Imax 2 or 3?


What are the advantages of each? If I'm remembering right, Imax 2 comes with cardio and weights and Imax 3 is alone, right? I don't know that I'm that sold on C&W, but is the dvd worth it just for Imax 2, or should I just get Imax 3 for now? (We know I will eventually need both of them sooner or later ;))
Thanks for the input, Calee
Imax 2 is probably my favorite of the interval maxes. I like the music and I really enjoy the choreography. I personally don't do cardio & weights very often. I'm far more tempted to toss in Terminator (which combines Imax2, cardio & weights, muscular Endurance and Bootcamp) if I want a truly challenging circuit workout. Imax2 also has some very difficult premixes where you do all of the intensity blasts together. That's why I got the DVD even though I already had the intensity series on VHS.
Imax 3 is one of the most difficult interval maxes as the rest times are very short. If you really like pushing yourself get either Terminator or Imax 3. If Interval Max is doable but you're tired at the end then I'd recommend starting off with Imax 2.
Either way you'll eventually have to get both...they're addictive (in a good way).
I like Imax 2 better than Imax 3. Both are hard but I think Imax 2 is more fun and I like the music a little better. Imax 3 is a titch more intense (and some argue harder on the knees). One reason is the rests are shorter than Imax 2 which makes it a bit more intense.

I am one who does like C&W. On days when I want to do a circuit that emphasizes cardio more than weights, this is one I like to do. I think the choreography is fun. The ab section is great, too. I usually tag that on to the end of the Imax 2 workout so that alone is a good reason to get this one over Imax 3, for now anyway as I agree that eventually you'll need both!
Imax 3 is as hard as Imax1, but as fun as Imax2.
I do both often. Imax 3 is cheaper because it does not have the double workouts. I like CW a lot as well, the step in it is fun and it's just good to have a variety of intensity available. So, it's way easier than most Cathe circuits but, sometimes that's a good thing. Imax3 is Tough! But way fun and it's a great place to work on your endurance. I hate Imax1, and it's entirely possible I will never do it again, sense I can replace it in a rotation with Imax3. So, I guess it depends what your focus is.
I love Imax2. I also enjoy the original Interval Max. I never got into Imax 3 and recently got rid of it. The combination of more pivoty, less-well-cued choreo on the step parts, and over-the-top, IMO, impact on the blasts was a deal breaker for me.
Yes, the DVD is worth it just for Imax2. I read in a post somewhere that this is Cathe's most popular workout. I vote for Imax 2 first, then later Imax 3.
Imax 2 is more doable than imax 3 . Imax 3 is very high impact and i literally die after 40 min.
I personally prefer imax 2, then lowmax verses imax 3. I am not a lover of super high impact. I don't mind jumping over the step, or jumping jacks, but the jump tucks i hate and have 3/4 in foam over carpet and it makes them hard to jump.
Just my 2 cents.
I have both, and you could never peel either of them away from me. I like the power blasts in IMax 2, and frequently use them as an add-on to I-Max 1 and my own perverted rendering of Gauntlet. And I love I-Max 3 for the blast-only premix.

Also, re I-Max 2 + Cardio-Weights, although CW is a tad light for my tastes, the ab / core routine is among Cathe's top 5 best routines. Worth the price of the DVD right there.

Thank you everyone for the input, I think I'll start with Imax 2 and work on it for a while; I'm a slow learner, so by the time I get the hang of it, I might be ready to buy Imax 3...
I love IMAX 2 but can't seem to get into IMAX 3. It just looks unnecessarily complex to me. I agree with Kathryn and A-Jock that the original IMAX is really the best one out there. I think that was when Cathe was best.

I love Imax 2 and 3. If I could only get one, I would get the Imax 2 DVD b/c you get C&W on that one also. I like Imax, but enjoy Imax 2 and 3 a lot more. I especially like the fast pace and the moves in Imax 3 and I enjoy the Bon Jovi song around interval 4. I wish the music was louder. I also enjoy the music and moves in Imax 2 and find the music to be loud enough. They are both great interval workouts and both offer good premix options. I wish Cathe would bring back the music louder option that was introduced in the Body Blast series.
I have one of the IMAX dvds and found it hard to do the foot work. Please tell me it gets easier. I love love love the kick max and the kick box with buns and glutes. But does it get easier to follow on the step?
Practice, practice, practice...The footwork will get easier and as you do other Cathe workouts you will realize that many of the same movements are repeated across workouts. Once you get it you will feel such a sense of accomplishment it is sooooooo worth it.

Imax 3 is more intense that Imax 2 because the choreography is more complicated and the rest periods are shorter. If I had to rate all the "Maxes" I would pick Imax 3, Kick Max, Imax 1, Imax 2 (better music), Low Max (not enough intensity)...
I call IMAX2 a party in a box. The music is so good and the routines fun and it just flies by. Imax 3 is very tough, but I found it fun to have my rebounder nearby and I jump on it for the real tough intervals. Cardio and Weights is actually a pretty darn good work-out. At first it seems light, but it works you good and it is good for a light weight/cardio day.
I love all of them. I really like IMAX 3 when I need to burn a LOT of calories. C & W is good for when you want to work out but don't want to die!

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