Imax or Low Max


Which of these 2 workouts is the easiest to follow? I am choreographically challenged and quite frankly don't like complicated moves and don't care to work up to them. :p I just viewed Imax and from what I saw, it doesn't look too difficult. Maybe I'll actually be able to do one of her steps! :D Thanks.

Imax is easier to learn IMO. Low Max has a little trickier choreography, but it is a lot of fun.
It depends on how familiar you are with Cathe's choreography. The IMAX w/o's all follow the same format, the aerobic phase is a 32 count combo right and left repeated 3 times per side before blasts. Often Cathe pulls combos or variations of them from previous workouts so it's coming right at you with no build up or break down. The combos in LowMax are built up more gradually than those in IMAX so you master 8 or 16 counts then move on to the next part of the combo. I love both of these workouts, you really can't go wrong with either of them. I don't mind being on the learning curve for new workouts as it's good work for the brain (and heaven knows I need more of that! :+ )

Take Care
Thanks everyone for your responses. I know Imax isn't sold separately anymore ;( but maybe I can find it somewhere by itself.


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