I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where do I...

I have most of the FIRM workout videos and non of them are very difficult. I am confused with the titling and was wondering which DVD should I start with, without them being too easy? Also can I use my transfirmer step? Which DVDs do you recommend first for me to try? (not too easy or over an hour)Also, do many of you keep a gym membership as well and if not why not? Thanks!

Are you looking for cardio or strength work or circut?

I think the high step training beginner workout would be
a good place to start. That one alternates step with
weights like the firm does.
Even though you're experienced working out, I would still start with the Basic Step/Body Fusion workouts--especially if you plan on doing more Cathe step workouts. It helps you get used to her style, cueing and moves. After you've mastered Basic Step, Body Fusion, and Low Impact Step. I would move on to the Cardio Hits and Power Max. For weight workouts, I would probably start with Supersets & Push & Pull.
I agree totally with Basic Step/Body Fusion to begin. I am an old Firmie also who thought she had gotten in pretty good shape doing the Firm, but Body Fusion kicked my tail the first time I did it. Basic Step was pretty easy, but even the add-ons are worth the purchase of this tape. After that Low Impact Step and Cardio and Weights. It's just such a different style than the Firm because with Cathe you are constantly moving - not very much of a break in the workouts. My heartrate was through the roof on that first try and I didn't even make it all the way through. On Body Fusion I do up the weights that she uses to be more challenging for me now that I've gotten used to the cardio portions - I am still dripping when finished.

Hey workout123...
I'd say start with any workout you find intriguing, but I think I would say don't start with IMAX3 or anything super intense that would discourage you completely. Cathe's workouts are very encouraging, but you don't want to think you can put her tapes in and do the entire workout all the way right from the start like I always could with THEFIRM. You will definitely have to prepare to start slowly - maybe tell yourself that you will work at least 30 minutes or some pre-determined time frame and include a cool down and stretch and then try more for your next workout. All in all, I agree with the suggestions that were made, but I started with Step Works only because I liked step so much and it was the first Cathe workout I'd heard of:)
The above suggestions are great, but I wanted to address your gym question. I do not have a gym membership because, well, I prefer to work out at home. :) It's much more convenient for me, particularly because I have small children and I can keep an eye on them while I exercise. They like to watch and participate sometimes, too.
>The above suggestions are great, but I wanted to address your
>gym question. I do not have a gym membership because, well, I
>prefer to work out at home. :) It's much more convenient
>for me, particularly because I have small children and I can
>keep an eye on them while I exercise. They like to watch and
>participate sometimes, too.

Thanks for the great suggestions. The reason I ask about the gym is because I have been thinking about joining just because I am getting bored with the home workout (20 years later) and thought that it could supplement these workouts. Do you all think the workouts would be redundant with a gym workout? Also my workout area is not real big and the use of a barbell could become difficult.
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

I looked into all of your suggestions and couldn't find a lot of them. I found Power Max and Basic Step but where do you find the others? Also, what is IMAX and are all the Hardcore very advanced for an ex Firm User?
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

I also started with the Firm and "graduated" to Cathe. I had been doing the Body Sculpt & Cardio Sculpt workouts for a few months and then added running back into my exercise program as my primary cardio. I thought another strength training DVD or two would be good for variety. I kept reading & hearing great things about Cathe, so I ordered the GS series and Muscle Max. Those are still my favorites.

Since I run and kickbox, I can't really give a recommendation on the step workouts. I'm not that coordinated and tend to avoid them. (Tried Imax2 and it was just too much for me.)

Whether you're doing cardio or weights, I think you will definitely find her workouts more challenging than the Firm, but just do what you can in the beginning. You will DEFINITELY get results!

I don't currently belong to a gym. Since I've invested in the equipment and DVDs, it doesn't seem necessary. It's extremely convenient to work out from home, and I change it up a lot so I'm never bored. If, eventually, I get sick of it or find myself not being challenged, I may change my mind, but for now, I don't see a real need (even though I live near Cathe's gym and I do find myself very tempted to join!)

I don't have the Transfirmer (I used the ol' Fanny Lifter), but I think it should be fine for Cathe's workouts.

ETA: You should be able to find all of her workouts on this site.
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

I have worked out with The Firm since 1989 and have always considered myself to be in very good shape. The Firm became too easy so I thought I'd give Cathe a try. She totally kicks my butt! Not only did I have to lower my step height by 2-4 inches, but I also had to lower my weights.

