If you need a really good laugh

Those are really cute and funny!!!! I was CRACKING UP at the Mexican-Shrimp Orange Salad recipe card. I love the comment, "What the hell's in that bowl-- bong water?!" I nearly lost it at my desk!! I am 1/2 Mexican and I have never seen or heard of such a thing!!! Ha-Ha!!!

Here's the link to that card: http://www.poundy.com/wwcards/scaryorangesalad.html

Oh, my gosh! Thanks so much for the LAUGH!!! They are hilarious!!

I must have been pathetically comedically challenged because I could barely read from laugh/crying so hard. The worst part is I remember those cards from my childhood....

Love that "Convenience Fish"
Thank you for posting that!

Wah - ha - ha! thanks for the laughs. those poor people who were using ww in the 70's. how times change....and thankfully, so did the food!
All I can say is bless you for the week's worth of laughter from those WW cards! LOL

I was laughing so hard at work that I had to stop for a minute as not to disturb my neighbors in their own pods.


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