Impact Issue


Hi Cathe and All,

First... total appreciation for all of the awesome workouts...sweat has become part of my daily life.

The question is about impact vs. step height.

For some reason, my body, specifically my knees, aren't cooperating with my desire to have a killer workout. I am curious about which is preferred, step height without the jumping, or lower step and all out jumping.

I look forward to your replies as well as the new series.

Best to All,
Hi! I like to keep my step height at 6 inches when doing jumps, jigs, etc. so I don't go flying over the step or something, and it keeps my knees and my ankles happy without hurting my heart rate or the intensity..but when Cathe's workout is more basic (ie. Basic Step) I bump it up to 8 inches for the added intensity. I hope this helps you out!

Hi Jamie,
On days when my 44-year-old knees are cranky, I've found I can still get a fairly intense workout using the step with no risers, believe it or not. That puts the step at a height of just four inches, but it still gets my heart rate up where it needs to be. As for jumping, I might modify depending on how I'm feeling at a given point during a workout -- sometimes I might go all out and other times I jump low or otherwise modify. Overall, I think safe modification is the key, along with the familiar adage of listening to your body.
Good luck!
Hi, Jamie! My knees are hanging in there but my feet are naughty dogs. Interestingly, I have found that if I keep jumping limited TO the Step, it absorbs some of the impact and I do fine. Any floor jumps are modified on bad feet days. Otherwise, I have taken my step up to 10 with no jumps and let the sweat fly. I am leggy and this is comfprtably doable. You might try 8 inches but be careful since stepping itself up can cause knees to complain. Most often, I mix and match the impact so the feet and knees get nice breaks in between. I am so excited about Cathe's upcoming low impact workout! Which reminds me! Her kickbox work can be done low impact and give a very intense workout.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Hi Jamie!

At 39 and having had some ankle/foot/knee pains 5 years back (or so) I do the lower step and all out jumping. Ever since (can't remember when) Cathe started using 6", I have done the same. To this day I haven't had any more leg pains (knock on wood). I have really upped my plyo moves and actually push myself harder than I did at 8" because I was always scared of my leg pains flaring up and then I'd have to sit out 2 or 3 weeks of intensity workouts.

I try to do whatever helps me avoid any pains :p

Good Luck...Sami
I personally prefer to keep the step lower so I can do all the power moves; I never take my step height above 6 inches anymore. I had the same experience as Sami when I had the step at 8 inches- pain in my right knee. Lowering the step helped, and I haven't had any pains since, even with all the jumping. Another item I find that helps me reduce knee stress is replacing my shoes about every 5 months or so. I hate to spend the money, but for me that extra cushioning makes a huge difference to my knees (especially doing those genie hops in IMax2 :))

Good luck!


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