Imax 2 revisited...


It's been about six weeks since I have done this workout. I have been using Imax 3 as my main interval workout. I gotta say that Imax 2 seemed so much easier for me now. I actually considered going to 8 inches. I never ever considered doing that with an interval workout. My cardio endurance has literally sky rocketed from doing Imax 3. My lunges were deeper and my jumps were higher. Interval 9 seemed The plie squats even seemed like a piece of cake(hate plie squats). I probably could have gone another half hour easily. I can't believe the difference. Imax 3 really took me to a new level. Anyone else have great results from doing Imax 3?

Hi Aila....funny you mention this. I did Imax2 yesterday but only intervals 1-7...and it seemed so easy. What I was wondering is that it could be easier also because I have the choreography down in Imax2 better than Imax3???....:)...Carole
I just did Imax 2 today as a sub for Imax 3 in the HC rotation, I am getting Imax 3 burnout, and I was surprised that I was getting through it as well as I did. I am not a candidate for the 8 inch step, but I have noticeably improved my cardiovascular endurance!

By the way, Imax 2 is my favorite of the Imaxes, the music is the best!
>By the way, Imax 2 is my favorite of the Imaxes, the music is
>the best!

Hi Conni,

I still can't decide between the two. Right now I love Imax 3 because it's still new, but Imax 2 is just so much fun & the music is great.

Yes Aquarians do think alike!! The Intensity series does have the best music to me. I really like the music in ME abs....makes me really like to do that one....:)...Carole
Hi Carole,

I love the ab work in ME. I like to combine that along w/BC Core only abs. What a great ab workout! I agree about the music on the Intensities. It's my favorite too.

What a coincidence~ I added on ME abs to HSC yesterday for a more intense AB/core day. The IS are great workouts.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
I actually noticed improved cardiovascular endurance when swimming the other day. I was able to do 50yds butterfly arms only!! don't think I'd ever done that before! Well, I should also give credit to the GS workouts!
I am so with ya' on this one. I think my endurance has gotten so much better over the years. Sometimes it drives me nuts as it is so much harder for me to get a good workout w/cardio tapes at home anymore. I tend to go the gym classes a lot more than I use to. I kind of miss the days when anything kicked my butt! :(

There is a class at the gym on saturday mornings that just rocks! I sware the girl is the human version of the energizer bunny. It is all intervals and a total blast! I wish she taught every day!

I still LOVE Imax2! However, it is getting harder and harder for me to get a kickbut workout with it. I think it is mostly b/c I have done it s o many times! It is truly my all time favorite. Imax3 is great but way to hard on my knees to do too often. I also miss the music on Imax2! Whenever I feel like jammin' I turn to this one!

Can anyone suggest other truly ADVANCED home workouts? Maybe I should get out some of my old Cathe DVDs. I seem to recall that PowerMax was pretty hard.
Fitnut, have you forgotten about MIC? I think it competes with IMAX 3 in intensity.

I just did IMAX 3 for the first time yesterday and I'm on the fence about it. I'm major PMS'ing so that could have something to do with it, but for some reason this workout lacks the fun factor that IMAX 2 has. I think the music has a lot to do with it. I just hate it! Tainted Love was so overplayed on the radio and now I have to hear it in a Cathe workout. It drives me nuts!

I need a bag of Cheetos. I'm so irritated I even hate the sound of my own voice.
Lesliew - I am soooo pmsing this week too! I did kick max this morning and did make it thru w/out kicking the dog - ha ha. I agree on Imax3...Some days I like it some days I just don't. I think it really is the music. I find myself drifting off. I am just an exerciser that NEEDS music to get motivated - particularly at 5:00 am! I do miss the days of Imax2 kicking my big ol' booty! I wish I could use a higher step but it KILLS my knees for a week when I do. Not worth the risk in my book.

Good idea on MIS. I haven't done that one in awhile. Plus I remember I think I like some of the songs on that one. Would be good to change it up if nothing else!
>>>Interval 9 seemed The plie squats even seemed like a piece of cake(hate plie squats). I probably could have gone another half hour easily.<<<<<

imax2 definitely gets easier every time i do it, which is at least once a week because i absolutely love it. i have imax3 but i've only done it like once or twice... i don't know - the music isn't as good or as loud so it doesn't call me like imax 2 does.... but i guess i'll have to keep at it, if only for the increase in cardio endurance..!
Okay... so I did IMAX3 last night and I figured out what my biggest problem is with this workout - my biggest problem is that a lot of the time (at least toward the beginning) we're not stepping to the beat of the music... and I find that really annoying. But, it is a good workout, so I'll have to compromise.
HI All:
What I do to make IMAX2 more challenging is take out all rest periods. I hit the "next" button on the remote control right after the blast in each segment. It shortens the length of the workout so I do the video twice.
I'm glad this thread came up. I agree. The music in IMAX 2 is absolutely great! I was previewing IMAX 3 last night and I could see it is very challenging but I kept waiting for the music to get better. I guess we're spoiled! I woke up this moring (at about 4:30 a.m. mind you) to get my IMAX 2 fix :) But I see that over time, it becomes easier. I've been doing it for about six weeks and I don't have all the steps down to a science but it is by far my favorite workout. I did Stretch Max segment 1 after IMAX 2 and that was great.
You go girl. It's so funny how we all have different reactions to these workouts. I find the choreography in 3 more difficult than 2, but the intensity level of 2 seems higher than 3. And frankly I still think 1 is the hardest--those $^(&%$(*# power scissors always kill me. :eek:

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