I went from 6" to 4" to 0" with


Imax 3. I've been doing Cathe's workouts since January and today was the first day I attempted this workout. I was wiped out after the 1st interval. I love Imax 2 and the original IMAX, but I don't know if I'll ever get this one down. I think it's just too high impact for me. I don't know if I even "want" to work at this one. Anyone else have a similar experience with this workout? Tomorrow will be my 50th birthday, and I'm really feeling my age today after attempting this one.
RE: I went from 6

This is one of my favorite Imax workouts. Don't give up. It does take some build up time simply because you have less cool down time between the intervals. Maybe you can pause it, march in place for an extra minute or so and start again. BTW I'm 50 also, so it can be done :)
RE: I went from 6

This one has a major dread factor for me as well. It just isn't very fun, is it?? I need some fun to go along with my agony! I will say, however, that it is fairly easy to modify to the point of comfort. I do use a 6 inch step, and I do well with that. As already stated, just set out to do the first few intervals and move on to another workout. Pretty soon you will be doing the entire thing.
RE: I went from 6

> I've been doing Cathe's workouts since January and
>today was the first day I attempted this workout. I was wiped
>out after the 1st interval. I love Imax 2 and the original
>IMAX, but I don't know if I'll ever get this one down. I
>think it's just too high impact for me. I don't know if I even
>"want" to work at this one. Anyone else have a similar
>experience with this workout?

I quickly decided I didn't like the combo of more-complex (or less-weel-cued?) cardio and super-high impact on this one. While I tried it with modifications (ie: NO jumping off the step---stepping off the step, and jumping onto the step), I decided to sell it to someone who would get better use out of it. I personally just don't see the need for THAT much impact (though I do like both Interval Max and IMAX2).

If you like the workout in general (except for excessive impact: the music, the flow, the energy), you might try modifying. The trickiest move to modify was the one where they jump the length of the step, then sideways, then some turn and a tuck jump and whatever else I'm forgetting. I actually worked up a doable substitute for it, that involved jumping up onto the step, then down and over-the-top and some other moves, but like I said, I didn't think it was worth the bother to me. (Though I did like watching Cathe and the crew do the moves!)

FYI: I just turned 50 in February, and my knees are feeling pretty good: I'd like to keep them that way for a long time....as long as I need them! The trick is to find the amount of impact that is beneficial (for bone health, etc.) and avoid excess, which is no longer beneficial.
RE: I went from 6

I tried this one a couple of times and twisted my ankle. I guess I'm too big a clutz. I would like to sell it and get Imax 2 (I only have a copy from FitTV), but I'm not sure where to do this. I feel this way about my Hardcore DVD too. I bought them when I first started with Cathe, but I just haven't used or liked them. I wish I could have tried them before purchasing. Oh well.
RE: I went from 6

It's so interesting how we all have different perceptions of the same workout. I'm not a huge fan of interval workouts but of all the IMAXs #3 is my favorite--I like the more complex choreography & I think the original IMAX (my least favorite) is MUCH higher impact than either 2 or 3--with all the power lunges, plyo moves, tuck jumps, etc. it is definitely #1 on the dread factor list for me.

There's really nothing wrong with lowering your step height or not using a step. It makes less difference than you might think when it comes to burning cals/fat. Just do what you feel is best for your body.
RE: I went from 6

One thing I like to do when I'm not feeling strong enough for the IMAX's is to combine IMAX2 and IMAX3. I'll set IMAX 3 on the 'step only' premix and cue up interval 1 on IMAX 2. I'll alternate them like:

IMAX3: warmup and step segment 1, then skip to I2
IMAX2: step segment 1 and blast, then skip to I3
Keep repeating until after blast 6 or 7 on I2 and finish out the last 3 step intervals from I3. It usually clocks in around 65 mins total.

Doing it this way gives you more recovery time while still getting those blasts in there. You can also reverse it, starting with I2 (step portion only) then moving on to I3 with step interval + blasts. This way, I can still enjoy the IMAXes but with a little less intensity.

Carolyn :)
RE: I went from 6

I am also struggling with this workout! I am doing the pre-mixes 1-5 one day and 6-10 another day until I feel comfortable enough to put it all together. This method worked for me when I was trying to learn IMAX 2 and now I love that one:)
RE: I went from 6

Don't you give up!!! I logged on here this morning (2:45am, Columbus OH time) specifically to tell everyone that I just finished OHMYGOD3 for this (my third) time and I got about 70% of the choreography and about... 75% of the jumps. The last time, I thought I'd cry because I wasn't getting anything. Also, my heart, for whatever reason beat wildly out of control and I was utterly winded the first two times... I was dreading trying again but look what happened. I am so totally jazzed I can't hardly stand myself. A lot of people here will remember trying to cheer me up when I posted how down I was because I just couldn't get it. God bless 'em, I'm getting it now. I was very worried about my knees but, fortunately, I really listened every time Cathe said "soft knees" and "don't stress the joints." Some of us need CONSTANT reminders of what NOT to do, I guess.

Please believe me, I've made radical leaps ("leaps"... ha ha ha... I'm cracking my own self up) on this routine. If the Queen of Uncoordination can get through IMAX 3 with a fair amount of success I doubt there's anyone who can't. Someone posted on here several days ago that IMAX 3 is her baromoter as to how far she's come and that she might never completely get it but that she get's more every time and that's how she judges her overall improvement (paraphrasing). Three tries and I totally understand her point. Tell you what: I liked this so much tonight I think I'm going to wish I was doing this on LowMax day!

