I'm going to miss Cathe's announcement!!!


Oh no! Today is the last day I'll have internet access for at least 10 days! I just know I'm going to miss something big! What am I going to do?????
I think the whole "announcement" thing has gotten rather anti-climactic.

I doubt you'll miss anything. :)
Maybe you won't. Who knows when it will be? It's already a couple weeks since initially expected with no word on when we can expect it.
Frankly, I think you will be back online before the announcement comes, so I wouldn't worry about it..
I think we are spoiled. We love Cathe's workouts so much and that's good, but... we are acting like annoying children. :+
i also think you'll be back online before any announcement is made...

and i think it's going to end up being something... uhm.... well... lame.. for lack of a better word (like a collaberation with fit tv... which is a big whoop for me... as my satellite company doesn't carry fit tv anyways....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>well... lame.. for lack of a better word (like a collaberation
>with fit tv...

Or more Target stuff - clothes, hats, shoes, soap, housewares...lightbulbs...
I am still pumped about the announcement so if it were me, I would head to the local library at least once per day to check :)
>Oh no! Today is the last day I'll have internet access for at
>least 10 days! I just know I'm going to miss something big!
>What am I going to do?????

Maybe you can give someone your phone number and then they can call you if the announcement is made. Just a thought.

I'm begining to think the same as a few others, that it's not going to be THAT big of an announcment.
I too was checking the forum regularly. I'm done doing that now.
Dont worry SRP, you most likely wont miss a single thing!
Lauren -
Thanks for the thought, but I really will be out of touch. I guess I'll just check back later and see if I missed anything.
I know---

Hey Cathe,
Please don't make your announcement for at least 10 days because Shannon won't have anyway to see it. LOL!!!:D :D :D

There you go Shannon. Now you won't have to feel like you're missing something.;)

ETA - Shannon, I'm just teasing. I would die if I lost my internet service for 10 days. Honestly, I don't know how I'd get by.


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