Interval Max is Evil!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-02 AT 01:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everyone!

I just purchased IMAX on VHS b/c I wanted something simple (choreographically speaking) but geared toward the Intermediate/Advanced exerciser (me). I watched it last night while eating dinner and I got tired just watching them! Now I'm scared to try it!

I'm not a stepping fan but I want to be and I want to learn how to do all the cool turns and stuff but waaaah! I'm scared!

Any tips? :)
I really like it when IMAX comes up on my rotation. For me, it's a slay-the-dragon kind of thing - how many intervals can I get through this week? :)I can get through the whole tape, but I do the easiest intervals (still not very easy!)

My advice is to just do it and do what you can. Even one of Cathe's backgrounders modifies an interval. IMAX is one of the easier Cathe step tapes, choreographically speaking, but if you are new to stepping it could be confusing. If you want to work up to IMAX you could try the step portion of Body Max - that has some of the same steps (like power jumps) but a little easier and shorter.

Another interval tape that I have but haven't done is Intense Moves by Gin Miller. You can check out reviews at I can't compare the two, but they are often mentioned in the same breath.

I agree with Rose I couldn't resist butting in.

When I first got IMAX I watched it once thought not in this life time. Now its in my rotation I can't do all the intervals (power scissors are just beyond me) but I do what I can (I love side lunges and the power 7s and power 15s, hate A steps).

At the moment I do IMAX one time per week and when I did it yesterday as part of my rotation I really surprised myself I did all but 3 of the intervals without modifying, and at the end I was not dieing!!

Yeah for me, it can be done don't let it freak you out just think how you will feel when you gone through it at the end I always feel really good and please with myself.

Just go for it and let us know how you do.

Babs :-jumpy
Purchasing IMAX - $20.00 (give or take)
Step to use during IMAX - $70.00
Shoes to wear for IMAX - $65.00
Saying you survived IMAX - Priceless!

Just do it - do the first interval and modify the next 9, do all the intervals on a 4" step, whatever! You will be so proud of yourself for doing it! Have fun!
I absolutely love Interval Max. My favorite little combination is the one with the "A" step, knee off the back, long hop turn, ... squat out. Jeanne
Just take it 1 interval at a time, modifying however you need to and before you know it you will be knocking out intervals left and right without having to modify. Trust me, just a few months ago I was posting the same thing, thinking I could NEVER get the footwork, never get through without modifying, and about 6 weeks later I was doing 9 out of 10 intervals and not having to modify until I hit #10. Those tuck jumps just ain't happenin' for me! I'm lucky to be leaping let alone doing the tuck jumps. I sort of do an "air jack" thing, it's ugly I'm sure, but I'm still moving, so I'm happy at that point! :)
One day, I'll get interval #10, that and the lottery, yeah! :)

I do not know about evil, but it darn near kills me everytime. I can only do up to the 5th interval, and I tell you I am darn proud of it! It took me quite a while to work up to the first interval...but for some reason once I got through that first one, the next four just flowed. But I only do it cause it is good for me, not because I like it....not one bit. Give me a barbell and PowerHour or MIS...I call that fun! Go slow, at your own pace, one interval at a time and you too will conquer the "evil"! Take care, Donna.
Yes, Donna!

I'm with you. I am sooo doggone proud of myself when I get thru IMax and even happier there is not a camera on me. It ain't real pretty on that 10th. interval! (or the plyo scissors interval either) I will be so happy (well, not sure HAPPY is the right word) to put IMax back into my weekly rotation. It has been collecting dust for almost a month now while I am babying this lil' toe. Hope it's not like starting ALL OVER AGAIN when I add it back. OH BOY! Good for you on progressing to the 9th. interval! I remember your frustration some time ago with it and LOOK AT YOU NOW!! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi, Melissa!

I see everyone has already given you great tips and
encouragement. I never cared for stepping before I found Cathe. Her tapes make it soooo much fun that you WANT to learn them even
if you are scared & choreo challenged. (Miss "Two-Left-Feet" speaking here) IMax was one of my very first Cathe's, and to this day, one of my very favorite tapes, even though she tries very hard to kill me each time. How's that for some encouragement? Ha! Go for it and just keep modifying where needed. Have FUN and keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You guys rock! Thanks for making it sound "do-able". I just have to take one interval at a time. I've got to slay that dragon! :)
I just did it for the first time this week. I took out all arm movements and just concentrated on the legs. I did 7 intervals and then had to FF to the end. I simply couldn't do any more. But I did 7 of them!!! I had to do some modifying but I did it - I can't wait to do it again to see if I can do 7 intervals without modifying...
Jeez, usually when watching IMAX it looks really pretty easy. One of my friends watched it before trying it with my and she grossly underestimated the toughness of all the athletic moves. Watching it is about 25X easier than doing it. Not to scare you or anything!:) But, I will have to agree with the others in saying it is the funnest Cathe workout there is!! It is now also one of my favorites!! Go for it, and let us know if you SURVIVED IMAX!!

OMG! I tried it last night. Wow! It was sooooo much fun! I only did the warmup and 2 intervals (due to lack of time I had) but I didn't want to stop. I remember what everyone said on here and I just did it. I said, "If I mess up, I mess up" no big deal. But then I was having so much fun that I hardly mess up at all!

Thanks so much :)
Woo-Hooo, Melissa!!

TOLD YOU! Isn't it great? Just wait til you have the time to do the whole thing. That hour just fies by because of the FUN factor! SURVIVED that 2nd. interval! Yipeee! Keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Ever since I got IMax I had to do it on a six inch step (compare to Intense Move, I could do that on an eight inch step right away) but I always made it through all Intervals.

I switch my rotation July and August and today was the first time in eight weeks I was doing IMax again. I used the six inch step and it was easy! So, I'll be on an eight inch step next week.

I added spinning three times a week to my usual workouts and that finally pushed me to a higher fitness level.

IMax is cool and I am looking forward to receiving IMax2.
Just wanted to say i tried Imax for the first time today - and LOVED it, although I was really scared to try it. I love the simple choreography - the step portion is REALLY fun - will put a smile on your face. I got through most of the intervals, but had to modify a couple (plyojacks and those jumping scissor type things - yikes). It was so thoughtful of Cathe to show us a modified version first...

She's the BEST!


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