If you could thank Cathe...

Wow...I don't think I can add anything that hasn't been said already. I feel the same way everyone else here does.

Cathe, thank you for such top-notch workouts. You are the absolute very best of the best!

Cathe, thank you for being such a kind and thoughtful person. It really shows in your videos and especially here on the discussion boards. :D

I'm grateful to Cathe and her entire team for making such quality videos. They are better than anything out there on the Market today. No gimmicks, no BS, just straight-up quality. I appreciate that more than you guys know.
Their dedication to their custormers.
Cathe's awsome personality and talent as a fitness instructor.
And most importantly:
For creating awsome, kick-butt workouts that I enjoy so much and that keep me in tip-top shape. Cathe videos are sooooo fun! :)
I would thank her for being her and being so darn tough!! And so likeable and so giving and caring.. and for putting out such quality workouts.. thanks Cathe .. love ya

Cathe, You are "one in a million'! You have soo many exceptional qualities--Everyone here nailed how special, unique,dedicated and loyal you are! You are a true inspiration !Thank you for being YOU and for giving us a piece of you that makes us all a better person! Enjoy your holiday with your family! XOXO Your friend in fitness~~Francine
The main thing I would have to thank her for is her ability to keep me motivated. I was an on again/off again exerciser for quite some time until Cathe. Now, I can hardly stand to take a day off. She just clicks with me :)

I thank Cathe everyday as I workout to her! She has helped me gain so much self confidence and pride. I thank her for her outstanding routines and her wonderful cuing. She truly listens to her loyal fans and cares about what we think.I thank her for her passion for fitness and health and for sharing that passion with us. She such a terrific motivator.
Thank you Cathe, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!! Susan
Thank you Cathe

I thank God for placing you in our lives "for such a time as this..." ...and for the JOY you bring to my soul when I exercise with you. I actually pray that God will protect you and give you many more years of health and continuous activity for your family and ours.

Happy Thanksgiving...from one blessed home to another.

Take a break, "slurp" ;-) the coffee, be nice to yourself and others and enjoy your life...Runathon http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/coffee.gif[/img]
So much has already been said but my journey w/Cathe started in the year 1990 when I first did "MegaStepBlast". Its been an upward climb for all those years and what an enjoyable ride its been!! I sure do feel as if Cathe is an old friend and will be for many more years. THANK YOU CATHE for making us the very best that we can be. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Love, Kathy
Thanks for...

unintentionally changing my life in a non-fitness way.

Your workouts were the grease that created a great friendship with my best friend Wendy. You also allowed me to grow as a person through many fitness friends made on the internet..and yes, I'm blaming you for that;). You are truly a wonderful person and have brought many good people together.

As far as fitness thanks....You are the one to hold my interest in fitness and make me want to grow and get better, plain and simple...thank you:)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-02 AT 02:23AM (Est)[/font][p]Oh my, how truly touching. It is an honor to know that I have impacted your lives so deeply. Your inspiring words have moved me greatly and my watery eyes and mushy heart can't thank you enough. What a beautiful gift to receive for Thanksgiving.

I want to say thank you, Cathe for helping me win my "battle of the bulge". I've lost 65lbs doing your workouts ans still have approximatley 30 to go and it is mainly because your workouts are hard but fun! Just wnated to let you know how wonderful I feel and how I actually look forward to working out! I never thought I would say that! So thank you from the bottom of my heart....You are a fabulous instructor and I get alot of encouragement from you....thanks again Tracy
I want to say thank you, Cathe for helping me win my "battle of the bulge". I've lost 65lbs doing your workouts ans still have approximatley 30 to go and it is mainly because your workouts are hard but fun! Just wanted to let you know how wonderful I feel and how I actually look forward to working out! I never thought I would say that! So thank you from the bottom of my heart....You are a fabulous instructor and I get alot of encouragement from you....thanks again Tracy

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