Intermitant exercise or consistant


New Member
I am out of shape but trying to get there.I have 6 days before going on vacation for 8days. The only exercise during v-time will be possibly walking .(girls v-tion.:D)
My question is, do i work out with weights and dvd now and walk during v-time or just wait until i get back to really work up a sweat. I know i will be sore then lay off a week then be sore again if I do weights before i leave. Not looking forward to that. Thanks everyone.
i say do the weight work now and try and stay active on your vacation but don't stress over it. every little bit counts and i think that it couldn't hurt doing some weight work before your vaca. plus you may be less sore b/c your body will remember what you did prior to vaca when your ready to get back into after. enjoy your trip!
Personally, I would stay with whatever you are currently doing! Are you doing any cardio or strength training right now or just waiting to get started? I wouldn't start a serious heavy weight routine until I got back. If you're doing lots of cardio, just keep it up and add weights when you get back so you can get consistent with it. If you're doing some cardio with light weight circuit training, stay with that.

Either way, I guess my answer would be to just keep on your current routine until you're back and can stay on a program consistently. That's just MHO anyway.
Another vote to workout, enjoy your vacation, then get back at it. But again I say, ENJOY the vacation. You can get right back at it after vacation!
Just a suggestion if you do weights before you leave . . .

While on your walk find a bench or wall and do some tricep dips & step ups, then do some push ups, walk some lunges, etc. Use body weight and either stop and do a few exercises or do it in circuit fashion. Get creative !

That will help with any soreness for weight work when you return from vacation and will also give your muscles a "pump" so you look better in your swimsuit ! ;)

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