I'm so depressed and need inspiration!



I had a baby 9 months ago. I was so good about working out while pg, but since them it's been sporadic at best. The problem is that every time I start back, something comes up and I miss a week, and then it's like I am starting over. It's not just having a baby, which is tough, it's also that I am trying to finish a dissertation. I know I could make the time if I were disciplined enough, but then it just seems so hopeless--what's the point of working out today if I end up taking one or two weeks off! I have just about every Cathe DVD AND a nice workout area AND a treadmill so what's my excuse? None! I just need a kick in the pants. Can somebody suggest a good rotation to help me get back on track? I miss the old days when I felt so firm and strong! Nine months have passed so I can't blame all this flab on the baby anymore. (Sigh)

hi monica,

i really can't help b/c i didn't even start working out until a year after my daughter was born. but maybe if you post in the pregnancy section of this forum there will be some new moms that can help you out and give you some better advice. congrats on your bundle of joy and wishing you well on your fitness journey.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Congrats on the new baby! I dont have children but even I go thru extended periods of time where I just cannot get myself to "just do it!"
Heres what I do to get myself on track (2 days back and I'm into it again)...
Are you more likely to do something you consider FUN? Look at your available options and just pick something that you miss doing... get started that way OR you can really think about your current goal: What do I want to do most right now? Lose some #s, see my muscles again, ?? If its both then throw in a circuit and start there... Also you might be having a block because of time - you sound a bit overwhelmed..... look at premixes for 30-40 minute options.... I find that just getting started puts me back in the right mindset... dont forget to eat the way that your body feels fueled as well... fatigue is an exercise blocker for me.... Good luck! and keep reading and posting that will help too!
After my first child was born, it took me a while to work out a workout schedule(husband in retail, no family in area). After my second child was born, I started right away (gained WAY to much weight)- anyway results were about the same, it took me about a year to feel "me" again. So don't get to down about the workout thing. I agree with the other person who said premixes are a good idea. I also think circuits 3 days and one cardio (maybe 30 min) another is a good way to ease back into it. Or even just 3 days of circiuts-every other day so you have some leaway if you miss a day. (I use heavier weights with circiuts if doing them every other day.) I would also do the same workout schedule for maybe 2 or 3 weeks, just so you get into a routine. Don't stress- everything will fall into place. Sometimes I even put my son in the swing right next to me while I worked out for 1/2 an hour- he loved it and I got my workout in. Well anyway, hope some of these suggestions work- Congrats on having your baby- enjoy every moment! it goes soooo fast.:)
Hi Monica,

My 2nd DD is going to turn one on Monday, and I'm also trying to finish writing my dissertation. This is not an easy task, is it? I've been working on this dang thing for so long that I actually hate it. But I'm too close to finishing to give it up. The sad thing is, I never miss my workout for the day, but long periods go by without ever working on the thesis. Some would say my priorities are a bit off, but I figure my health needs to be a priority, too. Mind you, I'm always feeling stressed and guilty about not working on my thesis. Then when I'm working on my thesis, I'm feeling stressed and guilty about all the other things in life that need my attention (children, home, spouse, extended family). It's a terrible way to feel all the time. I'm sure you can relate.

IIRC, this wasn't your first baby, was it? Don't you have 2 older children?

What I'm trying to do right now is limit my workouts to 60 minutes a night, but making them fairly intense workouts. I couldn't find any of Cathe's intense rotations that stay within 60 minutes per day, so I've concocted my own. So far I've only made up a week's worth. If you like that idea, perhaps we can give each other some ideas?

Okay, DD has a pooper that's smelling up the room. I'd better stop neglecting her and change it!

Monica been where you are (minus the dissertation, but 2 kids and f/t work) and here is what I did: reduced my expectations in terms of workingout 7 days/week for an hour. Them days are gone for me. I say start back to 3x per week - aim for realistics, not outrageous commitment. Also helps if you can get it done first thing in a.m. (that is if you got a full night's sleep; if not, rest! exercise on no sleep leads to injury). Second, I used to put my older daughter in the pack n play for a nap in my exercise area, then work out while she napped - music on low. For some reason, she loved watching Tae Bo videos - Billy Blanks does have great moves. Then she would nod off. Third idea - hire a sitter for an hour or two and go exercise, even if it is in your own house. Got a friend with a bay? Barter with her: you watch the kids while she exercises, and vice cersa. Fourth: schedule exercise time with a friend - you can both split the babysitter cost if you both have kids. Helps to schedule ti - then you can't really bag out of it since your friend is relyingon you. Finally, in a word: jogging stroller. A great investment, and invest ina good one (sears seems to sell Baby Joggers on sale alot). At least one day on the weekend, I went to a aprk nearby and did a 3 miler with my baby. She loved it!! Got all the cool weather stuff too - the plastic cover and fleece seat cover. So we were out into winter.

Babies change everything. You do what you can when you can. Sleep and eating well and drinking lots of water is priority. You are running on empty girl! Be good to you!
I would set aside 2 times a week to at least start with. After I had my son, I went to an aerobics class twice a week for about six months and was able to fit back into all of my pre-pregnancy jeans. This class was a combination of step aerobics, floor aerobics, and kickboxing. It wasn't as intense as the Cathe videos, so begin here until you have more time. It will be better than no work out at all. Good luck!

I think all of the advice that has been posted is wonderful! I hope you are encouraged and not too depressed after hearing all of this. All I can add is that I don't have children, but worked on and finished my disseration back in 1999. I always likened it to giving birth to a baby because you are pregnant with an idea and you give birth to that monster after presenting it to your committee. I think working out was my link to sanity!! I can't imagine adding an infant to that mix! But it has been done so, it is not impossible for you to do. Just set a schedule that is doable and be forgiving when you can stick to it!!! Leave yourself some wiggle room. I know that anyone who takes on a disseration is hardworking and perfectionistic (you have to be to get to this level of education and expertise). But don't let it get to the point that you can't pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over when you feel like you are not "accomplishing". And don't hesitate to write and let us know how you are doing!!!!!
I want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. I have to get rid of this all-or-nothing mentality and just do something regularly. When I miss a few days, I think "What's the point?" and then miss some more. That kind of thinking is my undoing. So I think what I will do is just alternate cardio and full body weight workouts. That might not be ideal for getting into great shape, but those kind of rotations (3-day splits, one body part per day) only work if you are really consistent. This way, at least everything will get worked a few times a week. Maybe someday, I'll do a real rotation and firm up again, but until then, even a little is better than nothing.

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