I'm going to DO IT!!!!

Hi, HB!

I am certified with ISSA through home study. I looked into ACE, and other programs, too. Cost is all about the same: $400-$550.00. Plus, you need to get your CPR certification which can be done locally usually in one day--through a Fire Dept program or a safety company. All of the majors: ACE, ISSA, etc. offer a live seminar and test site. It took me about 9 months from the receipt of the materials to take the tests--and I have a full time travelling job, so I took my time and really enjoyed the process of studying.
The key thing after you certify is personal liabilty insurance if you take up a private practice. Deb H may have some words on that aspect.....Great fun ahead!!! Murph
RE: Hi, HB!

I'm on my way....I just ordered the Exercise Science Fundamentals Home Study course which is a requirement for the Personal Trainer Workshop. There are LOTS of workshops in this area, so I don't think it will be hard to do. I just have to be SMART in setting up a stategy for getting business. I will get lots of advise and not try to reinvent the wheel.

This is exciting!
RE: ACE-certified A-Jock sez GO GIRL!


Thats the program that Mark used. I guess it is a make your own concentration sort of program with limited residency. I also noticed that the museum studies Masters at Dusquene has a part time option. You might check to see what they offer on the web.

Good luck!
RE: ACE-certified A-Jock sez GO GIRL!

hi honeybunch
i work in a historical museum,they have classes you can
take there to become a intrepter fo 200 yrs. ago
does not cost a thing.
i work for old salem in north carolina,
i dont know if youhave ever heard of this place or not
good luck anyway.
RE: Hi, HB!

Hey Honeybunch,
Kudos to you for deciding to get certified! I am both ACE and AFAA certified (personal trainer--6 years strong!) and I can tell you that the ACE exam is MUCH harder than the AFAA. I have a degree in Biology so the exercise physiology and the kinesiology were a lot easier for me. It took me 20 minutes to take the AFAA exam (not including the practical) and I aced it. When I took the ACE exam, I figured it would take me a little longer but not too much. Well, 3 hours later, I finally finished the exam. The thing with the ACE exam is that even though it is multiple choice, all of the answers will usually look like they are right. There are subtle differences between them that you need to pay attention to in order to get the right answer. I really had to think hard while I was taking it. I studied long and hard for it and it payed off. For a prep course, I highly recommend Exercise ETC. (www.exerciseetc.com). They have workshops all over the country and are very reasonable in price and the info is phenomenal. I use them all the time for my continuing education credits. Once you get certified, I recommend finding a trainer that will allow you to shadow them so you can learn and get some "hands on" experience. Having the certification means you have the knowledge, but it is a whole different ballgame when you get your first client. I can tell you from vast experience that there is only a handful of people out there that do not have something wrong with them and you need to know how to work with clients that have orthopedic, cardiovascular, etc problems. I don't think I have a single client who doesn't have some sort of a problem that I need to work around. Liability insurance is a MUST!! This post is getting rather lengthy but I have never been a woman of few words!! Good luck and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Feel free to email me: [email protected].
RE: Hi, HB!

Thanks for your reply! I'm going to take the AFAA test for now for personal training, the ACE Lifestyle and Weight Management test, then later the ACE Personal training test.

Where is a good place to get liability insurance? Do either AFAA or ACE carry their own?
RE: Hi, HB!

Once you get certified, AFAA and/or Ace will send you materials regarding liability insurance along with your certificate. I would be interested to know how the Lifestyle/Weight Management exam is. I bought the textbook simply for information purposes but might consider taking the exam in the future. I would also LOVE to take the Clinical Exercise Specialist exam but I have some problems with the prerequisites (you need to get letters of recommendation from a peer and/or someone you have worked for proving you have 300 (I think) hours of training time. I have pretty much worked independently and only sporadically in a gym so I don't have anyone to document my training. I would have to call ACE to find out how to work this out. The main thing that holds me back is the amount of studying! I will have to wait until I get motivated enough to really buckle down. I have the manual already and use it as a reference for working with my clients. Good luck studying for AFAA! By the way, an excellent book to get a hold of is by Blandine Calais Germain--"Anatomy of Movement"--you can get it at Amazon.com. This is an EXCELLENT book on the muscles of the body--where they insert, what actions they perform. I highly recommend it. Good luck studying!!
RE: Hi, HB!


Thank you so much for the supplemental reference reading - Anatomy of Movement! I've been reading portions of that on the Borders website and it's just what I've been looking for! I also came across Anatomy of Movement: Exercises! Can't wait to buy both! See, there was a reason I was holding onto my Borders gift certificate! :)

Again, thank you so much!

RE: Hi, HB!

Just wanted to mention that both these books can be found discounted at Bookfinder.com. They may be used, but it will indicate what condition they are in. Why pay full price when you can get discount?!?!

RE: Hi, HB!

Thanks Susan! And you're right about the cost. Borders does have a special going on for the month of March, spend $50, get $5 off and minus what's left of my gift certificate, I'm still looking at $36 including taxes. So I'm off to Bookfinders!

Thanks again!
RE: Hi, HB!

I'm resurrecting this thread because I'm telling all of you that I'm taking the ACE Personal Trainer exam next Saturday, May 4. I took the Exercise Etc. workshop, and have been studying hard. I'll let all of you know when I get my scores....they said I would hear 2 weeks after the test. It will be tough, but I just have to be careful not to make stupid mistakes, and to read the test questions carefully.

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-02 AT 11:19AM (Est)[/font][p]HB, we're all so proud of you!!! We will all be thinking about you, crossing fingers & toes, sending silent cyber-cheers and waiting by the ol' laptop to hear from you. Good luck and most importantly have a WONDERFUL time showing off how much you've learned!! You're sure to ace this and you're going to be a terrific trainer!

Kathy S.
How exciting HB!!

Wishing you lots of luck! Hope it goes well for you!
How exciting HB!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-02 AT 12:33PM (Est)[/font][p]double post
RE: How exciting HB!!

Another wish good luck for next Saturday's test! :)

I think you'll be such a natural at it. You've always got the right answer and you're always willing to share your experience and knowledge with us "just learning!"

RE: How exciting HB!!

Good luck! Let us know how it goes. And for those of us thinking of taking the plunge.. let us know how hard it is!
Hi Honeybunch,
I was reading this post because I am very much thinking about becoming ACE certified in a few areas. I came across one of your post where you said you had gotten a degree from Bemidji State University. I live about a hour and 1/2 from Bemidji MN. Many of my friends have degrees from there. I have a few questions that maybe you or someone else could help me with.
1. What is the salary range for a personal trainer or a weight management specialist.
2. With the different kind of training ACE offers do hospitals prefer college grads over an ACE certification.
3. Do health clubs offer good employment benefits?

I am currently a CPA in private practice and think it would be hard to chase a dream that doesn't offer much security.

Thanks All,

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