

Hi everyone,

for some reason my last message wasn't displayed. Just a question regarding mixing STS with Insanity. What is the Insanity part? Is it a particular workout on DVD?

Also, I am about to start meso 3 of a 6 month rotation. I saw a post not to long ago that referred to doing meso 3 just 4 weeks instead of 8. I guess because the workout is pretty much the same each week. Only the plyo workout slightly changes. Has anyone tried meso 3 only for 4 weeks during a 6 month rotation schedule? What were your results?

Thanks for all your help.

Hi Ela~ Just a forum member here- not Cathe or SNM....

Insanity is not a Cathe product . If you go to the checkins forum there is an Insane Checkin & I'm sure you can get all the info you are looking for there.

Hope that helps!!!

Hi everyone,

for some reason my last message wasn't displayed. Just a question regarding mixing STS with Insanity. What is the Insanity part? Is it a particular workout on DVD?

Also, I am about to start meso 3 of a 6 month rotation. I saw a post not to long ago that referred to doing meso 3 just 4 weeks instead of 8. I guess because the workout is pretty much the same each week. Only the plyo workout slightly changes. Has anyone tried meso 3 only for 4 weeks during a 6 month rotation schedule? What were your results?

Thanks for all your help.


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