Ice Cream

I bought some Edy's Thin Mint ice cream for my dad while he visited - it was also REALLY good! Of course I only had a spoon full though!;(
Edy's Slow-Churned is so unbelievably amazing and it is not high in cals or fat at all. They even have a cookie dough version for something like 150 cals....if memory serves. I don't treat myself often but when I do I reach for this stuff.
I just bought Dreyers slow churned sugar free (made with Splenda), its only 100 calories for 1/2 cup (who just eats 1/2 cup)??? Plus its low in fat too. Its so good that slow churned stuff!:9 I just eat a few spoonfuls when the "shugga bug" bites.}(

But Dave's ice cream sounds heavenly, those cookies are the best ever!}(
MMMMMM..... ice cream. I finished ours up about a week ago. The one thing I can't get with is low fat/low sugar/sugar free ice cream. I just buy a pint of the terribly bad for me stuff and eat a bit at a time. I normally eat it standing in front of the freezer with door hanging open. Never, ever plop on the couch with the pint :) I can normally get about 4 or 5 weeks out of a pint, not too bad. Not willing to bend on the ice cream goodness. But girl scout cookie ice cream? sounds scrumdiddlyumptious

>Edy's Slow-Churned is so unbelievably amazing and it is not
>high in cals or fat at all. They even have a cookie dough
>version for something like 150 cals....if memory serves. I
>don't treat myself often but when I do I reach for this stuff.

Same here, Kate! Our freezer is full of the stuff. The mint chip is my favorite!
No ice cream, but my dd's just started selling Girl Scout cookies y'day & I'm the *cookie mom* so let me know if anyone wants some! ;-)
Oooooooh, I didn't even know there was such a thing as Girl Scout Cookie flavors in ice cream..........

I can also recommend the Haggen Dazs Caramel Cone flavor.


My old buds Ben & Jerry seem to have slowed down the new flavor factory. I hope that changes.
Oooh, Ben and Jerry make one called "Phish Food" in a lighter version that is to die for!:9 So is the "Half-Baked". Oh sheesh, I want ice cream....
>I just bought Dreyers slow churned sugar free (made with
>Splenda), its only 100 calories for 1/2 cup (who just eats 1/2
>cup)??? Plus its low in fat too. Its so good that slow churned
>stuff!:9 I just eat a few spoonfuls when the "shugga bug"

tneah, be sure to stay with just a few spoonfuls. Otherwise, you will not feel good. That "no sugar added" stuff is really not digestible. Sorry to bring up this unpleasant topic here, but I can't help but warn people about that stuff. The Splenda is used just for flavoring, but it has a lot more sorbitol than Splenda.
:eek: Sorbitol??That horrid stuff that gives you the trots and gas? Oh sick. Guess I should have checked the label more closely. Thanks for the heads up Nancy!:) Guess I will stick to the lighter/real sugar version of Ben and Jerrys.;)
>:eek: Sorbitol??That horrid stuff that gives you the trots and
>gas? Oh sick. Guess I should have checked the label more
>closely. Thanks for the heads up Nancy!:) Guess I will stick
>to the lighter/real sugar version of Ben and Jerrys.;)

Yup, that's the stuff tneah. Why not try Dreyer's (called Edy's in the east) slow-churned low-fat with sugar? It's still low in fat and calories, and no sorbitol! :D :9 MUCH lower in calories than B&J light, too.
I am going to the grocers today to hunt down some Edy's! I have seen it here in the stores, I guess I was swayed by the Dreyers claim to be sugar free and lowfat, but will start checking labels for sure, sorbitol is the "devil" on the poor digestive tract!:)
tneah, Edy's and Dreyer's are the same brand, I think. Dreyer's in the west and Edy's in the east. Do you live in the middle?? ;)
Oh my! I just bought the Dryers ice cream guys! I got something called chocolate cherry chip--my DH loves those weird cherries, and the french silk flavor-sort of a mocha/chocolate flavored one, plus they had the frozen yogurt which has about the same fat and calories--1/2 cup is about 110-130 cal.and I think this is my new favorite. I got the carmel swirl one.

One of the stores I shop in carries the Edy's, one the Dryers, good to know they are the same brand. And so good its almost criminal.

>I just bought Dreyers slow churned sugar free (made with
>Splenda), its only 100 calories for 1/2 cup (who just eats 1/2
>cup)??? Plus its low in fat too. Its so good that slow churned
>stuff! I just eat a few spoonfuls when the "shugga bug"

>tneah, be sure to stay with just a few spoonfuls. Otherwise, you will not feel good. That "no sugar added" stuff is really >not digestible. Sorry to bring up this unpleasant topic here, but I can't help but warn people about that stuff. The >Splenda is used just for flavoring, but it has a lot more sorbitol than Splenda.


You seem to know a lot about diet and health. I am 15 and am just learning about different kinds of food, what's good for you and what you should avoid. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner/starter book that would be good for me to learn about these things? I am writing you while drinking Nestle Pure Life Orange Splash water, which contains Splenda! No wonder I feel like crap!

Thanks for any advice,


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