Is there a food that everyone else likes.....

I thought I was the only one on the planet who didn't like mayonnaise or eggs! I bet you mayonnaise and/or egg-haters have the same problem as me - people think I'm crazy.

But oatmeal is the worst - just looking at or, worse, smelling it makes me gag.

P.S. I love eggplant, and my favorite food is fried okra.
Brussel Sprouts, dh loves them, I can't stand them.
Watermelon, I won't buy it, my son loves it, dh just doesn't eat a lot of fruit and I don't like it. It goes to waste. my son likes every other kind of fruit, including grapefruit so I'm not depriving him of fruit, I'll buy any other type of fruit. Just no watermelon

Mayo, it is so nasty I want to hurl if I see it. Living in the south everything is freggin fried here and seeing the grease on the food make me not even want to eat. I don't get the point of tofu. I do love eggplant grilled with olive oil and garlic on it, oh yum, but don't get the eggplant parmesan thing. Why bother frying it, it just soakes up the grease and then you just eat grease. Anything greasy just does not work for me. I also can't do watermelon don't know why? Again, a southern thing, grease and watermelon.
MILK. I HATE milk. I am unable to drink soy, almond or rice milk even though I can tolerate the flavor of those but when I try to drink any of them all I can think about is cow's milk. It's like my mind won't accept that I'm drinking something other than that and they gag me!!! Not a day goes by when my 4 year old DD doesn't try to get me to sample her milk! I think she enjoys seeing me almost lose my mind.....
I'd have to say...

Raw Onions (LOVE sauteed onions)
Beets (Blech)

I'm sure if I thought harder I'd find more, but I'm not real picky when it comes to food.

I can't stand anything containing mayonaise, most cake frostings, and ice cream. You have no idea the grief I get for the ice cream part.

OKAY--I think I have the winner here. The food I hate that everyone else loves is CHOCOLATE- white, dark, I don't care! Makes me sick!
I know...y'all think I'm lucky, but I MORE than make up for it with other food weaknesses, cheese in particular.

And I second the nomination for Mayo---YUCK!

Love this thread -
I don't like spaghetti. Other pasta is fine, just the long stringy kind makes me go yuck. I know it's made of the same stuff as ziti, but I just don't like the stringiness of it.

I also don't care for chocolate milk, chocolate cake or chocolate pudding - I like real chocolate, heck I love real chocolate. But for some reason chocolate milk, cake and pudding don't taste right to me. Funny though, I've never had a brownie I didn't love. As my DD would say, "I'm weird. And proud of it!"

I don't like turnips or cooked carrots...blechhhh
I have tried to like fish but besides tuna and smoked salmon the only way I like it is deep fried English style and that's because you can't really taste the fish.
I don't like milk chocolate and the concept of 'white chocolate' is oxymoronic for me....if it ain't brown, it ain't chocolate, I like chocolate very dark (70% cocoa, yummy) and plain.
It's not really a food but I hate regular tea, double blechhhh....give me a strong black coffee anyday,....everyday is more like it:D

Take Care
Okay, I started this thread, so I get to pick the winner.

And the winner is............

for not liking chocolate. I would say that that has to be the oddest food dislike of all.

Runners up were:
Second place: Gym Mom for not liking spaghetti and chocolate cake
Third Place: Lorrie for not liking pasta
Fourth Place: Haydee and Kathryn for not liking coffee

Honorable Mention goes to Cristina for not liking ice cream.

You'll all be receiving invitations to the gala award ceremony in the fall :+
Thanks for the smile ladies - needed it tonight!

Hmm, I like so much... And Nancy, if you had eggplant the way my DH makes - in Indian spices - you MIGHT (i repeat - MIGHT) change your mind.

But I do have to agree with tripe, liver and other organ meats (I think most people don't like those). And tomatoes in salads - unless they are the VERY ripe home grown ones. Then they deserve to be set on a plate with just a touch of olive oil, basil and mozarella cheese not in a salad.

This is going to sound really weird, but I'm not a big fan of a lot of fruits. I like bananas, strawberries, sweet blueberries, cantaloupe, honey dew, and an occasional mango, but that's about it. I really do not like fruit that is sour *shudders*.
I never understood the obsession with chocolate. I like it and all but I see no need to ga ga over it.
It IS truly amazing that someone would not like chocolate! There is nothing more heavenly than a big old fat brownie, with lots of nuts and frosted, of course! Gives me the shivers just thinking about it!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Oh, my! What a disorder! One for the medical books!

AND I don't think of eggplant as a food that "everybody else likes." It's kind of an off the wall food, and I don't believe I've ever tried it. So your dislike for brownies is balanced by your dislike for eggplant!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
There are a lot of foods that I don't like (raw onions, mushrooms, tomatoes) but I finally thought of two things that I don't like at all that everyone else seems to love:

1) Steak. I eat meat, even red meat (ground beef), but I just don't like steak at all, never have. Every few years I'll try a bite and nothing ever changes. I live in Texas so I end up at a lot of steak houses and I am that one at the table getting the fish!

2) Red Wine. It kills my husband that I can't share a bottle with him but I just can't get myself to like it. It gives me the head shudders when I try it.

I spent my whole life not liking corn. I always wanted to like it though because it looked so fun to eat off the cob. I kept trying it and not liking it and then one day, when I was about 23, I gave it another try and fell in love. Now I eat it several times a week, just trying to make up for the lost years!

Great thread!

I dislike:

Lobster & crab ...if you have to dip meat in butter, lol
any type of egg
mexican food
alfredo sauce
ranch dressing
Yeah to my mother's horror I have list of them

1. Pancakes, french toast, waffles (basically anything that might come with syrup) YUCK!!

2. Yogurt or smoothies (just like melty ice cream to me)

3. Brownies or fudge

4. Cheesecake of any kind


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