I'm turning into a Klutz


I'm on week 4 of Meso 1. Yesterday, I tripped over my dumbbells (and was doing klutzy things all day) because my muscles are so fried. But I love that I'm "feeling it." I was especially careful doing 40/20 today--particularly the box jumps. Watch out for the next 2 Mesocycles: I might do some serious damage.:eek:
Speaking of fried muscles... be careful when picking up breakable things right after a meso 3 arm workout! I grabbed a bottle of red nailpoilish out of the bathroom cabinet after I was done and whoops-SMASH! let me tell you how hard nailpolish is to clean off of a tile floor! :(

note to self: paint nails on a leg day!
It's scary, but I always go to the kitchen after my workouts to cook dinner! You should see me shake some days after upper body workouts! Good thing my DH isn't there, he'd never let me in the kitchen like that! Handling knives is tough enough for me, but after arm workouts? Yikes!

So far, so good, though, still have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs!
Sounds like I'm in great company! Thanks for the smiles.:D
Let's see: No nail polish, no knives--got it.
I feel your nail polish pain. I dropped a deep red polish bottle in my bathroom a few months ago. It broke, of course. It took me an hour to get the majority of the polish off the tile, door, and walls--I had to use remover and the fumes about killed me. There are still spots I see on the back of the door and the tile grout and it makes me so mad. :mad:
Lol! I was doing 30/30 the other day, and while I was doing the squat turn thingies, I caught my toe on the side of the step and bit it HARD on the floor! I have a nice big bruise on my knee to remind me to be more careful! Thank god I work out alone :)

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