Incorrect shipment and poor customer service


New Member
I just called the 1-800-433-7838 number that appeared on my invoice and the gentleman who answered the phone was very unhelpful. He said he doesn't have the customer service number???

I preordered the Body Blast DVDs but received two Timesavers in lieu of four separate DVDs.

In addition, the invoice does not mention which four DVDs I am supposed to receive.

I am really disappointed in this whole process, from the lack of communication about the time lag for preorders (I never received an e-mail and do not read this website very often) to the jumbled mess and incomplete invoice I received.

Cathe, your workouts are great and I'm sure the DVDs will be fabulous.
However, I probably will never preorder again.

Please help.

Holly Hunter-Ceci
I have to wonder why they put that number on their invoices. Sounds like it's an anti-customer service number, rather than customer service. Heck, leave it off if all the caller gets is rude answers.
Answering Service...

Angi, it's not a customer service number, it is an Answering Service. They have excellent customer service but you have to contact them by email.
no email yet

they are suppose to email with the solution to the problem TODAY but so far I have not got a email .
RE: no email yet

Oh, Sheila. I am so sorry to hear that. You must be so frustrated! They are extremly backlogged. I'll bet Cathe and SNM are disappointed that there's been a packaging error. Hang in there though! They will get it taken care of. I'm sure it's their top priority since the DVD's have been such a huge undertaking and they really do want satisfied customers. I have been trying to get my daughter a guitar over the internet. (I have to remember to put earplugs on MY list!) It has been a disaster! It's so much more difficult to correct a problem when you order online! Tis the Season! Everyone's backed up and it sheer madness! Keep that chin up! Bobbi
RE: no email yet

Just got mail saying they are shipping just the disk by mail with a cd paid postage to return the incorrect one.:)
RE: no email yet

Yay! Mine are coming tomorrow! I hope the shipment is correct but if it isn't I'll make do because I am doing PUB and PLB this week and I love them. And I hate them! What do you think of the other BB's? I can't wait to check them out!!!!! Have a great day! I hope the workout gets to you really quickly! ;) Bobbi

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