
I managed to escape all of your germs for months now but I think you all finally got to me. I'm sooo tired and nauseous and my throat is absolutely on FIRE! I've felt it coming on all day now. x(

I didn't work out yesterday and really need to today--I want to do Drillmax SO bad! Should I not work out? There are so many conflicting opinions on "working out when sick". Will it make me sicker? Or will it help ease the symptoms and help me get better, faster?

Is there a Doctor in the house?!?!?! :(


Not a doctor, just a mommy with two germy boys. My advice: Take Zicam fast!!! And I'd only do a light workout if you feel up to it.
Steph is right. Get better soon...I have a DH at home with the stomach ick. I am using Lysol and bleach like a crazy woman.
I'm so glad you wrote this!
I too have escaped all the yucky colds this winter so far -
until yesterday I started feeling not so good. I worked out yesterday, really need to workout today too! I ate too much today! Feed a cold right! UGH!!!!!!!
Well - I think I'm gonna try a light workout, I need to move. Then take a nice shower and go right to bed!

Hope you feel better :)
Quick! Run to the store and get some Astragulus in the vitamin/herb dept. Take some extra VitC and zinc too. This may lessen the symptoms. HTH, Deb
I second the vote for ZICAM!! It always helps me. For some reason, the spray works best. Those little Q-tip ones make me sneeze!
rest up girl, consider it a recovery period and come back refreshed and stronger.

also i recommend taking bioflavonoids. works like magic for me whenever I am feeling sick...
I say go for a light workout... maybe it'll give your immune system a little oomph to fight the illness. I'm surrounded by sickness right now... DH and kids all have some kinda virus. I don't want it... but I probably gonna get it. Yuck.
Just went through this, my DH and I, plus everyone that came for Thanksgiving dinner!x(

Rest. Period. It took me 4 weeks to get over my bug, I still worked out-sorta which I should not have done. So rest, whats a few days?
If you're feeling that lousy, you're body is saying that it needs time to build itself back up. Working out when you're body is in extreme sick mode (you know you're body best), will take the energy that is needed to recover. Let your body heal! That's what's most important. Cathe will still kick your butt when you're body is up to it. Give your body what it's asking for.


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