Yesterday was "a steady state 45 minute run" from Cathe's February rotation.
So I did a 45 minute steady state run. Since I haven't run in ages, I went very slow. If I did a 13 minute mile, I think I would be overestimating my speed - LOL! I also ran on the grass next to the asphalt path most of the way.
Well, late yesterday and this morning I am a bit ouchy in the right hip, like a 1 on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is excruciating pain and one is just "oops, that didn't feel right". I'm fine right now, though - no pain. I'm not limping or anything, but I can tell there's a bit of "stickiness" in the joint when I walk, if that makes sense.
I did take and Advil yesterday but not today.
So today's workout is BodyMax1 ! Yikes! I'm wondering if I should do yoga instead, or since I'm not in pain if I should I go after the BMax1. I think I already know the answer to the question, but I am certainly interested in opinions from the educated crowd!
Thanks for reading!
Susan L.G.
So I did a 45 minute steady state run. Since I haven't run in ages, I went very slow. If I did a 13 minute mile, I think I would be overestimating my speed - LOL! I also ran on the grass next to the asphalt path most of the way.
Well, late yesterday and this morning I am a bit ouchy in the right hip, like a 1 on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is excruciating pain and one is just "oops, that didn't feel right". I'm fine right now, though - no pain. I'm not limping or anything, but I can tell there's a bit of "stickiness" in the joint when I walk, if that makes sense.
I did take and Advil yesterday but not today.
So today's workout is BodyMax1 ! Yikes! I'm wondering if I should do yoga instead, or since I'm not in pain if I should I go after the BMax1. I think I already know the answer to the question, but I am certainly interested in opinions from the educated crowd!
Thanks for reading!
Susan L.G.