"Intensity" step-based mish-mosh ideas


Good morning, peeps! I finally got my "Intensity" DVD and inaugurated it this morning; as I posted on the New and Upcoming Workouts forum, the workout can also be called "Cathe's Can of Whoop-Ass". Loved it. I'm sure I, like many here, will be spending a great deal of time in the near future getting unified with the DVD and its many premixes in and of itself; however, I'd like to offer just a few suggestions for mish-moshes for the step portion of the DVD with other Cathe step offerings for those who like . . . well, step.

Just add on any of the following to the workout AFTER the steady-state and step-interval portion of "Intensity":

For upper-margin steady-state: the original Body Max steady-state step routine after the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the original Body Max Power Circuit segment, omitting the circuit intervals OR keeping them in;

For upper-margin steady-state: the Body Max 2 steady-state step routine after the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the Body Max 2 Power Circuit segment, omitting the circuit intervals OR keeping them in;

For upper-margin steady-state: the I-Max 2 cardio-only premix omitting the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the I-Max 2 blast-only premix (for extra intensity, omit the recovery intervals of this premix by hitting the "chapter-next" button on your remote after each interval);

For upper-margin steady-state: the I-Max 3 cardio-only premix omitting the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the I-Max 3 blast-only premix);

For upper-margin steady-state: the LIC cardio-only premix omitting the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the LIC blast-only add-on premix (one of my alltime faves);

For upper-margin steady-state: the Low Max cardio only premix omitting the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the Low Max blast only premix adding holding a weight (please see the Video Discussion forum thread I posted several years ago "Low Max Intensifiers: Grab a Weight!") (or a similarly-titled thread; just use the word "intensifier" in your search);

For upper-margin steady-state: the CTX All-Step segment after the warm-up; for nosebleed intensity: the CTX Step-Intervals segment after the warm-up in its entirety including the step intervals; alternative nosebleed intensity: the CTX Power Circuit segment including the weight segments.

Have fun!

This is one of the reasons I love being a Cathlete. I knew almost every move she threw at me without previewing the workout. I only missed one move. I was laughing and it turned into a game to me. I burned over 700 calories while having a super great time.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to try one today and then I think again on Thursday. The hard part is in the "choosing", ha!!


I'm back....

I did the mish-mosh of the step portion of Intensity followed by the step portion of the original Body Max----NICE! 450 calories blasted! ;)

I was making the low impact hi my first two times through. Next time I'll try it with the med ball. That sounds good.
This is one of the reasons I love being a Cathlete. I knew almost every move she threw at me without previewing the workout. I only missed one move. I was laughing and it turned into a game to me. I burned over 700 calories while having a super great time.

I TOTALLY agree! I actually did preview the workout, but sat in my chair and knew every move she was going to do (because of her excellent cueing and the fact that "what you do to one side, you do to the other!, I was sitting in my chair actually working out without doing so!). I love that because you can do her workouts the first time around and have a great workout (unlike other instructors where you have to "learn" the workout first (after struggling hard). Love the new workouts!!! Didn't expect anything different!
Woo Hoo A-Jock...you mish mosh'd me good!:eek:

That's the whole plan, honey. How cool is it that you have so many mish-moshable DVDs out there?

And don't think I didn't see your post on another OD thread about a sequel to "Intensity"!

Let's see . . . titles . . . titles . . .

"Son of Intensity"

"The Intensity Strikes Back"

"Cathe Friedrich And The Lively Intensity" . . .


That's the whole plan, honey. How cool is it that you have so many mish-moshable DVDs out there?

And don't think I didn't see your post on another OD thread about a sequel to "Intensity"!

Let's see . . . titles . . . titles . . .

"Son of Intensity"

"The Intensity Strikes Back"

"Cathe Friedrich And The Lively Intensity" . . .

Hmmmm...I think I prefer daughter of intensity :D rather than son of intensity. I think we women need to start taking over power names! Girly push-ups = hard core push-ups, throw like a girl=throwing strikes, etc...
But all of your suggestions for names rock!

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