I'm a Cathe Newbie!

Fit Debbie

Hello everyone,

I am new to the Cathe workouts having discovered them on FitTV. I have been doing The FIRM since January 2003 and had some good results, but now I am ready to really kick up the intensity. I feel that I have hit a plateau and really want to shake things up. I would just like to lose about 5 lbs and gain more muscle definition. I have taped some of Cathe's FitTV workouts and tried them. All I can say is WOW!!! I love them! Cathe has a great personality, cues perfectly and the intensity is amazing. So, I made my first DVD purchase (Timesaver) and should be receiving it any day now. I am a SAHM to a 3 yr. old DD, so I do my workouts in the early morning. Didn't mean to be so wordy, but just wanted to say Hi!

:) :)
Welcome Debbie! I am a former Firmie too although a long time ago. I have done Cathe for somewhere around 10 years. She will definitely shake things up for you. I think it's great Cathe is now on FitTv, so many more people will find her....:)...Carole
Hey Debbie!!

We should make a little club here! I'm a Firmie too and just found Cathe on FitTV. I ordered my first Cathe DVD.... Timesaver!! We're thinking alike. Mine should be at my house tomorrow and I can't wait!!

And I totally agree, Cathe's cues are perfect and the intensity is amazing. It's nice to know there's a few others out there working at my level. I'm glad you stopped in the middle of your busy day to say hi. :D
Hi Tammy,

Yes, we should start a Firmie's club. You know me over at the Firm Believer's as Shaeleigh. You have come up with some great rotations for us in the past. I have noticed that Firm Nurse is here too. Well, I can't wait to receive Timesaver! I thought that I would give Cathe's workouts a try because of all that I have read about hers being the toughest out there and I was ready to be challenged. If you get your Timesaver first, let me know how you like it. :)

Hey Debbie, Hi Tammy!

I love my FIRMS but Cathe is what I do about 6 days per week! I have used the S&H series since March and now am doing a CTX with some of the Intensity Series workouts. Also, I did get the TimeSaver DVD but haven't tried that yet. I just got it a couple of days ago and I couldn't take a break from feeding my face to try it yet! }(

I so still work in FIRM workouts here and there. I really do enjoy them and like the new music from the BBS3. They are fun but nothing and NO ONE makes me sweat and sore like Cathe!

I now own as many Cathe videos and DVD's as Firms! I just haven't settled on a rotation. If you ever think of a good one using both , let me know! Welcome Debbie!

Over at the Firm I am jessbest too. I just started doing Cathe workouts after looking at her catalog for several months. I just got the Intensity Series last week and have been loving it. I hope I can finally shed these last few pounds...
I know I am also going to get hooked and need to buy some more of her workouts soon.

Jessica ;)
Hi there--I've never done the firm, but I can attest to the fact that Cathe is totally addictive. You won't be able to stop with Timesaver--just warning you}(

I'm also a crossover from the Firm days. I will say that I still love old school Firm (Dale Brabham kicks butt) but I'm not overly fond of the latest over produced material. I'm also a fan of Traci Long's FitPrime videos but I like Cathe best of them all. I like that I can use much lighter weights than she and still get a powerful workout. I also do jazzercise which I patricular like for cardio. I find it harder to stay motivated through cardio tapes at home (but love Calorie Killer with Dale Brabham) Then of course I do mountain hikes..I'm working on completing all 46 of the Adirondack high peaks.:)
I am a crossover from the Firm too. Still do the Firm on my lower intensity days but Cathe's cardio kicks butt and so do her weight videos and have been doing these almost exclusively for almost 8 months.
Yes!! I do know you. Very cool to find you over here.

And all the other firmie crossovers!! Something's very very good over here on cathe.com, that's for sure!

I spent last night watching the Timesaver DVD. Wow! It's so very cool. I did workout one and the pushups bout killed me. I've been doing pushups on my toes for months and Cathe brought me to my knees with the intensity. This is definatly a workout that I will be not outgrowing anytime soon.

Jackie, I'll work on something rotation-wise once I get some more Cathe workouts. And you know I'm going to! I've decided that I want the entire blast series, the intensity series, CTX, and several others. Well, let's face it, I want them all. Who wouldn't!!
Hey everybody,

I just received my Timesaver yesterday and was previewing it last night. I can see I will have alot of fun just doing these 5 workouts, let alone using the workout blender. What a great feature. I did workout #4 this morning (the one with alot of kickboxing.) I loved it. I will have to try workout #1, since you've already tried it, Tammy, and see how I do with the pushups. I'm so glad I've discovered Cathe, as I'm sure all of you are. I felt that I needed to challenge myself more and I don't think that will be a problem now. In fact, I've been doing more Cathe than FIRM lately (the Cathe's I've taped from FitTV). Have a great day everyone!

:) :)
Debbie, wait til you do number 5!!! Oh. My. God. Your legs will be limper than noodles. I got done doing it about 20 minutes ago and I still can't pull myself up out of this chair to walk up the stairs to shower.

The kickboxing is super fun!! I tivo'd Kick Punch Crunch from FitTv and it kicked me in the behind. I can't wait to buy the DVD and get the full version.
Thanks to everyone who recommended Timesaver for a first Cathe purchase. I love it so far! I've done workouts 4,1 and 5 so far. Tammy, you're right about workout 5. I did that one yesterday and today I am a little sore in the hip area. Yay! If I could lose another inch there I will be ecstatic! I've given some thought to cancelling my Firm membership. I really do like the club, but due to budget concerns, I may have to. The 9.95 a month adds up. I could use some of that money for more DVDs! I'm not sure I will do that yet, but we could put that money to good use.

Hi Debbie!! Welcome the world of Catheholic, LOL. Cathe does have a wonderful personality which makes the workout so much fun:).

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