IntervalMax/Bodymax question


I'm considering some new video purchases. The only Cathe cardio tape I currently own is MIC. The hi/lo section has a little too much impact for me. I'm currently considering purchasing Interval Max and BodyMax. Can someone give me an idea of how much impact I can expect from these tapes?

Thanks in advance. Angela
Hi, Angela! Both Interval Max and Body Max contain a certain amount of impact; however, because they're both step workouts at their core, the tempo is slower and you have a lot more work directly on the bench. The hi/lo segment in MIC is almost constant fast impact-oriented work; you will not find that in I-Max or B-Max . . . which happen to be two of my personal alltime faves!

I-Max does have some hi-impact stuff, especially the last interval; do not be hesitant to do the intensity/impact modifications demonstrated if the impact bothers your knees and/or ankles!

Happy purchasing!

I love both these workouts too and find them quite easy to modify the impact on the step.

Some of the intervals in Imax are done on the floor and can be quite high impact but they are short (and intense). I have heard on other forums that some people do these sections on their rebounders and love it but have not tried this myself.

Also the step portion of Bodymax is quite fast but it is soooooo much fun! And if you alredy have MIC it is great to do the step portion of Body max then the step portion of MIC (I just posted this in another thread.)

Let us know if you do get these tapes and how much you like them.

Thanks for the information everyone. I will probably pass on IMAX for now. I had forgotten how much impact there was on the video clip. I will probably get BodyMax and maybe PowerMax. I plan to look at those clips again this weekend when I have time and make a decision. I just purchased S&H a couple of weeks ago, so I will probably wait a few more weeks to order. I'm also wanting to order one or both of Christi's new tapes, so I have to spread it out a little. Ha/Ha! (I've had alot of unplanned expenses this past month.)

Thanks again, Angela

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