IMAX - does it EVER get easier?


I did IMAX again today. It is the 2nd time I made it all the way thru:) I just have to say I really think the video is made for crazy aliens:)!!!! I ask myself during the video... "what am I doing??? I must be nuts!!!"

Anyway, wondering if any of you ever think it gets any easier? If so, how long did it take? I consider myself to be in good cardiovascular shape and can do most all advanced step classes. However, I am so impressed how much Cathe can kick my butt! It is awesome!!!!

I had to laugh during the video today.. there is one section during one of the intervals (I think it is the 4th one) where she says "we are 1/2 way there". I was thinking to myself... "only 1/2 way... you got to be kidding me!!!! I don't understand how Cathe and her crew just keep on going and going... with perfect form, no modification etc.! I don't know how they do it!!!

I did notice today though that after doing the interval sections the other parts before each interval seemed to be really easy (some of them) comparatively!

I also took a minute or so extra rest in between a couple of the intervals. That seemed to help me be able to do the next one better. Does anyone else ever take a bit longer break between a few of them??

Just thought I would share my most recent IMAX experience! I figured some of you might have a IMAX weekend warrior experience to share as well since I know a lot of us do ImAX on the weekends:) :)

Hi, Pammer! Yes, I-Max does get easier; the main trick is to be very consistent in doing it (IMHO, at least once a week, preferably twice a week with at least two full days between I-Max sessions) while you're training into it. When I first got I-Max back in fall 2000, I did it on Monday and Thursday nights {these days I have no clue how I was able to do it with no fresh caffeine in my system :) }, and actually was able to get through it with no modifications within about 3 weeks or so.

The interval that still slays me, believe it or not, is #2, those endless vertical jumps. I think that's because it's the first "unfriendly" one, and my legs haven't fully fired up yet. I always know that when I get through that one, I'm gonna be able to do the rest of it.

Just stay with it, and you'll strengthen up just fine.

Annette Q. Aquajock

(P.S. it will NEVER be EASY, just EASIER!)
It does get easier, and I have found the progress to be pretty steady, each time I did it I either did an interval with better form, unmodified, or modified near the end, or whatever, to make it through, but each time it was a little better. Annette, that second interval also slays me. And, of course, those power scissors. If I get through those two, I am at the point where I can even get through number 10, but I know I don't look as good as the gals on the tape doing it.

Yes, it does get easier, but it took doing it once/week every week for me to get to the point of saying that!

And I agree 100% with Honeybunch that CircuitMax does not get any easier! I just did it this morning and I laughed out loud when Cathe says, "we're moving into some hi/lo," this just after the warm up where we're already doing jacks! I'm thinking, "wasn't this already hi/lo?" She is awesome! And I am almost hyperventilating by the end of the 6th segment. I always have to stop and catch my breath completely while she's doing that first set of "slow" push ups. What a workout! And the only thing about it that gets "easier" is the choreography! And it's not easier, you just learn it! :)


in my experience it does get more doable but always a wake up call to the system. I, like you, sometimes need to take a little longer break between some segments. Though the film never shows any member of the crew ever visiting the bathroom or sipping some water, I need to do both these things in the middle of IMax or even all the way through (Imax after having kids is tough on the bladder...).

So, don't think you are cheating or anything. Or if you think this is cheating, then you are in good company!

Yes, it does get easier with consistent use. I started with modifying 4 intervals. After 5 months of once a week of IMax, I finally get it all the way through without modifying. One thing that helped me too if I do it after a rest day. I found out that if I do it mid-week (esp if I did some strength on the lower body previous day), my legs would give out (burn in the thighs!) before my heart does. So I found that doing it first thing after rest day helps me do the IMax without modification. I still find Interval #8 (power scissors) are the worst!

