Imax Comment


I just love the warm up in Imax. It is so much fun and definately gets me in the right mood to do the tape! I was able to almost do the first half without stopping and sucking in air and water. :p I just love this tape! I can't wait to try Imax2.


I love the Imax warm up too, the music just blows me away !!!!! :7 I quite often do this warm up before an hour of PH ! :D

I love the music in Imax- especially the steel drum part and the Indian-sounding music. I did this one yesterday for the first time in more than a year and was amazed at how well I did, but I'm definitely not ready for Imax 2!!
>I love the music in Imax- especially the steel drum part and
>the Indian-sounding music. I did this one yesterday for the
>first time in more than a year and was amazed at how well I
>did, but I'm definitely not ready for Imax 2!!

Hey Jenne,

I think if you can make it through Imax you should be able to make it through IMAX2. I thought Imax was even slightly more difficult than Imax 2.

Maybe others feel differently, but don't be intimidated!
I agree, don't be intimidated. I was and had Imax in the drawer for months before I pulled it out and decided to try it. I was so happy when I realized that I could do this tape.

I think Imax is more difficult then Imax 2 ,to.I think Imax gets more burn in some of the moves,like the plie jacks and the scissors.They are hard to do b/c it starts to hurt.Not b/c of your aerobic capacity.
But in Imax2, it seems like you are doing something for as long as you can before you get to winded.I am trying to remember if I felt any "burn" in my quads during any of the moves. And I don't think I did.
I love both workouts though.I hate doing Imax but love the feeling of having it done.Right now(of course) I still love doing Imax2.
Here's another vote that Imax is harder that Imax 2. I think its all plyo jumps, and jumping jacks...and my quads get to aching and really burn during the scissor section of #8. Oh how I dread that part to come up.
If you can do Imax, Imax 2 will be fun. :D That's my view anyway. LOL
I also love the music in Imax warm up. It really get met mentally prepared for what's to come. You will love Imax2-it is really fun.

Here is my own humble opinion of doing each Imax with no modifications on an 8" step:

Hard intervals of Imax I:
#2 (64 airborn jumps), #4 (plyo jacks), #5 (jumps onto the bench and ski hops), #6 (lunges off the step - this one really is hard if you try to make it 'over the soccer ball' like Cathe says), #8 (power scissors), and #10 (jacks, leaps, & tucks)

Hard intervals of Imax 2: #3 (genie hops), #5 (long hop turns, jacks, tucks), #6 (power 3's and straddle taps), #7 (jumps onto the bench, ski hops, and tucks), #9 (straddle hops and plie jacks), #10 (power squats and power L's - because the legs are so tired at this point, this one seems harder, so I included it).

I think that Imax might seem harder because typically, one move is repeated over and over, whereas in Imax II it might seem like less because you're shifting your focus. I also think the aerobic sections of Imax II are a bit harder than Imax I so this might fatigue you more, but they are more fun, so you don't realize how hard you're working. I guess if I had an interval workout scheduled and was tired, I would do Imax 2 and that is only because the time seems to go faster and the work seems a tad bit easier. But Cathe is tricky and this workout is deceptive. I did Imax 1 and Imax 2 this week and was equally wiped out with both!

P.S. I love both of these workouts and the music in each is just great! I am so glad Cathe 'pumped up the volume' in Imax 2!!!
Yes I love the warm up music of both Imax's (I love the "Let It Go" warm up of C&W as well!) You will love Imax 2 Beth. It is just so fun and the time flies by!!! Watch out for interval 9!

I have to say I dread when #3 interval comes. For some reason I set myself up when that one is coming. I like the aerobic section before it. But for some reason those genie hops just do me in mentally as well as physically. I cannot understand why. it seems like she does tons of them. Does she, or is it just me?

Also, since I do IMAX2 on an 8" step, I find #10 interval harder than that #9 interval! Those power squats are really harder on the higher step, then she throws in those power L's, by the time I get to the left side of those power L's I am really huffing and puffing.

But I know what you mean with IMAX2, it seems to go by faster than IMAX1 - I still enjoy IMAX1 I guess you could say they both have their good points and they both have their OMG points.


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