I would think by now, I would know how to lose weight, but I too have read too much, and am now just lost in what to believe, what to do, and more importantly how to apply anything to my life and make it work. My head is spinning. I want to believe that just eating all the healthy stuff will do the trick, but at least for me, that is not the answer for weight loss.
I recently gained 10 pounds, I'm very upset, it's almost all around my middle, and I seemingly just popped out one day, my clothes don't fit, and I feel pretty terrible about myself. It was not the holidays for me, it was all the moving and changing of my schedules and living arrangements over the last 6 months that built up to this 10 pound gain.
Soooo, for this past month I followed the "Perfect 10 Diet" seemingly quite well, although I probably ate a little more dairy than he prescribed. I felt good, because the food is all VERY healthy, it certainly allows for fats, but of course everything in moderation. I was counting out the amount of nuts to eat, measuring oils, keeping portions smaller (I thought), trying to keep dairy to a minimum, I followed the suggestion to cut out all grains and starches for the first 3 weeks, I got back to the gym 5 days/week. I added back grains in the 4th week, and after 4 whole weeks of super healthy eating, I lost exactly zero pounds! I did not have a measuring tape when I started, so I think some of the blubber around my middle is gone, but my jeans are still WAY too tight.
My only thought here, is that despite all of the super healthy eating, and cutting out all the crap, I must have been taking in too many calories, I just don't see any other reason for NO weight loss over a 4 week period. I really had to fight to follow this for the first couple weeks, I had some serious cravings for some bread/pasta/sugar/etc that I had to fight through, but still nothing. I like eating like this for the most part, I feel good and healthy, and know for maintaining, this is pretty good, but I NEED to lose weight now!
It wasn't in my game plan, but I think I need to go to a Weight Watchers style of plan to keep my calories in check.
Wow that was long and wordy, sorry!