I think Im going to throw up....


more about Caylee Anthony. Just watching the news, saying that there was duct tape around her mouth,from one end of hair to the other.:( I could cry just sitting here! Who could do that to a sweet little child! What a monster...and there is no doubt in my mind that her mother did it.
Dont forget the heart shaped sticker on that duck tape.... makes me sick.... and yea - the mom did it for sure.... I could never imagine.... :(:(
I have not been keeping up with that story. The last I knew was that she was positively identified. Any evidence found to confirm what we all suspect to be true - Mommy did it?
just my humble opinion - be gentle!! ;)

I have not been keeping up with that story. The last I knew was that she was positively identified. Any evidence found to confirm what we all suspect to be true - Mommy did it?

I have had this arguement with my bf for months about this case. He is certain that Casey did it. While the evidence points to that fact, I am not convinced. I am sure people are going to lambast me about this but here it goes...

Unless they can positively connect the body to Casey Anthony, I don't see how they can convict her. All of the evidence is very circumstantial. I haven't watched the story in a while so maybe they can connect Casey to the body.

Yes, Casey went out and partied after her daughter went missing - a sign that she is a young and dumb girl, but not necessarily a murder. She has not exactly has a model upbringing herself. We draw our parentling skills from the experience of our own childhoods. Why do you think we all say at one point "omg, I've turned into my mother/father."

Yes, there was evidence on the computer about looking up info related to the murder, but can they prove it was actually Casey doing the research or was it someone else?
Yes, they found the duct tape in the Anthony household, but does that prove that Casey did it or did someone else actually do this?
Yes, they found evidence of death in her car, but does that prove she actually killed Caylee and put her in the car?

If I were a juror, I would want proof positive evidence before I convict someone to life in prison. Are there fingermarks on the body - hair, dna - anything that would connect Casey to the girl, the bag, the duct tape, etc.

What if it was the grandmother? Or a lover? Or someone else close to the family?

You never know...

There has bee such a media circus around this case thanks to Nancy Grace and her friends. There is no way that Casey will get a fair trial. This is not how the justice system is supposed to work. As much as we hate it, the laws do protect the guilty at times. However, they also protect the innocent and that is more important.
I am sure people are going to lambast me about this but here it goes...

No lambasting here. You have every right to your opinion.

I admit I don't watch any news really. So any info I get is from other people or the internet. It doesn't look good for the mother and you are right, it doesn't seem she will get a fair trial w/all the media surrounding this story. At least we know the little Caylee is at peace now where no one can harm her again.
I agree, everyone as the right to their opinion and innocent until proven guilty ,right?

The two things that stick out in my mind is:

1) The fact that she didn't report her missing. And whenever her Grandmother asked to talk to her, Casey always made up in excuse...and this was when she was missing. Not to mention that this so-called-nanny doesn't exsist?

2) The whole partying fact as well...something isn't right there. It takes more then a young,dumb girl to be partying when her child is missing, when God only knows whats happening to her.

I was young when I had my daughter (17) , I was a good mother but I still wanted to live the life of a 17 yr old. No matter how dumb I was back then, I wouldn't have been dumb enough to party if DD was kidnapped. Thats not dumb...thats heartless.

I agree, everyone as the right to their opinion and innocent until proven guilty ,right?

The two things that stick out in my mind is:

1) The fact that she didn't report her missing. And whenever her Grandmother asked to talk to her, Casey always made up in excuse...and this was when she was missing. Not to mention that this so-called-nanny doesn't exsist?

2) The whole partying fact as well...something isn't right there. It takes more then a young,dumb girl to be partying when her child is missing, when God only knows whats happening to her.

I was young when I had my daughter (17) , I was a good mother but I still wanted to live the life of a 17 yr old. No matter how dumb I was back then, I wouldn't have been dumb enough to party if DD was kidnapped. Thats not dumb...thats heartless.


Good point. I also think what's up with all the lies she told to investigators. Why would she need to lie about everything knowing her kid is missing..I would think you would tell the truth and try to get to the bottom of where she is. Why send the investigators on a wild goose chase..
Also, why would she investigate this herself? Does she have the expertise? Wouldn't you think any mother would pick up that phone and call right away to report this..Wouldn't any mother be a basket case in this situation even for a minute..Though she waited 30 days....
I agree everyone is innocent until proven guilty but her story just seems VERY off to me.
The proof may come down to what the CSI agents found.

I think that if she had a decomposing body, which leaked DNA fluid within her car and this DNA belongs to the little girl then that is proof of murder in the 2nd degree. Or if there is Casey DNA, or fingerprint on the ducktape that is also proof.

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