Imax 2----what is all the fuss?


I keep reading positive things about this DVD and I am intrigued. What is so great about it? What about the it hard to learn? I would appreciate all your opinions as I will be ordering some more in a couple of weeks. Thanks!
It is very fun, has great music, choreography not too tough (you'll get it after a time or two), excellent cueing, cute outfits, and burns lots of calories! What else kind I say! Buy it! :) :)

...and make sure you bring your oxygen tank to the workout. :7 That and an extra change of clothes, coz you'll sweat so much, you'll need a dry set to change into halfway through. :p

All joking aside, Imax 2 is a great workout. It's so fun and fast-paced that before you know it, it's over! I've done the FitTV version a few times and I still can't get over how fast that hour flies by.
Tallchick -

You'll love it! The music is great, the workout is full of energy, and it is lots of FUN!! You will sweat buckets!! It also has 2 premixes of about 30 minutes each. I think the choreography is a little tricky at first but you just have to preview it first.


Just get the DVD and you'll understand.:)

The choreography isn't hard to learn at all. I didn't even preview it the first time I tried it. I just did it. Not perfectly of course. But I was able to follow it well by my third try. It's a lot easier to follow than IMAX3.

And C&W, which comes with it, is an incredible workout as well.

You will love it and you will have "Pina Colada's" at the end.

I love this workout beyond compare...great music, good moves..major sweat fest...ha....:)
IMax#2 is my absolutely favorite workout! I do it once per week. Everything about it is perfect...the music, the cueing, the outfits, the flow, the is pure poetry in motion.

Ditto on everyone else's comments! It is truly the all time best workout on DVD on the planet! Great music, great cardio, cute outfits, fun as hot dog in a bun and will kick your butt! I want an Imax2 version 2 dvd!!!!

All I can say is "buy it!"
I like this one so much because it's tough, but not TOO tough. But more importantly, it's fun. There's only one, no two, intervals that I don't really love. One is sumos and the other is the last one with power-squats. But the rest of them are so much fun that it doesn't matter. It's definitely easy to learn.

The music is pretty good too. My daughter always asks if I'm going to do the workout with the "Surprise Song", which is actually Escape (The Pina Colada Song). I don't know why she calls it "The Surprise Song", but it's also my favorite part of the workout when it comes on.
I am going to weigh in with a contradictory opinion here that if you don't do a lot of step workouts or if you are not that coordinated, the choreography of this workout IS actually very difficult. I have read in numerous threads that if you are new to this type of workout, you want to start with the Basic Step or IMAX1 workouts rather than IMAX2 or 3. I would agree. I prefer strength and athletic-type workouts, so this one sits on my shelf mostly unused. I keep thinking I should trade it or sell it on E-bay, but perhaps someday I will decide step workouts are my thing. Also, I think Cathe is addicting and I feel compelled to own all of her workouts. lol

Good luck,
Love this workout. I don't like pure step but I love this one. Imax2 is definetly a FUN workout.

I just bought Imax3 today (with a few others)....

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