One caveat: I recently took a 7-day break from exercise altogether (advice from a fitness book) because I was just... burnt out. It REALLY helped. I've come back with renewed energy and amazing mental focus. I advise this for anyone who knows they need it but is afraid it will have the opposite effect. I felt much sharper tonight and just kept thinking 'I can't believe how much easier this is to follow now.' But even if you don't take a break from exercise try not doing this routine again for a while. You may be surprised at how much more you can do on the next go 'round (maybe view it, carefully, while sitting on the sofa, to catch the finer points that are easy to miss when you're huffing & puffing and trying so hard). At any rate, do NOT give up :)
RE: I went from 6

What's ironic is that I recently posted how I took a week off from working out because I too was feeling burnt out.....that's why I was so upset about IMAX 3, I thought that after my week off and working out for a few days prior to trying it, I'd be okay. I will give this another "go" one day.....it wasn't so much the choreography that tripped me up (ha ha), I was pretty much able to follow it....it was all that jumping...from the floor to the step! I think if I keep this is my rotation, I will need to modify, I like jumping around....but I don't like jumping from the floor to the step so much. THere was just too many repetitions that I thought were "dangerous"
RE: I went from 6

OMG! You are turning 50?? I just looked at your avatar and girl, you don't look a day over 30! I hope I look as good as you when I hit 50 :)
RE: I went from 6

You should be very proud of yourself for even trying IMAX 3. I've only previewed it.


Live like you were dying.

RE: I went from 6

Thank you so much. Just came back from celebrating.....what's funny is that my last name is Strong......so I love your screen name.
RE: I went from 6

>What's ironic is that I recently posted how I took a week off
>from working out because I too was feeling burnt
>out.....that's why I was so upset about IMAX 3, I thought that
>after my week off and working out for a few days prior to
>trying it, I'd be okay. I will give this another "go" one
>day.....it wasn't so much the choreography that tripped me up
>(ha ha), I was pretty much able to follow it....it was all
>that jumping...from the floor to the step! I think if I keep
>this is my rotation, I will need to modify, I like jumping
>around....but I don't like jumping from the floor to the step
>so much. THere was just too many repetitions that I thought
>were "dangerous"

I'm 46 and have bad knees so I hear you. I was thinking after I posted early this morning that it would be interesting to see how my knees FEEL after a little time. It's been nearly 24 hours and I'm still pain free so maybe all the strength training is helping? All I know is my first try at IMAX 3 was a nightmare. I couldn't get the choreography and just attempting a few jumps on the 6" step was a disaster. The second time was much better and this last time, dropping down to the 4" step... my jumps weren't pretty but I got my feet off the floor much of the time. Unless I suddenly feel serious pain, I'm going to keep at it. I think you should, too. There's something soul-killing about telling yourself "I can't." Can't do any of it? I'll bet you can do some. So do some. Next time, do some more... All while continuing to do other workouts you CAN do so your confidence isn't completely annialhated and you continue to progress. I'm just figuring this out myself so I understand how you feel. Eventually, I'll hit all the jumps on a 6" step. Meanwhile, I just keep plugging away. Just remember, nobody's watching and nobody's judging; nobody but you.
RE: I went from 6

I personally use it only for the step-only premix. I get so bored so fast, that I have to keep an arsenal of different step routines to keep my interest.
RE: I went from 6

I'm 37 and Imax 3 is my favorite of the three Imax's. I like the fact that is has some beyond basic choreography. Once you get it down, it will be a ton of fun. The original Imax is a killer but it bores me to tears now that I've been spoiled by Imax 3. I really, really like Imax 2 also. I don't find the impact to be too much more than the other Imax's and it's easy to modify the impact when needed. There is no workout that everyone is going to like so if you don't like it, try trading it on VF. I bet it would go fast and you may get to try another workout or instructor that you haven't tried before. Good luck!
RE: I went from 6

Uh, first let me just say that, well, I hate you!! Okay, now that my fit of jealousy over how absolutely FABULOUS you look is over, I'll just say Happy Birthday and you go, Paula!!!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Now, going off to purchase all the IMAXs!!!
RE: I went from 6


I'm also relatively new to Imax 3. I love the original Imax and Imax 2, but Imax 3 is a killer. I've just attempted it yet again and failed miserably. The first blast with the repeater tap pattern and the side jumps kill me. The step combos aren't too difficult.

However the longer I leave this one on the shelf the more determined I am to do it. Its a bit like a personal challenge to me. I've decided I'm going to approach it in two ways either do the first 5 intervals and blasts first, or learn the intervals completely first.

I'm determined not to let it beat me. Like Cathe says 'embrace the challenger, don't fear it.'

May I say you look fantastic for 50, I wouldn't have thought you were over 35. Have a wonderful birthday.

RE: I went from 6

I can't speak to the original question because I don't do ANY of the Imaxes, but I just have to agree that you look fantastic -- I, too, would have guessed you are in your 30s. Obviously, whatever you are doing is workin' for ya, and you don't need high impact! Happy belated!

[font face="garamond" font color=deeppink size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George

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