Is Food a ?


We've got the workout but how about the food? Is anyone following any special diets or has Cathe recommended one to follow to complement the workouts? I'm new here and not sure if this is where this question belongs. Thanks for any and all responses in advance.

Hi Deb,

Welcome to the forums :) .

I have come to the realization that diet is a life long process. There are no long term short cuts. I try to eat clean and monitor my portion sizes according to what I burn. Whenever I get a craving for something with no nutritious value, I try to eat in moderation.

I have discovered that I need to avoid certain junk foods. If I start to eat the empty calories on my avoid list, my diet gets out of control and I feel physically bad. Also, I gain weight and have to work too hard to get things under control. So, for me certain foods are just not worth the work :(. When my eating is on track, I don't miss most empty calories. I try not to get too discouraged if a have a bad eating day, I just try to make better choices the next day.

If you look at past posts, Cathe usually advocates clean eating (with an occasional treat). I have not seen anything that currently changes that view.

Since you asked, this thread would probably be best placed in the open discussion forum but people will still see it here.


I would tend to echo that sentiment -- although for me lo carb works best. Even the whole grains tend to not work as well for me, though I don't delete them completely from my diet. But one serving a day is all I allow myself usually. Clean eating is best: meaning no white flour (it's like eating sugar), no white rice, no sugar (substitute stevia -- a sweet herb -- or something more natural -- like maple syrup or honey) -- sugar, by the way, is the biggest no-no, as it will in the long run, run the body down. Potatoes and corn can be problems, as well -- if you eat potatoes, always include the skins -- and cut down on fried foods. Oven baking is just as good.

So clean eating is eating whole foods -- no processed foods -- and organic whenever possible, as the food industry is doing things to food right now that has not been tested in the long run, and no one knows what the results will be -- the genetic modification of foods -- called GMO -- inserting animal genes into vegetables like corn, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

Drink water -- at least one glass to two before each meal -- one 2 1/2 hours later, and a couple of glasses before bed.

If I were you, I'd educate myself on diets and food and read anything I could get my hands on, as clean eating is very important to your health, as well.

Hope this helps.:7
I'll agree 100% with AUTHOR's comments! Excellent guidelines to follow!

Also, try finding GRASS-FED beef or bison, FREE-RANGE chicken/turkey, and the WILD ALASKAN Sockeye Salmon(high Omega 3's). This would be much more beneficial to your diet than the regular store bought meats and farm raised fish!

Hope this helps!

Hi Go-Organic!

Thanks for your suggestions on the meats. Actually, you are so right to post this, as there is a world of difference between grass-fed beef and corn-fed beef -- a difference in the Omega 3 fatty content. This is also the second time I've seen something about the Alaskan salmon. I haven't tried that and I really should.

Thanks again.
My biggest weight loss secret when it comes to food is this:

NO (absolutely none) soda pop. I don't care if it's diet soda or not.

Replace with water, water, water (and maybe some orange juice or something).

I find that whenever I drink a soda, I bloat right out and feel like I've gained about 3-5 pounds. After a few days without soda and only water, my waist whittles back down and I feel all lean again. Of course, I still indulge in the occasional soda, but it's more as a treat now. I just know that whenever I indulge, I'm gonna feel it in my waist for a couple of days.
My other weight loss secret is to eat the bad stuff in moderation. I still eat Reduced Fat potato chips, but now I only eat 3-4 at a time. I have cut fast food pretty much out of my diet, and while I still eat fries or onion rings on occasion, they are more like treats than a regular food in my diet.

Also, I try to not eat so late.

Lastly, a good night's sleep is key to curbing cravings and strong hunger pangs the next day. I find that when I get about 7-8 hours of sleep, I'm not as hungry the next day. Six hours of sleep and I have to fight my hunger pangs.

I actually need to lose some weight right now, and I'm in the process of changing some of my habits to maximize my dietary contributions.
Great info catwoman!:) Geez diet pop seems like the only goodies and thrill I get into my diet these days. Aside from the weekend cheats I can't seem to stop(trying to limit to just 1 naughty day). I looooooooooove any diet pop. I feel so rejuvenated after that carbonation. ;( But my tummy is my big prob area. Maybe I should TRY to cut out the pop. What is a good alternative to just yucky old water all the time. Anything I can add to the water that wouldn't be detrimental to my weight loss... tea or sugar free lemonade mix???
I hate water!
p.s) I am also from IN. :D
Hi Catwoman!

Is it the carbonation that is the problem with diet sodas or is it the additives? I don't drink much soda, but I love seltzer water. I thought that it was a better alternative than diet soda, but now I'm not sure!

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