I'm disappointed

Please don't be sad Janie! Just take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is "just a forum". If you make some great friends along the way, then that is absolutely wonderful, but at the end of the day, it's still just a forum. Everyone on here has busy lives and most simply cannot read every post. I am one of the many who saw "Babysitting" and skimmed right over it. It was nothing personal against you at all. I think we have some of the most careing and compassionate women (and men) on here and I'm sure they will all miss you while you are gone.

I think there were probably many too who didn't realize that a response was expected. The post sounded like you were gone and so many people probably just filed the information away, but felt no need to respond. It's not a reflection on how they feel about you and the number of posts you receive certainly isn't a measure of your "popularity" on the forum or how much people enjoy interacting with you. I think you can see from the heartfelt responses to this thread that that is not the case at all. I hope to see you back when you return from your trip and hope you have a safe one!
Janie, I am sorry about what happened. I would have responded to your post, but honestly the thread title didn't call to me and I didn't open it. I would have if I had known that you were leaving for awhile. I hope you have an amazing time.

Also, I understand about feeling let down. When I posted about having my knee surgery in March, only about 10 people replied. I felt a little hurt by that and took a break from here for awhile. I hope you decide to come back too!

I remember responding to your original post, I almost did not open it because of the way it was worded, like Nancy said, it looked like it did not apply to me in particular:)
It is hard to get across feelings and thoughts in writing sometimes, they may come across wrong, I think we have all experienced this on the boards from time to time.:)

Anyway, like I said, have a great time and we will look forward to hearing from you this December:+
Hi Janie,

Please don't take things personal. I am a lurker and don't respond much just cause I am not sure what to say and don't want to sound dumb to people. I've kind of felt the same way about the challenge forums which I just barely started on. It's not personal, and I have also noticed a drop in responses, or atleast noticed the people who are usually posting all the time aren't here as much since the school year started. Hope you reconsider.

Sincerly, Heidi
Hi everyone, (head down and humbled)

I'm sitting here having quite time with my grandson (this is not normal), and am able to respond to these messages.

I'm sorry too. You are right, the title was not good. I'll do better next time.

Thank you (really) for your heart felt and warm goodbyes. I got a note from Dave, and he was saying that this extended family of ours means a lot to him. I also feel the same way.

We live in an area where there is little contact with other humans other than going to visit with them or them coming to visit with us. We live so far away from everyone. So to keep in contact with life, I made this a part of mine. It's not the only thing I rely on, but, you all are enjoyable, funny, sad sometimes, angry at other times, all the emotions you always wanted in a book. Except it's real. I do get caught up in it.

I'm glad you are all there for me. (smiling the biggest smile ever):7 . Right now I'm having fun "Babysitting", with my grandson.

Take care everyone, I don't know if I'll have a chance to get on the internet again, but know that I appreciate all of you, then off we go, meeting people, hiking, biking, and most of all having fun.

My grandson wants me, see ya later.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

So glad we made you smile! Have a wonderful time and we will be glad to see you when you return!
I was going to post the exact same thing Nancy posted. Sometimes we don't have much time to spend checking out the forums and we look at the headlines of the posts and we only open those that catch our attention. I don't have any kids so when I saw "Babysitting" in your headline I didn't even open it because I didn't think I could contribute. I had no idea that your thread was about you leaving until Christmas. So I'm sorry you got disappointed and I hope you have a nice trip!
Hi Janie

I am sorry your feelings were hurt. I just started on the forum this week. I am not used to it yet. I check in once a day, but I don't really read all the posts. There are SOOOOO MANY of them. To be honest, computers kinda give me headaches.

At any rate, enjoy the little grandson. I don't have kids myself but have lots of little nieces and nephews. They are a joy to be around (when they are not screaming :D :D ).

Hi Janie!

I'm sorry I didn't respond - I'm new to the forum and I'm trying to find my way, too. Sometimes it seems as though there are a lot of people who know each other really well, and I feel sort of like the new kid at school...

Anyway - you seem to have a lovely personality and a tender heart (I, too, possess the latter!). A lot of folks, including me, are sorry to have caused any hurt feelings. Hope you're feeling better now!!

sorry if i missed your post in that i skim the boards during the week mostly and rarely respond/post. i(as well as others) certainly didn't mean to hurt your feelings, b/c i have been in the same boat myself but like others said, don't take it personally. i try not too, for whatever reason my posts don't get responses either but i am not better or worse for it and i have other forums and interact with. i am going to read your other post though since i have a few minutes.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

I did post on your other thread, and want to add that I had my first grandson the very end of July. I had so much fun just holding him for hours last weekend.

Please please enjoy your time "away" and we will all be here when you have a chance to return !:7
Janie -

You may want to consider getting a laptop computer and wireless internet service so you won't have to miss these forums when you are travelling. I would think this would be a worthwhile purchase seeing as how important contact with the people on this site is to you.

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