Is anyone doing the Jan/Feb/March STS/Shock Cardio rotation?

I'm on the last week as well. I'm doing ok... there's things I can't do yet but I'll keep working on them. (the insane MMA core stuff/ roly polys, etc.. there is some tough shoulder work in MMA and I had rotator cuff surgery last May and couldn't start working out again with little to no weight unti August and i've been slowly and carefully building up my body.
I did STS 31/2 month this fall and did walk/runs for cardio. My dumb bells were just 3,5 & 8 and my bar bell was 10 to 13 #. This time around i'm up to 11 DB and 20 BB and I'm doing the STS Cardio for all my cardio.
Before hurting myself last February I was up to 23 DB and 50 BB.
I've had to learn to really "listen" to my body (I have a high pain threshold and have learned to back off about 20% of what I think I can do)and be humble and patient with Cathe's workout and get my ego out of the way. I'm enjoying the new challenges and small victories in both STS workouts.
Looking forward to next weeks reward of active recovery and this time I'm going to really do light stuff. Walks, yoga, pilates and rest and see what I find in the 2nd meso. :cool:
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I have trouble keeping up the the posts at the Penta check in as well but I gain tons of wisdom when I lurk.:eek: Not to stress an age thing but I've got to learn how to be 56 for me (humility) but not wimp out at new challenges.
Sorry for the 2nd post but I wanted to let you know why I wasn't checking in. I end up not being able to read them all and respond. I end up seeming so selfish and self absorbed if I just check in about myself. (like I'm doing now LOL).
Disc 12

I did disc 12 and Circuit Blast cardio pre-mix today. I don't know if it was me or the workout but number 12 was tough for me today. It felt like I was doing a cardio workout. I just can't believe how many creative ways Cathe finds to torture us! ;)
I started the rotation on Jan 6th and absolutely love it. I downloaded Cathe's rotation in my calendar in the workout manager and I am so happy to be "told" what to do rather than try to figure out what I feel like doing that day. I actually don't cheat at all, I really don't want to get behind on the schedule. I barely manage to get through HiiT 40/20 (did it last night - it almost killed me) - I cheated on the height of the step on the last exercise (Jack jump), I did it on the 8in step (my high step is 14in and at that point, I probably would have fell on my face trying to jump on it). I don't think I could take one more interval of HiiT 40/20 - I don't know how Cathe can do it while talking all the time... Anyway, I lost 6 pounds since the beginning, but I use the Nutrition plan in the Workout Manager and think it's fantastic. My scale also gives me body fat, water, bone mass and muscle mass % which I find very motivating, because even if the weight is not necessarily coming off very fast, I see the bodyfat% go down (the muscle mass % fluctuates, I don't know why). STS was a great investment, and I am so pleased the see this forum where all these inspired women like ourselves are doing so well! Keep up the great work everyone!
Completed the Jan. rotation today with Circuit blast premix and the heavy bag bonus. I weigh in on Sunday so I don't know yet if doing additional workouts through out the month has made a difference.
I finished STS Meso 1/Shock Cardio and now have a rest week. I was looking ahead on the Workout Manager and I see longer workouts. STS and SC (and sometimes abs as well) on the same day. Did I read it right ... 90 min. workouts for the whole month? The 3rd month goes back to one workout a day. I really hope it's a mistake. 90 min. a day is tough for me to fit in.:( Never mind ... I somehow had a glitch in my Workout Manager. I just about fell over seeing SC & STS Meso 2 on the same day. Thank goodness it's a mistake. I went to Cathe's Rotations and printed out the correct rotation and it's tough enough as is.I know a lot of you can do two in one day but not me. I'd have to be carried out of my exercise room on a stretcher. Panic is over.
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