread--YUM!

Michele that sounds *great.* I should qualify and say I love tomato salad but not big hunks of hard, pre-packaged tomato dumped on top of a lettuce salad. How's that for specific? :D

ETA: thought of another one: white chocolate!! Really, what's the point?!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Watermelon for me. I like watermelon flavor but can't do the texture. Too mushy. I like honeydew, cantaloupe, just not watermelon. Never have.

Funny how that texture thing does it for some of us. I'm in that camp on bananas - can't stand them and I'm pretty sure it's due to the texture. Also - spaghetti - or pasta in general - regardless of what type of sauce. Ick.

Any sort of meat, beets(disgusting no matter how they are prepared), and most hard liquors and beer.

>But I just don't get eggplant. On the cooking shows, someone
>always seems to be making something with eggplant. I don't
>like the gray color of eggplant, I don't like the texture of
>eggplant, it has very little taste.

I agree! Eggplant is foul!
The texture is gross!
And, it's a member of the deadly nightshade family (I like the other 'relatives'--tomato, peppers---better!).

Years ago, I was experimenting with a raw food diet for a couple of weeks, and decided that if something didn't taste good raw, why bother eating it cooked? Eggplant failed miserably!

(Though I think the name is appropriate).

Not a food, but I have never liked the taste of coffee, and don't understand how people can drink it all the time (though I do like the smell of it, especially the flavored coffees). And it seems like EVERYBODY drinks coffee, or at least has at some point. (It also just seems odd to me that there is this ritual of drinking coffee in the morning.)

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