I'm new to Cathe and need help with Low Max


Hi everybody,

I'm very new to Cathe's workouts and recently purchased Low Max and Body Fusion. However, I've only tried Low Max so far and not much further than the warmup.

My question is on the choreography. It's very quick but I know I can get it eventually. I'm getting used to the terms she uses compared to what I am used to.

In the warm up, Cathe does a step turn to face the box. Can someone outline the footwork on that turn? Which foot do you lead with crossing over the box and then back again?

Hi! I'm sure you'll get this choreo just fine soon! Lomax was challenging for some experienced Cathe steppers when it first came out because of a few tricky moves, so just keep plugging away at it.
I think I know which section of the warmup you're talking about, what you're calling a step turn to face the box, I think Cathe is calling a over, face-in, over that becomes a diagonal over, face-in, over.
When doing this move with your right foot: Step onto the step with your right foot, follow with your left onto the step (the "over" part), turning counterclockwise as you complete the motion (the "face-in" part), and step down with your right foot, then follow through, stepping down with your left. Then repeat this process, again stepping up with your right foot, following through with the left, turing in a counterclockwise motion, stepping down with the right, and then stepping down with the left. (The second "over" part)
For the left foot just follow the above directions except switching the feet and turning CLOCKWISE instead of counterclockwise.
I hope this is understanable! LOL! If you still want more advice just ask, maybe someone else can describe it more precisely! I also remember using the slow motion setting on my DVD player at few places in Lomax to really watch Cathe's feet and be able to do it slowly and really get the footwork down.
Good luck!
LOL I've had this video for a few months and I just try to make sure I end up on the same side of the box as she does!! I don't try to match the feet all the time- kinda like that camp song "when you're up you're up, and when you're down you're down".
Anyway, I learned by doing the premixes first. There is interval 1-4 and 4-7, 45 minutes each, I think. That helped me.
Someone on a different thread also said that she usually starts with her right foot. That might help?
Good luck and have fun!
Well, I gave it a try. I kept rewinding and replaying the tough segments. Ended up doing 44 min of exercise and only getting up to interval #3..LOL However, I think I have it from the warm up through #2.

I think I will take your advice and try the premixes and work my way up to the full tape.

Thanks for your support. I was actually having fun once I got the steps down.
I did the all step premix for the longest time. Now that I've got that down, I am breaking it down to the Intervals 1-4 premix (or I just start the d@mn thing and when I get tired I end it. :D :D :7 I can usually get through the first part of interval 5 before saying "enough"!)

This workout is so fun! Watch out for that last interval! It's a good'un!!!

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