I got this a couple of months ago and it does get easier. You'll find, as with any exercise,you have good days and bad. I do IMAX once a week. One week I can get through all 10( even actually do all of #10!) then the next week I'm off a bit. Be consistent with it and it'll show! Have fun! :) Susan
I also take longer breaks between some of them. Some day I'll take fewer, but now I still have to. I agree with everything else about it- it does get more doable, and intervals #2 and #8 are two of the worst! But then I find myself loving those power scissors and thinking about them when I'm supposed to be working! LOL!
I am one of the crazy aliens!!!
I made the absolutely STUPID mistake of the world when I did Imax when my nose was plugged when I had sinusitus a few weeks ago BAD CHOICE! I was sucking wind so hard I thought I would die!
I coudn't breathe out of my nose so my mouth hand to do all the work!

This tape does get easier, in marginal steps day you can go a little farther and a little better and the next day a little more..

I have a small problem with the 2nd interval, but I have more issues with interval is it 4 or 5 between the break, I don' t know why?
I am sure you will keep doing it better each time!
I agree with Haslina about putting it after a rest day. That makes such a difference!! Oh, and Annette...did this one today and am proud to report I only had to kindof modify on the plyos and lunges. AND I only had about 4 hours sleep lastnight, so it is ALL GOOD!!:):)

RE: Janice - toldja

You're on the uptick, Janice! Good work! Just consider this: you're now officially in training for Interval Max 2! Gives you something to look forward to!

Imax question for you my Mpls. neighbor: how does one do the hitchkick interval (i'm sorry I can't remember which # that one is right now)? This one never fatigues me and I don't gasp like I do during every other interval. What am I doing wrong? I try to watch them and then myself in the mirror and I appear to be using their technique, but no sweat. I know it's hard to offer advice when you can't see what I'm doing, just curious. Thanks.

And Pammer, it does get easier, but like Aquajock said, consistency REALLY helps. Just think, someday soon you will be giving a Cathe newbee advice on how to get through Imax. And since Honeybunch commented on CM I just wanted to say that for me, doing all of MIC does not get easier. Have fun!
Oh man - I just did IMAX on Sunday - I STILL can't do the plyojacks (have to stick to jumping jacks - that's hard enough) and the power scissor singles are BRUTAL. Also just totally forget about the very last interval (flying leaps to power jacks to those jump things) - I can just do the flying leaps & regular jacks.

But one thing is - all the other workouts are feeling like a breeze now i.e. Power Ciruit - I got through it well today - IMAX is making a difference :-wow
RE: Jillybean - hitchkick interval #9

True confessions - because I too never feel much workload on interval #9 doing the demonstrated hitchkick, I substitute the moves in interval #5, i.e. the box jump, side-to-side slalom jump and plyo jacks instead; at the very end I do plyo/power scissors rather than plyojacks.

I hope the Cathe Police don't see this . . .

IMAX does get easier - but like others already said, you have to do it weekly for a couple of months. Now I do it once every two weeks instead of every week. The opposite weeks I do other interval tapes, like Mindy Mylrea, Gin Miller, or CIA R.A.W.

Question: Do you guys do IMax on an 8 inch step??? I do it on 6 inches. I have tried it on 8 inches but it seems just too tough!! It feels more "do-able" to me on a 6 inch step.

I do IMAX on a 6 inch step as well. I like to really "groove" when I do it and the lower step enables the "fun" factor. When I raise the step I really have to start paying attention so that I don't trip on it ( I am only 5'0 tall..). It is definitly a workout either way, but since the intervals are what is tough, it really did suprise me that it did not feel that much more intense with the 8" step. Except for that one where you have to leap the whole step. I am waiting for the day when I go down on that one!!!:):)
You guys are so right!!!!!!!!! I went to the club tonight and did a class I haven't done in awhile. It use to be really tough. I don't know if it was the weather, coincidence or IMAX but it seemed so much easier!

I really believe Cathe helps get us in better shape! It is still so amazing to me that I can get a better workout at home in my own living room than I do at the club! I think it is great!

However, I still look forward to the day I can do IMAX with no modification and do every single PLYO!

Pammer :)

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