I really enjoy the LITE series, especially the Pyramid Pump DVD that has all of the bonus pyramid pumps from the entire set and a core workout and stretch on it. I would like to have a similar DVD for upper body strength assembled from the ICE series Muscle Meltdown bonuses. It would be great if it included a warm-up, stretch, & the core workouts from the series on it as well. I find myself constantly having to dig through my set for a specific bonus. Having them all together on one DVD would be more convenient. Plus, I could do them all in workout (without having to change DVDs in and out of my player) to do one upper body workout. I realize it would be over an hour long, but Cathe provides so much leg work in her workouts that I find that I don't have to add much of that. I like to spend some extra time every so often on focusing on my upper body. For those that think this type of DVD would be too long, you could always create some of those wonderful premixes that we love you for.