Insanity Infomercial


I just watched 10 minutes of this infomercial, all I can say each his/her own, but this doesn't look safe to me at all, this looks more like voluntary torture. I mean, there are times I test myself, but there are limits as to how far I'll go..this is way too far, I was shocked watching this.
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I just watched 10 minutes of this infomercial..this isn't a workout, it's voluntary torture..the looks on the faces of the people doing the workout, I actually felt sympathy for them.

To those who choose to put themselves through this, party on, I guess, but these look like major burnout waiting to happen.

I guess there's a market for this, or it wouldn't be made at all, but I am more than happy to stick with Cathe..I will have her as trainer for life, in my opinion, Insanaity has major burnout written all over it...YMMV.

This past week I've done two of the Insanity cardio workouts and the two ab routines, and thus having actually, like, done the workouts rather than just watching them I can safely say they are not torture but instead voluntary workouts. And I'd rather risk major burnout (which, given the amount of skill and fitness I've developed over the years, is highly unlikely) than major rustout from not having tried to work out up to my capabilities.

Thankfully, Cathe allows people to purchase her own workouts as well as Insanity, as I have done for the past eight years or so. Although Cathe will always be my preferred producer, I'm not afraid of checking out others who create workouts at the intensity that Cathe has helped me build.

I just watched 10 minutes of this infomercial, all I can say each his/her own, but this doesn't look safe to me at all, this looks more like voluntary torture. I mean, there are times I test myself, but there are limits as to how far I'll go..this is way too far, I was shocked watching this.

It's funny, cuz this is the exact reason that I WANT Insanity so bad!:) I definitely think it's not for a beginner, but like Cathe says, we're an educated crowd. Anything that would push me to my furthest potential, and help me reach that next level of fitness is what keeps me going - otherwise I get bored. I think it's great to have some more choices as an advanced exerciser. So, yeah, I'm up for the torture!!!;)

i definately don't think this workout is for everyone and i think that when one watches the infommercial they can make that decision themselves. Some people don't even want to push themselves like that (me......i'm a glutton for punishment) However, i have been using the dvds based on my own principles such as i think that if i did the workouts as per the recommended rotation i would wind up overtrained, burnt out and injured. Its very easy in this type of workout to lose your form which could lead to injury so its important to push yourself hard but safely.
Please don't think I am knocking anyone who wants this series, to each their own, and if this series gives you the results you're looking for, rock on!!

That said, I follow two guidelines when I exercise...form and safety must take first priority, which is why I cannot do Cathe's step tapes, I can't do them safely, so I accept it, and move on..maybe a little less intense, but happily still in the game.

This philosophy has gotten me into the best shape of my life, mentally and physically, when I view Insanity, I already know I'll be an inury waiting to happen.
That said, I follow two guidelines when I exercise...form and safety must take first priority, which is why I cannot do Cathe's step tapes, I can't do them safely, so I accept it, and move on..maybe a little less intense, but happily still in the game.

Excellent guideline to follow. I think it should be said, that during the entire workout Shaun reminds everyone over and over- to keep the form. Stay safe, form over speed. He drills that into your head, and there are messages across the timer at the bottom of the screen. One that stands out to me is "Know your own limits" and rest when you need it.

I think BB is doing a great job in advertising. Clearly they are marketing to an advanced group of home exercisers. A seasoned exerciser knows their own body and limits.
Most of us were worried the workout wouldn't live up to the hype.

Personally, I do not view these workouts as punishment. I do what I can to the best of my ability and I get a tremendous sense of accomplishment from that. Keeping the form is always my first priority and that is as natural to me as breathing is.
I just have to say

Cathe S M O K E D P90X with STS and I think she'll smoke Insanity with her cardio STS. Because I bought and did P90X based on what everyone said on these forums, I think STS is the BOMB. Again, you're tempting me with Insanity and I have this gut feeling that STS Cardio will R O C K... because Cathe only produces the best fitness videos I have EVER purchased. I will never get rid of my P90X videos because they're beneficial, but Cathe's STS is awesome. The weeks fly by.
Cathe S M O K E D P90X with STS and I think she'll smoke Insanity with her cardio STS. Because I bought and did P90X based on what everyone said on these forums, I think STS is the BOMB. Again, you're tempting me with Insanity and I have this gut feeling that STS Cardio will R O C K... because Cathe only produces the best fitness videos I have EVER purchased. I will never get rid of my P90X videos because they're beneficial, but Cathe's STS is awesome. The weeks fly by.

I like this:) I hope that shock cardio does smoke insanity as by that time i will be bored with it.

You have great exercise guidelines and while i do like the workouts i agree with you that Insanity can easily fall into the unsafe category with form. What types of workouts do you do?
i agree with you that Insanity can easily fall into the unsafe category with form.

I think ALL workouts have the potential to fall into the unsafe category with form especially if the workout does not suit your fitness level.
If these are above your fitness level, you shouldn't be doing them. BB is very clear these are the hardest workouts ever put of DVD. Funny, there are a lot of runners who do not find the workouts intense. Several people have commented running is more intense.

The moves in these workouts are very basic and easy to follow. The intensity is up to each individual. You can slow it down and keep the form(Shaun T makes this point over and over), or pick up the pace. Everyone in the workout is going at their own pace.
If you can't keep the form, quit. That goes for any workout.
I think ALL workouts have the potential to fall into the unsafe category with form especially if the workout does not suit your fitness level.
If these are above your fitness level, you shouldn't be doing them. BB is very clear these are the hardest workouts ever put of DVD. Funny, there are a lot of runners who do not find the workouts intense. Several people have commented running is more intense.

