Oh my, this has been interesting reading! It is comforting to know that some my more strange idiosynchroses (sp?) may not be that odd

. Okay, here goes...
1. My most dreaded day of the year is May 5 (Cinco de Mayo)...In 1998, I broke my wrist as a result of a kick from a horse that was actually aiming for my head (I was lucky enough to get my arm up to shield). Then, two years later, broke my back when the horse I was riding reared and flipped over on me, shattering my L5. Full recovery fron that, thank goodness. Then, last year, passed one hell of a kidney stone (I am prone to them) at 11:50pm. It just had to squeek in there, didn't it?
2. I have a passion for bowling. I have always bowled in the men's leagues (since I was 18). My father is a professional and I was set to follow in his footsteps. By the time I was ready to try a tour stop, the women's tour went bankrupt x( ;( .
3. I have OCD about closet doors and dresser drawers...must be completely shut at all times. Bed must also be made immediately upon waking up.
4. I once had a very nice 15 minute chat with Bruce Springsteen in Florida (where everyone in the NE heads for the winter circuit). His daughter, Jessica, was showing ponies at the time. We were standing in line waiting for some burritos, or something, and had a very nice conversation about how much the show had grown in the past few years and how he likes that it's the one place where he doesn't get treated like a celebrity...he's just a proud dad watching his kid show.
5. I love anything having to do with immortality...don't anyone laugh! I used to love the Highlander (Adrian Paul could be a god :7), love Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, Buffy, Angel, and an obscure Canadian show called "Forever Knight". The lead in that, Geraint Wyn Davies, makes me melt }( :* !
6. I love tragedies (not real life)...theater, movies, etc. There is nothing better than being moved to tears by a movie or a play. Maybe that's just the theater background in me talking. Give me "Othello", "Sweeney Todd" or "Steal Magnolias" any day.
EEK, I didn't mean to write a novel. Sorry! Anyhow, keep 'em coming...this is a blast.