Even if your in great shape, Cathe will kick your butt! So be smart and start slow.
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

I too was a Firm junkie before I discovered cathe and let me tell you since I started with Cathe I rarely do my firms. I still like them but cathe is much more intense. I started with basic step and body fusion. basic step is pretty easy but body fusion kicks my butt. the add ons are wonderful too. Low Impact Step is a good one to start with also to get used to her style. I really like that tape and still do it when I don't feel like totally killing myself. But, you will definitely be able to do the hardcore series - except Imax3 and hardcore extreme maybe. They are the two in that series that I am seriously afraid of. YOu have to give yourself a learning curve. Her step workouts are very involved and it takes a few tries to get the moves down but don't get discouraged. Once you start working out with Cathe you will LOVE IT and never look back!!! She has so many workouts - I only have a small handful. I allow myself one Cathe purchase a month! They may be more expensive than other workouts but they are totally worth every penny!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!:) :)
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

I am another ex-Firmie, but I started with LoMax (from the HardCore series). It took me several tried to get it down, and I ended up starting by trying to learn each interval one at a time, and adding another interval each time I did the workout. I found this one to be a good transition DVD, since it's generally low-impact and uses a lot of moves that come up in her other workouts. It's longer than an hour (70 minutes) but you don't need to do the whole thing each time.

And I also used my transfirmer with Cathe's workouts until last week (for well over a year). It worked just fine for the step workouts (which I did on the green piece), for the high step workouts (both pieces together) and for her weight videos (Cathe's bench is a bit longer so I needed to put my feet on a coffee table but it generally worked fine). I will say that now that I have her official step, I like it much better because it gives when I jump on it, so my knees are much happier now. So I recommend that if you get into her higher impact workouts, you consider buying a step in the future.
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

I just read your post and I use my transfirmer for all of cathe's workouts and never realized what a difference it would make to use the actual club step. thank you for sharing that information. I am going to ask for a club step for christmas i guess. I also want her high step. I use my firm box but sometimes it is not very sturdy. Thanks again.:) :)
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

>I looked into all of your suggestions and couldn't find a lot
>of them. I found Power Max and Basic Step but where do you
>find the others? Also, what is IMAX and are all the Hardcore
>very advanced for an ex Firm User?

I suggest just shopping through the DVD section of the website. Many of Cathe's DVD's have more than one workout on them. For example, Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength and Body Max are on one DVD. One thing I really love about this site is the generous preview clips of each workout. You really get a feel for the workout before you buy it.

There's also a super helpful thread stickied at the top of this forum - it's titled "Updated Ultimate Guide To Cathe's Workouts." It groups the workouts by intensity - some are easier than others. It will guide you in your shopping.

Good luck to you!
RE: I'm an old Firm Workout Junkie, If I convert where ...

One more former Firmie here!:)

I began my Cathe experience 18 months ago with Imax2/Cardio+ Weights followed my Muscle Endurance/Bootcamp.

Yes. These workouts WILL have a learning curve. Imax2 takes a little practice to learn. HOWEVER! Take it an interval at a time, sometimes doing the same one several times as your workout. Before long you will be able to do the entire thing! Once I learned Imax2 I had all the main steps down so that learning other Cathe step workouts were simple. Also, It is an advanced workout so you will be able to KEEP using it as you progress.

Cardio+Weights has simpler choreography and has a lighter weight workout.

Muscle Endurance will kick your muscles into awesome shape. There is NO cardio but trust me, you wont miss it on this one. Bootcamp is and advanced circuit workout that will challenge you at all levels.

From here I've added about 40 more titles that I love. I have never been sorry to have challenged myself, in the beginning, with the advanced Cathe workouts. They just helped my progress faster!:D

I used the Transfirmer for the first year of doing Cathe workouts. I wanted to spend my $$ on the workouts, not the equipment. Also, I used dumbells for about a year before getting a barbell. You will want to invest in these at some time but they make GREAT Christmas/Birthday gifts!

Welcome to Cathe World!:p

I too started working out with the Firm. I just switched over to Cathe last month and can already feel the difference. I started with Basic Step/Body Fusion and then went to Low Impact Step. From there I did Low Max and now I just bought the intensity series and body blast series. I just accomplished Step Blast and let me tell you... it's fun but tough!!!

The Firm was just too easy for me and I found myself making excuses to not workout anymore bcuz I wasn't challenged. Then Cathe entered my life and now I can't wait to get home to workout. My workout time is MY time and I've grown to cherish it!!

As for the gym membership, I just recently ended my membership. I was seeing better results from working out at home than I had from the gym. My only regret about cancelling my membership was my yoga classes. I really liked my instructor and being in a class is different than doing it at home, IMO.

It was hard for me to decide where to start with Cathe. I watched the videoclips 1000x it seemed just trying to decide. Ask yourself what type of workouts are you looking for? What are your fitness goals? May be that will help you narrow it down a bit. Good luck with deciding...it's tough!!
I vote for the hardcore series.
With modifications. Best of all worlds. Step(you can use the firm step)i did at 1st.Weights for total body and splits and Killer high and low cardio and core work.
Former Firmie here.
You don't want something too easy. I would rather modify something hard then to have to buy new. Something to workup to..
You will see a noticeable improvemet with Cathe . It is the next step up....
You will love it.

I second that. That's almost exactly what I did, only after basic step and body fusion I moved on to Cardio and weights. I found basic step and body fusion to be pretty comparable with the "transfimer" series, so it's really not at all a waste of money or time. Think of it as an investment in your future advanced fitness!:)

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