RE: <--i''ll do what i want but i can't hide i won't go...
<-- wanders in half asleep, yawns Good Morning
<-- is unbelievably tarred
<-- feels quite kerfluffled about <--'s trip home tomorrow
<-- is astonished at the amount of extended family drama that <-- is about to enter x(
<-- feels overwhelmed by the negativity all caused by a groom's new stepmother and her pia daughter
<-- really wants to rise above her negative aura but is struggling
<-- needs an attitude adjustment and cup of coffee
<-- thinks will actually get a cup
<-- says yep, just checked mini-fridge and found the good creamer so that confirms <--'s cup of coffee
<-- will be in Memphis holding my favorite niece in 36 hours
<-- will focus on that happy thought
<-- apologizes for being so self-absorbed
<-- also hopes Lorie's stomach bug is very temporary
<-- would much rather be asleep too
<-- wishes Robin's DD a happy belated birthday
<-- wonders if DD went out drinking
<-- :7 at Amelia always feeling out of the OAL loop because <-- does too
<-- hopes Tuesday isn't as bad for Catherine as she's anticipating
<-- :7 at Nancy's 72 episodes of PMS
<-- hollers WHOOHOOOO, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL with Suzanne's kids
<-- thinks <-- forgot to tell OAL that <--'s STS pre-order is safe, at least for the next few weeks
<-- bbl