The moves in these workouts are very basic and easy to follow. The intensity is up to each individual. You can slow it down and keep the form(Shaun T makes this point over and over), or pick up the pace. Everyone in the workout is going at their own pace.
If you can't keep the form, quit. That goes for any workout.


I look at all workouts like this:

I start out doing a little bit, as much as my fitness level allows me to do safely and effectively and within my limits. As I do the workout more often, my ability, fitness level and skill improve and, before long, I'm doing the whole thing and saying, "Wow, that was easy!" At that point, it's time to move on or increase intensity.

I think the Insanity series, STS, Shock Cardio, etc are the same. If anyone can put any one of those DVDs in, do the workout and say, "Wow, that was easy," then they have nothing to work toward or improve on! I'm totally sure everyone who has bought the Insanity series is on a learning/improvement scale and it will take time to get to where they can do the whole thing! (MHO) Any product that isn't challenging, isn't worth buying! We have to challenge ourselves constantly to make the gains and reach the goals we are all seeking. These goals are different for each and every one of us and some of us look at Insanity and go - whoa, not for me, no way! Others look at it and go - I can't wait to do THAT!

I also agree that any workout can be unsafe for someone who is not ready for it. It's a matter of fitness level, skill and core strength. Me, I can hurt myself just walking! :eek: I'm graceful that way! But, I keep going and participate in anything I want to try and any workout I want to challenge myself with.

Anyway, my point, really (I do have problems making a point sometimes - sorry!), is Insanity isn't for everyone!
Cathe S M O K E D P90X with STS and I think she'll smoke Insanity with her cardio STS. Because I bought and did P90X based on what everyone said on these forums, I think STS is the BOMB. Again, you're tempting me with Insanity and I have this gut feeling that STS Cardio will R O C K... because Cathe only produces the best fitness videos I have EVER purchased. I will never get rid of my P90X videos because they're beneficial, but Cathe's STS is awesome. The weeks fly by.

i was actually wondering whether to get the P90X or STS...ive heard really good things about P90X but im kind of skeptical about spending that kind of $ on an instructor i may not enjoy. i dont mean to sound negative, just with my past experience, most instructors besides cathe get on my nerves by week 2 or 3 and i never touch their dvds again. what are the differences between sts and p90x?
i was actually wondering whether to get the P90X or STS...ive heard really good things about P90X but im kind of skeptical about spending that kind of $ on an instructor i may not enjoy. i dont mean to sound negative, just with my past experience, most instructors besides cathe get on my nerves by week 2 or 3 and i never touch their dvds again. what are the differences between sts and p90x?
STS is currently out of my budget so I can't comment on that. However I had a wonderful amazingly generous Catheite friend send me her P90X because she is bored with it and Tony makes her crazy. Personally, I love Tony. He cracks me up. I'm not bored yet with the workouts.(hasn't been that long though) I actually find the Yoga and Stretch (probably generally considered the least favorite) to be my absolute favorite workouts! The workouts are incredibly challenging and I like that you don't need as much equipment as STS looks to require.
Although I'm hoping to get STS for Christmas so I have a chance to compare! :D
HTH even a little.

p.s. I'm blaming this board for making me break budget and order Insanity! lol! And I'm also a little nervous about the investment with a new to me instructor.
Well, I was thinking of getting Insanity to help prepare me for Shock Cardio ;) I'm expecting Cathe to kick our butts!
Well, I was thinking of getting Insanity to help prepare me for Shock Cardio ;) I'm expecting Cathe to kick our butts!

That was my thought too, Writer. One thing, though: Insanity has no step-based cardio and Shock Cardio has quite a bit. I would suggest staying really current with your power-step routines in addition to Insanity so that you're totally prepared. I have the feeliing Cathe's really gonna slam us on the Athletic Step routine, and that's why we love her so.

That was my thought too, Writer. One thing, though: Insanity has no step-based cardio and Shock Cardio has quite a bit. I would suggest staying really current with your power-step routines in addition to Insanity so that you're totally prepared. I have the feeliing Cathe's really gonna slam us on the Athletic Step routine, and that's why we love her so.


Good advice!! Anyway, I could never "leave" my Imax 1 and 3 and Body Max 2 (or HSTA for that matter) for another rotation! If I do get Insanity, I'd have to do a custom rotation that included Cathe step (as well as a variety of kickboxing).

Can't wait for Athletic step! Bring it on Cathe!!
I think ALL workouts have the potential to fall into the unsafe category with form especially if the workout does not suit your fitness level.
If these are above your fitness level, you shouldn't be doing them. BB is very clear these are the hardest workouts ever put of DVD. Funny, there are a lot of runners who do not find the workouts intense. Several people have commented running is more intense.

The moves in these workouts are very basic and easy to follow. The intensity is up to each individual. You can slow it down and keep the form(Shaun T makes this point over and over), or pick up the pace. Everyone in the workout is going at their own pace.
If you can't keep the form, quit. That goes for any workout.

I completely agree. Jeez, I'm more likely to injure myself doing yoga than something like this.

And, b/c it looks so intense, it's the first DVD series ever that I'm actually going to buy. Some of us like to push ourselves to the limits & really enjoy it. I'm a little scared of it, but I'm looking forward to it too! :eek:
I've been resisting this purchase but you enablers are making it so difficult! I predict that I won't make it though August without buying Insanity. Le sigh. I refuse to even add up what I spend on this stuff in a year.

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