<---waves GM to the OAL ladies
<---will be joining Shell in the HH as her tummy is very wonky this morning
<---wishes she could go home, but just got here!(work)
<---says on more exciting news though, her and DH have decided to take the plunge
<---adds that we are finally ready to make the commitment and know we are at the point in our lives where we will appreciate it the most
<---says that yes, you've probably guessed it - We're getting a POOL!!! What did you think <--- was talking about?
<---says we priced out a bunch of different pool places and then decided to just order a kit online and put it in ourselves for a fraction of the cost
<---hopes to get it in next weekend
<---thanks the snake babies for funding this purchase
<---says the OAL'ers are invited over for a margarita pool party as soon as we get it up
<---tosses a bottle of Excedrin migraine to Catherine
<---tells Suzanne that the first time she read her post, she thought she said she was sending tea and "pasties" to everyone!
<---still wishes she could take Beth's kickbox class
<---is lol at Prince being on the cover of AARP!
<---tells Nancy not to feel bad about Obamy - he's just a whipper snapper - it's not reflection on Nancy's age whatsoever
<---tells Lorie "Yeah for internet!!!"
<---is excited for Connie's family visit
<---tells her that buying girlie products is always fun
<---wonders if a "brown out" is a partial "black out" ?
<---hopes everyone has a marvelous Monday! (if that's possible)